Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 80: Competing

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After Ma Yuan heard it, he was speechless immediately, and then he said, "We are so tired these days, I sleep so deeply, I really don't know what's going on."

After hearing Xin Mudie, she thought about it, and she felt very tired.

Over the past few days, the two of them were tired. They only slept for three hours a day. The rest of the time was hurrying. I can imagine how tired they should be.

Xin Mudie thought about it. Then he said, "Well, I won't pursue it today, but this matter is not over."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he smiled helplessly and then said, "Well, my elder lady, hurry up, a lot of people are waiting for me."

The two then got up, sorted out the meters, and walked toward the hall.

After the two arrived at the hall, they saw thousands of people standing in the hall, and the people could not help but be surprised. They did not expect that Mingjiao had so many high-levels.

Ma Yuan lay in Xin Mudie's ear and whispered: "Mudie, you have to find a place to sit and wait for something, we have something to say."

Xin Mudie glanced at Ma Yuan without answering, but just nodded, and found a place to sit down.

After Ma Yuan saw Xin Mudie gone, he was on his own. Ma Yuan stood next to the leader and whispered, "Please sit down."

Although Ma Yuan's voice was not loud, it was guaranteed that everyone in the hall could hear it, because he poured the internal force into the sound. Fortunately, the internal force he poured was not much, otherwise, with his deep internal force, I am afraid In the hall, some people will die, most of them will be injured, and only a few will resist his voice.

Ma Yuan saw that everyone was sitting down, and then he was sitting down. Ma Yuan glanced around the crowd and then said, "Yang Zuoshen, this seat will ask you, I will teach you this time. how many people?"

After Yang Xiao heard it, he stood up and said, without hesitation, "The Archbishop, this time, the deputy host of each resident came to a total of 1,327 people, the deputy hall on the top of the light. Lord, a total of sixty-five people, the lord of the light on the top, a total of twelve people came, and a total of five people came to the flag, the four major guardians of the Ming religion, only the blue-winged bat king, and the white-browed eagle king, The rest of the two people were unable to contact each other. The light was around and the two were all there. My senior teachers of the Ming Dynasty had a total of 1,345 people. There were 1,343 people coming, except for two guardianship methods. Wang is no longer, the remaining people, one is not bad, all come."

After listening to Ma Yuan, he nodded and said, "Okay, yes, I teach the congregation. How many people are there now?"

After listening to it, Yang Xiao thought for a while and then said, "I teach the congregation of the Ming Dynasty. Counting the two forces that the leader has conquered, there are currently more than 1.8 million congregations."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he was shocked for a while. Although he saw so many people in the hall, he knew that there might be more than one million Mingjiao people, but he did not think about it. Two million people.

This was inconceivable by Ma Yuan, which also shocked him.

Ma Yuan calmed down and said, "Okay, then I'm asking you, Yang Zuoshi, I don't know if we have more than 1.8 million people, how is our fighting strength?"

After listening to it, Yang Xiao couldn't help thinking for a moment, and then even said, "Master, our more than 1.8 million people, fighting ordinary officers and soldiers, four million is no problem, and there will not be many casualties."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he couldn't help but smiled and nodded his head in satisfaction. Then he said, "Okay, Yang Zuo, please sit back first. Today I'm calling everyone to discuss a major event with everyone. ."

After listening to the following Mingjiao people, they could not help but talk about it, Ma Yuan saw it, and then said, "Let's be quiet, listen to me."

Ma Yuan glanced around the crowd. When everyone heard what Ma Yuan said, they all looked at Ma Yuan. When everyone looked at Ma Yuan, they all felt that his majestic glance seemed to be glaring at himself.

Everyone couldn't help but feel terrified, they bowed their heads and stopped speaking.

After seeing Ma Yuan, he was very satisfied with this effect, and even said, "Everyone listens to me, it's not that I won't let you speak, but that it's not time to wait. After I finish talking, you can talk about whatever you want. ."

After listening, everyone shouted: "May I listen to the teachings of the Lord."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he nodded and said, "Okay, then I will talk about the things I have called to discuss with you. The first point is that I am a member of the Persian religion. I think everyone will Should you know?"

After listening, everyone nodded. They all belonged to the top level in Mingjiao. Some news, they are also qualified to know. They don’t want to teach the following people.

When Ma Yuan saw everyone nodding, they knew they all knew it, and then he continued to say, "The second point, the Archbishop of Persia, is gradually declining, and now it is no longer the middle of the Ming Dynasty. The third point, I think it’s time for Mingjiao to recruit more people."

The following people, after listening, were all unknown, so one by one, all looked at Ma Yuan in doubt.

After seeing this, Ma Yuan was not angry, and he even said, “I’m going to give you a little bit of puzzlement. First, there’s nothing to say. I’m just telling everyone that our identity is just a parting But the second point is that the Persian Archbishop is not as good as before. I’m afraid that he will meet with me, and I’m going to take back my Mingjiao. This is something we will never allow. Of course, how to say, my Mingjiao is also a If you don’t have the care of the Persian Archbishop in the beginning, I will not have such a big influence, and we will not, and we will not revenge, just need to guard against them. The third point, why do I say to beckon a little? What about manpower? That’s because my Mingjiao has been in Middle-earth for more than 40 years. I think we, too, are the time to compete!"

After Ma Yuan finished speaking, the following people were shocked and frightened. However, everyone stunned Ma Yuan's majesty and dared not talk about it. He could not help but grew his mouth and looked at Ma Yuan.

When Ma Yuan saw this, he smiled, and even said, "You guys, if you want to talk, just talk, if you want to ask what this seat is, just ask."

After everyone listened, they all talked endlessly. At this time, one person stood up and asked Ma Yuan: "Master, how many manpower do we have to recruit, is there an upper limit?"

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