Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 121: Wudang crowd

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Waiting for the opportunity to think of a way to save everyone, Ma Yuan shook his head, but no longer thought, looked at the three, and asked, "You are here, did they ask you to do anything?"

"He asked us to silently write about Shaolin Temple's stern school. Of course we refused. They just said that we should first shut us here and wait for time to come and deal with us." The abbot of Shaolin Temple shook his head and said.

"That being the case, I won't save you out first. Do you know the people of the six factions are on that floor?" Ma Yuan asked.

"I don't know. After we were locked in here, we hadn't seen anyone else. We didn't even know that the other factions were caught." The abbot of Shaolin Temple said.

"Well, since you don't know, then I will go to see them all on that floor. After I have checked them one by one, I will go back to discuss the plan to rescue you." Ma Yuan nodded and said so .

"Thank you, Master Ma, you are just going to check, Master Ma, we will not divulge what you have been here!" said the abbot of Shaolin Temple.

Ma Yuan nodded, but continued to look outside the pagoda from the window. Ma Yuan looked carefully.

Half an hour later, Ma Yuan knew what was happening. Starting from the monks in Shaolin Temple held on the thirteenth floor, every other floor, there was a group of people being held in custody. There are only a few people, and the floor between them.

But there are twenty or thirty people in each floor. It should be to prevent people from mixing into the pagoda to rescue the people of the six major schools. On the seventh floor, Ma Yuan found the Wudang people.

Ma Yuan looked into the window from the window and saw that there were only two guards on the floor. One was sleeping on the table while the other was sitting drowsy and yawning. .

Ma Yuan quietly entered the seventh floor. Walking quietly behind the sleepy man, a knife was cut on his neck. The man suddenly fainted. Ma Yuan held his head by hand and slowly placed it on the table Going on, he was afraid that this man would wake up another person as soon as he arrived.

After Ma Yuan ordered the sleeping point of the person who was sleeping, he was relieved and went to the iron cage, where he was in charge of five people, namely Song Yuanqiao, Yu Lianzhou, Zhang Songxi, Mo Shenggu and Song Qingshu.

Ma Yuan frowned and looked at the five people. Now the five people are sleeping. Because Ma Yuan's movements are silent, the five people don't even know that someone is coming.

In fact, Ma Yuan frowned, mainly looking at Song Qingshu. Song Qingshu must be a traitor in the future, but he didn't have to think about it, but Ma Yuan didn't know when Song Qingshu had rebelled.

I don’t know if I should save him. Ma Yuan didn’t even think about it. He just used a small piece of broken silver to click on Song Qingshu’s sleeping point. People know.

After Ma Yuan pointed Song Qingshu to the sleeping point, he reached out and knocked on the iron prison, and a short burst of voice came out. The four people in the prison were also awakened by the sound.

"I haven't seen you in a long time, some Wudang heroes." Ma Yuan saw several people woke up and said first.

The four people who awakened saw Ma Yuan for a while, and were a little surprised. Song Yuanqiao first said, "Master Ma, why are you here? Did you come to save us?"

"No, I came to see what happened, see if there is a chance to save you, but I can't save you now." Ma Yuan shook his head, but said so.

"Qingshu, why are you still asleep, waking up, waking up, brother, what's wrong with you looking at the Qingshu?" This is what the Wudang Xia, Yu Lianzhou said.

Song Yuanqiao, when he heard Yu Lianzhou say this, was also eager for Aiko. He quickly went to check it, but it was stopped by Ma Yuan.

"Song Daxia, you don't have to worry about it first, because I ordered his sleepy point. I want to ask you something, it's not easy for him to know." Ma Yuan said with a smile and Song Yuanqiao.

"What? You ask?" Song Yuanqiao asked with some doubts. The other three people around Song Qingshu also came forward to hear what Ma Yuan wanted to ask and avoid Song Qingshu.

"Well, Song Qingshu was called out by a woman alone?" Ma Yuan asked.

"Well, he was called out by a woman, and more than once, what's wrong?" Song Yuanqiao heard Ma Yuan asking this question and couldn't help but wonder.

The other three on the side looked at Ma Yuan in doubt.

"Oh, it looks right." Ma Yuan nodded.

"Nothing is wrong, we were also called out by the woman, only to ask for my cheats from Wudang Mountain. We didn't give him and he didn't torture us." Song Yuanqiao said.

"I'm right, it means that Song Qingshu had rebelled, and he must have turned to the court." Ma Yuan chose to say it now, that's because he didn't want Mo Shenggu, one of Wudang's seven heroes, to die in Song Qingshu For his men only, since Ma Yuan could make him avoid the tragedy, he would not let it happen.

After listening to Song Yuanqiao, of course, he refused to believe and mocked: "Master Ma, you come to slander me, what is your intention, it is better to say it, do not engage in those useless things."

"No, Song Daxia, I said that he betrayed, but there is a basis. Think about it yourself, how many times have you been called out by that woman? And how many times has he been called out?" It was useless to shake his head, he said.

"None of us was called out twice by the demon girl, blue book, seems to have five times." Song Yuanqiao said, his face suddenly changed, he also felt abnormal, why they were only called out twice And Song Qingshu was called out five times? Song Yuanqiao couldn't believe his son would betray him.

"That's right, so Song Qingshu must be a mutiny." Ma Yuan said so.

"It's impossible, I won't be mutiny, and do you take this as a basis? It certainly won't lead me to believe it." Song Yuanqiao looked at him with a look of disbelief.

Ma Yuan shook his head, and then even said, "Since you don't believe, then you will solve his cave, ask yourself, you must pretend to know everything, and come up and ask him why he betrayed. ."

After listening to Song Yuanqiao's face, his face changed again and again, and he still didn't want common sense, but the three people on the side were more sensible. Zhang Songxi said: "Brother, you need to be sensible, we can try it. In case it is not true, We can ask Master Ma to apologize. If it is true, we, we..." Zhang Songxi couldn't say anything. ,, ..

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