Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 39: City Lord

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Ma Yuan paused, glanced around the crowd, and then continued to say: "Dare to let me wait for him, I think he is really alive."

There was a voice outside the door: "Heren dare to be so mad, is it impatient? Now that I'm here, I want to see how I live enough."

The voice was getting closer and closer, and as soon as the voice fell, one person walked into the Yixuan Pavilion, followed by a group of people wearing Jinyi jade robe.

At this time, everyone in the **** team saluted and called the "City Lord"

The city master yelled, waved his hand, and continued to say, "Well? What can you do?"

After talking to Ma Yuan, Ma Yuan also stared at him.

At that moment, the lord of the city screamed, "No, why didn't I first come to see who he is? From the breath of his body, he doesn't see how to deal with it."

The breath of a superior in the body was actually stronger than himself, and the murderousness of the whole body proved that this person killed many people.

The city owner looked into the Yixuan Pavilion, his eyes narrowed. Except for the Wang's housekeeper, he didn't have any live mouths. This person shot, and there were no live mouths under his hands. It was really difficult to deal with.

He gave the Wang steward a fierce glance, meaning that you actually caused me trouble, and didn't look at who they were.

The city master also knows that this matter is not easy to deal with. He comes in and speaks eloquently, and it is not a person who can bear the swallow as much as Ma Yuan does.

This matter is really not easy to handle, but the city owner thought for a long time and there is no one solution.

At this time, Ma Yuan spoke, and Ma Yuan snorted, saying, "Just you? Are you the city lord?"

Even if the master of the city knew that Ma Yuan was not easy to deal with, he could not weaken his momentum. After all, he was the master of a city, and he was concerned about the face of the people of a city. He could not express fear.

Then he smiled indifferently: "Well, I am the city master, is there anything wrong?"

Ma Yuan was shocked to see this city lord talking like this. This city lord was different from what he thought. How did it feel like a little counseling? Wasn't it awesome when he first came in, how could he counsel him now? And he seemed to lose his breath when he listened.

Ma Yuan took a deep look at the city master, and then even said, "What's the matter? Go ask the one called Wang Guanjia."

The city owner glanced at Ma Yuan, and then walked to Wang Guan's house and asked, "What's going on?"

The housekeeper Wang looked at Ma Yuan and didn't dare to speak. He pointed his finger at Ma Yuan and then at his own mouth, meaning he wouldn't let me speak.

The lord looked at Ma Yuan and asked, "Will this son, what's going on?"

Ma Yuansui even said: "Wang Guanjia, you tell him, don't bother me."

After listening to it, Wang Guanjia was relieved, because even if the city master was here, he was afraid that the city master could not protect himself, and was beheaded by Ma Yuan. Ma Yuan let him speak before he dared to speak.

Wang Guanjia then told the city master of everything that had happened before. He didn't dare to add a little bit of oil and vinegar. After all, there was Ma Yuan, the murderer, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense, fearing that Ma Yuan would kill himself with a sword.

After listening to what Wang Guanjia said, the city master said, "May I ask the name of this son.?"

Ma Yuan glanced at the city owner, and then said, "My surname is Ma. As for the name, you are not qualified to know."

After hearing this, the city master was angry, but there were a few simple ones who could become the city master. He controlled his emotions well.

Annoyed in his heart, he said with a smile on his face: "Which son Ma, is it an adult in the court? Or a person from the six major schools?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he shook his head and said, "You don't need to inquire about my identity anymore. I can tell you that I'm not from the court, nor from the six schools, but just a small group of people. I want to start as soon as possible. I don’t have much time to come and discuss my identity with you. Hurry up. I’m going to sleep afterwards. I have to hurry tomorrow."

After Ma Yuan finished speaking, he yawned, looking very sleepy.

But after hearing Ma Yuan's words, the city lord was relieved, not from the court, nor from the six major schools. Then what am I afraid of, even if his martial arts are at a high point, but it can't hold up to me.

He is only one person, and I have a hundred thousand soldiers and horses across the city, I do not believe he can get out.

Of course, it is better to probe him with words. If it is not necessary, it is better not to do it. After all, it is not so good to offend a master. If you kill it, you will definitely choose an opportunity to assassinate yourself.

After thinking about it, the master said, "Ma Gongzi, is it a bit unsuitable for you to do this? How can Wang Guanjia manage the clerk is his business, has nothing to do with you?"

Ma Yuan nodded and said, "Well, it has nothing to do with me, but because I was fined, I will take care of it."

The city lord could not bear it anymore. This surname Ma repeatedly challenged him again and again. This is him. If he changed another city lord, he would have rushed up.

In fact, the character of the city owner is quite similar to that of the captain of the guard. The captain of the guard and the captain of the city are both as careful as possible, so as to avoid offending some of the things he can't afford.

Of course, now he can't help it anymore, and even said with a cold voice: "Ma Gongzi, you're a bit too domineering, isn't it good?"

Ma Yuan smiled coldly, and then said, "I'm overbearing. What can you do? I'm overbearing. Come and kill me."

Seeing Ma Yuan being so arrogant, the city owner was a bit confused at the moment. This Ma Yuan was so arrogant, there must be some basis. He must dig out his dependence before he can start to see who he is.

Then he said: "My city's main palace has stood in Yuecheng for so many years, relying on morals to serve people, how can you do it casually."

After speaking, the city master laughed twice.

The crowd watching in Yixuan Pavilion and the crowd heard from outside the door were a little dazed, and they all sneered in their hearts. This city master can really make trouble, and serve people with virtue?

Why don't we know? With whom did you persuade others? Why don't we know? This lord is really a joke, we can see it, the lord is really funny! ! !

This is usually not the case. Seeing who provokes yourself, it is a fat beating, and there is no place to avenge the grievance after the fight. Even the Yamen wears a pair of pants with the city master. . The next day was the street of corpses.

And everyone knows what the city's main government did at this time, all of them were too angry to speak. ,, ..

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