Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 147: Quick battle

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Ma Yuan was nervous when he heard Ping Yang's words.

Although it was a little troublesome to deal with Pingyang, it was more than enough.

However, zero is different.

zero They are not necessarily opponents of Yimei at all.

That is, when he is dealing with Pingyang, he can't simply use the power of the Lord of the Rings Master. In this world of Lord of the Rings Master, Pingyang and Yimei are definitely the top Lord of the Rings Masters.

Whether the two of them are together or not, they are both a thorny existence.

Not to mention that Yimei is now bursting out. In fact, it cannot be regarded as a complete Lord of the Rings.

To be precise is not a complete human being.

It’s not a human being, it’s just the same as the one that makes people feel disturbed.

After all, it is not a human setting. Generally speaking, it should not exist in the world of the Lord of the Rings. Once it appears, it can only be a villain like the last boss.

For example, the current Yimei.

Since it is a villain like Boss, Ma Yuan has no reason to let zero and Liehua fight against Yimei.

Ma Yuan did not believe in the abilities of zero and Liehua. On the contrary, he just believed in Yimei's ability.

After all, he is already very difficult to deal with Pingyang, but the other party is still a half-holaic existence.

I'm afraid it's not toxic.

Ma Yuan thought carefully, the shuriken in his hand flew out directly.

Seeing Ma Yuan's shuriken fly out, Ping Yang quickly faced Ma Yuan's attack.

Only with this attack, Ping Yang can never dodge.

Because it is a very simple problem, if it is dodge Ma Yuan's shuriken, then his own spell is very likely to be unable to resist Ma Yuan's attack.

This is the limitation of surgery.

In the face of direct attacks, the limitations of the technique are also reflected.

They can't directly catch the attack of the Lord of the Ring Knight's Soul Steel, let alone the props attached to the Knight's armor.

But one thing is certain, if you pick it up yourself, you can do it.

And those spells attached to this field can quickly attack Ma Yuan directly.

It's simply a multi-purpose act.

And Ping Yang is also happy.

Ping Yang’s technique once again attacked Ma Yuan. After Ma Yuan froze for a moment, he turned to meet these techniques. He drew a circle of his brush in the air, making various characters entangled in his own. physically.

These words radiated to the surroundings, and soon attacked Ping Yang's body directly.

Ping Yang shook, and then fell down.

These magical horses had spent a lot of energy, not to mention that he also used Afu's power when using it.

Afu by Ma Yuan's side is like injecting his elf's power into Ma Yuan's attack together, injecting his own power.

Ma Yuan's ability plus Afu's power immediately attacked Ping Yang in the past, without any hesitation.

After accepting such an attack, Ping Yang, of course, fell directly down.

Without any hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Yuan began to think about whether he should give the opponent a fatal blow.

After all, as a Lord of the Rings, there are many resources in the body.

If you don't give the opponent a fatal blow, Ma Yuan can still do other things, such as extracting all the energy and energy from her body.

It's not without this technique.

To be honest, some of the magic techniques of the Lord of the Rings, even Ma Yuan, looked a bit scary, not only for Hora, but also for humans.

This made Ma always think that the Lord of the Rings was not just a newspaper.

Although it has helped humans avoid Hora’s attacks and life threats, in fact, they are the one who cares most. Whether they are for Hora or humans, they are concerned.

Care about life, care about death, care about everything.

Therefore, there are various elements in the magic of the Lord of the Rings, whether it is good or bad, and it is aimed at Hora or humans.

But Ma Yuan really liked this.

At least if calculated, it will not suffer.

As long as you don't suffer, you can do it.

As long as there is no loss, Ma Yuan can borrow the combat power of the Lord of the Rings to solve the opponent.

The text of Ma Yuan's body began to fly towards the other party. This time, Ma Yuan did not use offensive spells, but used softer spells.

Although it is a relatively soft technique, in fact, it is only Ma Yuan’s response to the trap techniques around him in order to avoid being attacked by those aggressive techniques.

These traps, as if they already know what Ma Yuan is going to do, and have some kind of artificial intelligence, they will be launched when Ma Yuan attacks Ping Yang.

Then Ma Yuan directly wrapped the whole person in this spell.

In this way, you can avoid your skills being seen through those traps, which leads to your attack being blocked.

Of course, this technique can also directly control the actions of the other party, and it can also be regarded as a double benefit.

The next second, all of Ma Yuan's offensive techniques were thrown at Ping Yang again.

Ping Yang, who has no way to dodge, can only accept attacks.

But Ma Yuan was also uncomfortable. His attack brought Ping Yang's enchantment back, and his entire body instantly received a huge magic attack from the demon world.

The muscles and bones of the whole body are like being recast again.

Even Ma Yuan quickly wrapped his body with words, but perhaps because the other party was really prepared, so even if the winding and defense of the text is perfect, there is no way to completely block it. Disturb each other's attacks.

Ma Yuan's body quickly withstood multiple spell attacks.

Of course, this can't defeat Ma Yuan. After taking the attack, he immediately began to heal himself.

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