Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 40: Admit

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Everyone smiled silently, and some even laughed out loud.

Hearing the laughter, the city owner turned and looked at it, glaring at the person who made the laughter, and said in a cold voice, "What are you laughing? Is it enough to live? Why? Isn't the city owner right?

The person who laughed did not dare to answer, or to continue to watch the excitement, and turned away.

Seeing that the man was gone, the city lord did not speak, and even looked at Ma Yuan.

When Ma Yuan saw the city owner looking at himself, he said, "You see what I am doing, or you will give me the map, and the clerk will give it to me, or you will do it, I am really tired, I want Go back to sleep."

After Ma Yuan finished speaking, he gave a breath, meaning I was really sleepy, you see it.

At this moment, after hearing Ma Yuan’s words, the city lord was silent. He didn’t know how to deal with this matter. To speak, Ma Yuan was obviously not afraid of so many people. Give it to him, he can't afford to lose that face.

The lord of the city was so entangled that he didn't know what to do, so he rushed back to the captain of the **** and whispered, "What do you say, what do you say?"

The captain of the **** gave a stunned glance to the lord, and said: "You are not sure of your own idea, let me make an idea, and then something happened must have pushed me out, really I am a fool."

The captain of the **** even said, "The city lord, you are the city lord, we all support you. You can do what you say, and your subordinates can't provide you with a trick."

After speaking with a pityful expression, the city owner gave the captain of the **** a deep look. He was silent. The captain of the **** was also an elite. It was quite difficult for him to want him to take a back.

What can I do? Suddenly his eyes lit up. Isn't Yixuange still a housekeeper? Ask him, there are pits for him to carry.

Then he walked in front of Wang Guanjia and whispered: "Wang Guanjia, what do you think? How do you deal with him? What do you say? After all, you are the master of Yi Xuan Pavilion, and this matter is also due to you, you handle it. ."

Wang Guanjia looked at the city lord with an ugly face, and then said, "Why? Does your city lord's house want to control me?"

When the lord's face changed, he wanted to ignore it, but this Yixuan Pavilion had shops in every city in the country. Even a small lord, he couldn't afford this kind of influence.

And this kind of force, although it is said that the force is not very good, but there are some masters at their headquarters, these are elders, and the most powerful of Yi Xuan Pavilion is not the force, but the financial force.

It can be said that Yi Xuan Pavilion can be rich and enemies. You know, everyone in the world can't resist the temptation of money. How many people can resist the temptation of money?

Yixuan Pavilion ordered, saying that whoever is rewarded, that person must take off his skin even if he didn't die, and don't want to stay in someone's place in the future, as long as you see someone, then run quickly.

The Ma principle does not know this. You must know that there is no such force in the Yi Tian Tu Long Ji. Of course, even if you know it, Ma Yuan will not be afraid. What can you do with a reward? Come one dead one.

The lord of the city took a deep look at Ma Yuan, and then whispered, "How is it possible, my lord's palace and Yixuan Pavilion are in a cooperative relationship, how can it be ignored, but this young man may not be low in martial arts, even if I transfer Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, it’s okay if he doesn’t run away, but as long as he runs away, I’m afraid no one can stop it. What should I do?”

Wang Guanjia thought for a while and then said: "Then you will delay the time for a while, I have already passed the pigeons to the headquarters, the headquarters will send people over, and now the annex city, all should be rushing to Yuecheng quickly, The headquarter also wanted to see who it was. He dared to be so bold and made trouble in Yixuan Pavilion. He also sent five elders. As long as he came, I thought he should not be able to escape."

After hearing this, the city master was pleased with his heart, but he was able to handle this matter, and all he had to do was to delay the time, just waiting for the arrival of the Yixuange headquarters. At that time, even if the young man had the greatest ability, Can't run anymore.

The city master thought for a while, and time whispered, "Wang Guanjia, look at us to admit him first, apologize to him, and then wait for the headquarter to arrive. We are solving him. What do you think?"

Wang Guanjia's face is ugly. He really doesn't want to apologize, but there is no way out, but the situation is stronger than people. It seems that he can only do what the city master said.

Butler Wang even said, "Then we apologize to him, what should he do when he leaves the city?"

The city master didn't think about it, and even said, "It's okay, you can rest assured, I will invite people to watch him. If he wants to go out of the city, I will know the first time, and I will lead the soldiers to surround him. ."

Wang Guanjia thought about it, and felt very reliable, but nodded.

Then he said, "Then go, when I need to speak, I will speak."

The lord nodded and walked towards Mayuan.

Ma principle does not know what the two of them are talking about, because he is about to fall asleep, he did not care about the two of them, he found a chair in Yixuan Pavilion, and even took a nap.

The city owner said at this moment: "Ma, son, we will hand over the shop assistant and the map to you. We are wrong. I hope you have a large number of adults. Forgive us."

Ma Yuan was awakened by the lord of the city, and he asked dimly: "What did you say? I didn't hear it, just fell asleep? Did I hear it wrong?"

The lord is very sure, this guy must have heard it before, just pretend here.

But there is no way. Anyway, I have already said it once, and it is not bad.

The lord then said, "I said, Master Ma, we will give you the shop clerk and the map. We are wrong. I hope you have a large number of adults. Forgive us once, OK?"

Ma Yuan actually didn’t hear it. At that time, he heard it a little, and he was a little stunned. Then he asked, "Did your head burn out? I killed so many of you. You just did it. ? You guys are too counseling? Really boring."

All the people watching around listened to Ma Yuan's words, one by one stunned, what is this kid doing? The lord of a city, come to whisper and apologize to you. If you don’t hear it, just let the lord say it again.

But what do you say? Said the head of the city master burned out? Said the lord is too counseling? Not interesting yet? What is interesting?

Is your head burned out? Someone came to sum up with you, but what if you haven't killed enough? ,, ..

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