Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 139: Fraudulent goblin

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Seeing Afu's reaction, Ma Yuan suddenly realized that something seemed wrong.

"Is there anything wrong with that elf?"

Ma Yuan asked Afu, seeming to want to know what Afu was worried about.

"That's not an elf, it's a goblin."

Afu said seriously.

"Different from elves, it is basically a product of mischief. If you meet them, you should be able to see Liehua's expression wrong."

Afu said so to Ma Yuan.

"That idiot, wouldn't he give himself some protection at this time?"

Ma Yuan scolded subconsciously.

This sentence made Zero realize that the situation was not right. It was different from Ma Yuan who was thinking about the solution. Zero immediately took a step forward and directly caught Liehua.

Fiery flowers and zero.

This is the favorite pair of people in these stories in the original world of Ma Yuan. Because of this, the feelings of the two of them began to slowly appear.

"You wake up."

zero yelled.


Liehua looked at zero, but did not respond at all to who he was facing.

Her heart has been mastered by this fraudulent goblin.

He even looked back at the green goblin and asked again a word.

"How long will it take to go out?"

How long will it take to go out.

This is what Lihua wants to know the most. After the goblin told Liehua that it could take her to a place where she could leave, Liehua didn't know how long she had followed the goblin.

In addition to instinctively leaving some traces for Ma Yuan to discover her existence, all ideas are looking at the fairy.

Ma Yuan brandished his writing brush, and immediately followed the long line to grab the "goblin" in front of Ma Yuan.

After Ma Yuan understands it, you can know that this technique is not something you can solve. The magic started because of the goblin can only be released by the goblin.

For example now.

Only this annoying goblin can rescue Liehua from being lost.

"This is something that can't be helped. I didn't do anything, just to help this lady leave the woods."

The fraudulent goblin looked at Ma Yuan and shrugged.

"Know that in this world, if you stay in the woods for too long, you will become part of the woods."

There is nothing wrong with this fraudulent fairy.

Ma Yuan looked at Afu, and Afu's expression affirmed this.

However, the only problem is that even Ma Yuan can know that any lie is based on reality.

So as long as reality is taken as the basis, then even if other lies are used, it probably won't be discovered.

Ma Yuan can know the other party's thoughts.

However, what really went wrong was the fact that the other party said that they could take Liehua away from here.

To be honest, you can know with your knees.

The most important thing about this fraudulent goblin is the deception of leaving this place.

Yes, it deceived Liehua and made Liehua mistakenly think that as long as he followed it, he could leave this place.

Now this is the only problem in Liehua's eyes and in his mind.

"Well, I personally have no way to unlock her magic, because this is your inherent ability."

Ma Yuan looked at the goblin and said.

Since fairies can speak human language, communication seems to be impossible.

"So say, me."

Ma Yuan said with a smile.

"Abilities are a lot more troublesome than spells. If there is no way to do it in a short time, I don't mind long-term research, but if you can help, is it better?"

Ma Yuan smiled at the fraudulent goblin.

There was a moment in his words. The goblin did not believe it, but only for a moment.

For this world, there will always be some creatures with a fixed ability, and this fixed ability should basically only be used by oneself.

But at this time, the goblin knew that Ma Yuan could also be used.

It just takes a little time.

"It would be better if you were willing to help, but if it didn't work, I wouldn't beg you. After all, it was you who changed my companion like this, so I can only discourage you."

When Ma Yuan said this, zero suddenly felt cold in the back.

He knew that Ma Yuan was an informal person.

Especially on some issues, doing things is also a bit extreme.

But in this case, zero is still not thought of.

Threatening people like this, zero has never done it again, and will not think about doing it.

As a Lord of the Rings who exists to protect the world, of course, he will not care too much about this kind of detail, or even think about this behavior.

But Ma Yuan is different.

"I know it. I know it. I just untie it."

The goblin cannot completely know whether Ma Yuan can release his ability from Liehua, but Ma Yuan can solve this by himself, there is no doubt about it.

The goblin quickly asked Ma Yuan for mercy, almost crying to solve the magic tricks on Liehua.

Resolved Liehua's eyes regained their brilliance, it seems that there is still a little bit who can't understand why he is here, or what happened.

Zero will hold the fiery flower, it is normal for a person who just came out of the controlled situation to take a little time to adapt to the environment.

Ma Yuan didn't want to say anything.

Just the words of this fairy...

Ma Yuan looked at the goblin with a smile on his face, and then squeezed the brush in his hand.

The words on the brush shined and covered the goblin directly. At the beginning, Ma Yuan used a technique that could kill any creature here, and Ma Yuan did indeed do it in the end.

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