Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 81: discuss

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After Ma Yuan heard it, he even told everyone he had thought about it, saying: "No, you can recruit people at will, but it must be done in secret, it is best not to let people know, and it must be reliable, and, My plan is that we have only three years, and everyone has only one year to recruit people, one year to train combat power, and another year to go on a direct journey."

That was the deputy host, and after hearing it, he said, "Yes, the leader."

After listening to it, Ma Yuan thought for a while and then said, "Yang Zuo Shi, I still have a task to hand over to you. That is, our current equipment is too rudimentary, and you need to pay more attention. , I don’t teach you to wear robes now, you are responsible for building armor, but one thing, we don’t want that heavy armor, we only wear robes, but you want to build this robes, better than armor, defense, And it should not be too heavy, otherwise it will affect our combat effectiveness."

After Yang Xiao heard it, he looked embarrassed, looked at Ma Yuan, and then even said, "Master, this is probably a little difficult."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he even said, "Nonsense, if there is no difficulty, I will give you what to do? Without difficulty, I can give it to anyone and handle it."

After listening to it, Yang Xiao also knew that this errand might only fall on his head, and it was still a chore. He was looking for a founder and materials, but it was really not easy.

But this was the task Ma Yuan gave him. He had to do it. He could only say daringly: "Yes, the leader, his subordinates must do it."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he nodded and said, "Yang Zuo Shi, in fact, this is not difficult. The Mingjiao people listen to the order, you, all help Zuo Yang Zuo, Yang Zuo En have any requirements, you must be I can do it with all my strength.

The crowd responded in a hurry, Yang Xiao saw this, and then even said: "Thank you, Master, so I am confident that within two years, I will build enough robes and armor."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he nodded with satisfaction, and even said, "Okay, since the armor was given to Yang Zuo, then the weapon should be given to Fan You En!"

After listening to it, Fan Youshen thought about it, and then said, "I don't know, does the leader have any requirements for weapons?"

After listening to it, Ma Yuan thought for a while and then said, "My request is that the weapons in the government house should you know?"

After listening to it, Fan Youshi didn't think about it, but replied: "Yes, Master."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he nodded and said, "Well, my request is that it must be sharper than the weapons in the government mansion. Within ten moves, they must cut off their weapons. You Can it be done?"

After Fan Youshi heard it, he was also stunned. The craftsman who built the weapon and the materials were not simple. Fan Youshi also secretly complained.

Fan Youshen, after thinking about it, even said, "Master, this difficulty does not have to be as small as Yang Zuoshen's! It's not that simple."

Ma Yuan listened to Oh Hu, smiled slightly, and then even said, "Of course, this can be manifested. Do you have the ability to illuminate the right and wrong, and you can also use the brothers in the teaching like Yang Zuoshen, Ladies and gentlemen, you must be the same as Yang Zuo and Fan You, you must do your best, you know?"

After listening, the crowd replied: "I will do my best to ask the Lord to rest assured."

After listening to it, Ma Yuan nodded and said, "Okay, brothers, Fan Youshi, what do you think?"

Fan Youshi looked at Ma Yuan and Yang Xiao, and said: "Although this matter is difficult, if you don't agree, wouldn't it be compared by Yang Xiao, then all the brothers will definitely Say me Fan Yao, otherwise Yang Xiao, it seems that it can only be agreed."

After Fan Youshi thought, he even said, "The leader, his subordinates guarantee to complete the task, and ask the leader to rest assured."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he laughed and said, "If you want to do something with Fan You, I will be assured. You can do it boldly. If you have anything you can't do, you can come to me."

Fan Youshi nodded after listening, and then even said, "Thank you, Master."

After listening to it, Ma Yuan waved his hand and glanced at everyone, but he lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

A moment later, Ma Yuan raised his head, glanced at the crowd, and even said, "You can recruit people casually, but you must have at least 10,000 people. You have tens of thousands of people. I don't care, but at least the least. There are 10,000 people, who must be reliable. I don’t want to let the spies enter my Mingjiao, and they must be secretly recruited. I can’t let outsiders know. Even the brothers under my Mingjiao, I can’t let them know now. The things I talk about today are only you. Can you know that no one other than you knows, take care of your mouth, drink less wine, don't talk about wine, just say it, have you heard it?"

Ma Yuan's eyes were full of majesty, and he glanced at everyone. When they heard Ma Yuan talking, they all looked at Ma Yuan. Look at Ma Yuan again.

Everyone lowered their heads and replied: "Carefully follow the teachings."

Ma Yuan thought for a while and then said, "Well, let's raise a glass together, for our future, moment, cheers!"

He just stood up, and everyone also stood up one after another, raised his glass, and shouted, "Cheers."

After Ma Yuan and everyone had a glass of wine, they even said, "Well, everybody eats and drinks as much as they can, and they get drunk."

After Ma Yuan and everyone had a few glasses of wine together, they said, "Brothers, I have been rushing all the way in the past few days. I haven't had a good rest yet, so I will take a rest first. I'm here to give the big guy I am guilty.

After Ma Yuan finished speaking, he gave it a sip, and then everyone shouted loudly, "Master, go rest, we can do it ourselves."

After everyone finished, it was also a glass of wine that went directly to the stomach.

After seeing Ma Yuan, he even said, "Okay, brothers, then I'll go back to my room and rest. Don't blame everyone."

After hearing it, everyone answered one after another. After Ma Yuan heard it, he went straight away. Then, he gave Xin Mudie a glance.

Xin Mudie got up and walked out of the hall with Ma Yuan. ,, ..

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