Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 140: First encounter

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Seeing Ma Yuan doing this, Zero and Liehua were a little surprised.

The main surprise is zero.

When Ma Yuan threatened this fairy, Zero always thought that Ma Yuan would let this fairy go.

If the goblin let go of the fiery flowers.

But what I didn't expect was that after the goblin had let go of the fiery flowers, Ma Yuan still killed the goblin.

"I thought……"

Ma Yuan didn't wait for Zero to finish speaking, and interrupted Zero's words.

"You don't think I will let go of this fairy?"

Ma Yuan asked.

"Impossible, this goblin is a goblin that makes a living by deception, so I just lied to her."

When Ma Yuan said so, zero felt that it was also a satire. People who hurt others because of deception were deceived and died.

"And, if we aren't cruel, there is probably no way to find a way out."

Ma Yuan said while looking around.

The Lord of the Rings like Zero may not be able to detect it.

But for Ma Yuan and Lie Hua, as a Lord of the Rings Master is probably perceivable.

That is what happened in these four weeks.

Can these four weeks be very good?

Because around this, there are some other creatures.

Some creatures that belong to this world are not simply elves and goblins, they may even be spirit beasts.

They didn't know if they were lost in the woods, or they existed in the woods, but they surprised Ma Yuan.

These goblins and spirit beasts seem to be looking at themselves as if they are asking why they want to do these things, and what they plan to do.

There may even be plans to eat Ma Yuan and Zero.

If they were suddenly attacked by these creatures in their territory, even Ma Yuan could not feel that they could solve these creatures in a short time.

But if it is a spirit beast, their fur is a very good material for the Lord of the Rings.

Ma Yuan wanted it, but it is not now, nor is it particularly wanted to have.

When Ma Yuan was thinking this way, soon Afu seemed to be aware of what it was like to leave a destination and flew in a certain direction.

For the words of the Horas, one sentence is true.

That is, in the lost forest, it is not possible to go directly.

You can go out only at a certain point.

Only then can we make the door to open the way out.

What Ma Yuan needs to do is to find the gate and then open the gate.

And Ma Yuan did.

Soon, Ma Yuan saw it in the front, as if there was a building.

Said to be a building, it is actually made of various trees intertwined, and it is a kind of thing that belongs to the house of trees. In this thing, it makes the original species of the horse feel the existence of the door.

Is this the door?

Ma Yuan took a step forward while thinking so.

And it was this step that made Ma Yuan feel a great pressure.

Yes, spiritual pressure. ’

If Ma Yuan is to find a vocabulary, he can only use this vocabulary to describe what he just felt.

It seems to be a terrible thing, directly pressing on your body.

And this pressure is definitely an existence that Ma Yuan can't understand.

Like a huge person, he gave himself a powerful blow.

It made Ma Yuan very uncomfortable. It also made Ma Yuan twelve points incomprehensible.

Ma Yuan could not understand the existence of this matter.

He didn't think he should be overwhelmed by this kind of spirit, and when Zero saw Ma Yuan froze, he stepped forward and seemed to want to see what Ma Yuan was.

But it is only one step away.

Zero immediately felt the pressure that Ma Yuan felt.

"Don't come over!"

The other party is very powerful.

Zero got the same answer as Ma Yuan in an instant.

Then for Zero, of course, he hurriedly told Liehua about it, and expelled Liehua close to here.

You can't let Liehua come.

At least one person needs to stay in a safe place.

However, it is too late.

Even if Liehua didn't come, but it seemed that the other party had already felt their existence, and Lingya immediately swept to Liehua's body.

"Sorry Ma Yuan."

At this time, Afu stayed on Ma Yuan's shoulder. Because of the strong spiritual pressure, even the elf had no ability to fly, only Zhe could press on Ma Yuan.

"It's okay, it's not your fault."

"I can clearly feel that there should be a door here, or that there is a place that can be connected with two worlds, but I did not expect that there will be such a strong presence here."

Afu said so.

Ma Yuan smiled slightly.

Indeed this existence is very powerful.

It's just that she's a little bit incapable of controlling herself and is scared by the other's hero.

But it's just a little bit.

This is entirely because Ma Yuan didn't even think that there would be such a powerful existence in this world, so there was no precaution at all.

But now that I know there is such a powerful existence.

Even if you feel the pressure of the other party directly.

Ma Yuan knew what he should do in an instant.

Ma Yuan immediately stood up.

He shook his body, seeming to shake off the other party's spirit, and then looked at Afu on his shoulder.

"I'll check it out and come back."

Ma Yuan threw Afu into the hands of zero, and then walked into the house made of branches

While walking into this "house", Ma Yuan suddenly realized that he seemed to have entered a terrible place.

Because there is something in this, it is not an extraordinary person.

But there is a female Hora.

Hora, a very beautiful woman, even if her whole body is in a non-human state, she can still advertise her beauty to the world and appear in front of Ma Yuan.

A name immediately appeared in Ma Yuan's mind.


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