Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 120: Night Exploration Pagoda

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"Then how do we save them?" Yang Xiao asked after he figured it out.

"Now we don't know what is in the pagoda, then we can only check it first to see what is in the pagoda, and whether the people of the six major factions are locked, and I will be me in a while Go check it out for yourself, you two are waiting for me at the inn." Ma Yuan said to the two of them right,

"Brother, how can that be, in case you are found, we will follow, there is also a care, don't you feel relieved to go by yourself." Zhang Wuji worried about Ma Yuan's safety, but disagreed.

"It's okay, listen to me, don't you know my martial arts, if I want to go, who can stop me?" Ma Yuan said, Ma Yuan actually wanted to avoid the two, after all, there are some things they two I still don’t know.

Zhang Wuji and Yang Xiao looked at each other, knowing that Ma Yuan’s intentions had been decided, and they could not dissuade them, but they could only say, "Brother, be careful."

Ma Yuan nodded and said, "OK, then you two go back to the room first, I have something to do."

The person no doubt had him, but nodded and returned to their own room. After the two left, Ma Yuan changed the nightwear he wore and put on his own white robe.

He was going to see Zhao Min. How could he wear a night suit, which would damage his image so much, so Ma Yuan replaced the night suit.

After Ma Yuan changed his clothes, he rushed to Wan'an Temple again. Ma Yuan doesn't know where Zhao Min is now, so there is no way. He can only go to the pagoda to see who the six factions are detained on.

But Ma Yuan stood on the spot and looked at the 13th-story pagoda, but he didn't know how to go up. The 13th-story pagoda has only one exit, and there must be someone guarding the stairs on each floor, even if he has great martial arts, but You can't directly hit it.

Suddenly, Ma Yuan's eyes lit up, and he saw a window on each floor. As long as he used light skills and used his hand on the pagoda, he would definitely be able to go there.

Ma Yuan thought that it was the start, and when he looked around, when he saw nobody, he used a gecko to swim the wall directly under the pagoda, and used both hands and feet to build up on the pagoda. In a few moments, Ma Yuan reached tenth. Three floors.

Ma Yuan looked out of the window on the thirteenth floor and saw that there was a big cage with only three people in it, but he was wearing Shaolin Temple. Ma Yuan knew that he was a monk in Shaolin Temple.

But Ma Yuan couldn't help but secretly wonder, why are these few people, shouldn't there be hundreds of them? There are thousands of people in Shaolin Temple besieging Ming religion.

Ma Yuan shook his head, but he didn't think about it again. The probe looked inside and saw that there were two people drinking, Ma Yuan moved. .

He took out the broken silver on his body, took out two pieces, and gave it a flick, which was on the sleeping point of the two. Ma Yuan saw the two fell asleep.

It jumped from the pagoda to the thirteenth floor of the pagoda. With a contemptuous smile towards them, they looked at the three men in the iron cage.

The three monks in the iron cage were also awakened by the sound of Ma Yuan jumping in. When they looked around, they saw Ma Yuan.

A white-bearded monk recognized Ma Yuan first, and then even said, "Are you, Ma Yuan, the leader of Mingjiao?"

"It's me. Are you imprisoned here? What about the rest of you in Shaolin Temple?" Ma Yuan saw someone recognize that he didn't cover up, but he generously admitted. The person who spoke to Ma Yuan was Shaolin Temple's. Abbot.

"Everyone is dead, there are only three of us, and now I am Shaolin Temple in name only. I am the abbot, and the first of the commandment school, and the first of the Luohan Church. They killed all the people they thought were not important. Dead!" The abbot of Shaolin Temple replied Ma Yuandao. He was talking with his tears in his eyes. Shaolin Temple was the hard work of his life. Even if he was a monk, he would inevitably cry for the people who died in Shaolin Temple.

However, after Ma Yuan heard it, he was shocked at the sudden reaction, but what did he say? All killed? How many important people are left? Kill all the unimportant people? But how is this possible.

Obviously it shouldn't be. Ma Yuan thought about this segment of his memory. There should be hundreds of people in each school, but now only three people survive? Did someone go to a place to say goodbye?

"What are you talking about? Are they detained somewhere else?" Ma Yuan asked with some disbelief.

"Oh, that's okay, they killed all of my people in Shaolin Temple in the face of the three of us. Can this be wrong?" The abbot of Shaolin Temple smiled sadly, if the three of them were not for someone. Save them, they will not survive.

And the three of them are alive, not for themselves. The three of them are alive, but they just want someone to rescue them and go to preach again.

How can the inheritance of the Shaolin Temple for hundreds of years be interrupted in the hands of the three of them? If they are interrupted in their hands, then what other faces can they meet to see the sages of the Shaolin Temple?

After Ma Yuan heard it, he was silent. He knew that now there was only three of them in a large Shaolin Temple. Suddenly, Ma Yuan thought of one person.

That is the sweeping monk. In terms of the sweeping monk's internal strength, I'm afraid he won't be arrested. However, after the sweeping monk and him stood on that day, the injuries weren't too light.

"Where are the sweepers of Shaolin Temple? Is it that he is also dead?" Ma Yuan asked the question in his heart.

The three looked at each other, and the abbot of Shaolin Temple said, "Master Ma, after we went down the mountain that day, a sudden flood rushed over and all of us were washed away, but I vaguely saw it, as if Uncle Shi climbed up the hill and was not washed away by the flood, and I didn’t know the rest."

After listening to Ma Yuan, he sighed. He knew that as long as the floor-cleaning monk was not caught, everything was easy to handle. He really didn't want a master to be killed.

But Ma Yuan thought about it carefully, but he knew it. I am afraid that the Sweeping Monk had found a place to heal himself. The damage of the Esau Sweeping Monk at that time, even if the people who saw the Shaolin Temple were washed away by the flood, and then the people in the court If you get caught, you can't save people.

Therefore, I should have gone to find the ground to heal myself. Now the sweeping monk should be almost in good condition. Maybe it is now in this capital. ,, ..

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