Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 148: Hurry up

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There are not many healing techniques in the Lord of the Rings.

After all, for the Lord of the Rings and Lord of the Rings, they don’t really encounter the need for treatment, they usually fight directly to the end, so they are more concerned about their combat power than treatment. Promote.

Because of this, the healing techniques of the Lord of the Rings Masters are actually very few, but even if they are few, it does not mean that they are not.

Ma Yuan used some of the healing techniques he knew to treat his injuries, and Afu also helped.

Natural creatures are still very powerful in nature.

Afu's help made Ma Yuan's injury recover quickly.

Immediately afterwards, he hurried to zero's house.

At this time in Zero's home, Zero and Liehua faced Yimei and began to get nervous.

Because Yimei's expression became very distorted.

As if something was suddenly sensed, then her body began to change shape.

If she said that she was only a half-hola at the beginning, and it did not belong to Hola, then the current Yimei can basically be regarded as a Hola.

Hora like the last female boss they often face.

It’s just not that huge.

This makes zero stunned.

What happened is that Imei, who thought he could still maintain human form, human thought, and human existence, exploded so suddenly.

Immediately zero and Liehua will know.

It must be the situation on Ma Yuan's side.

Now that Ma Yuan knew that Yimei and Pingyang were not their own people, they fought. I am afraid that Ma Yuan has already killed Ping Yang.

The Lord of the Rings Master and Lord of the Rings cannot kill humans.

This is a commandment for the Lord of the Rings Master and Lord of the Rings from small to large.

It is zero himself. When facing the situation of having to kill before, he made a lot of determination to achieve this.

But Ma Yuan actually did it in a short time at this time?

It's just a pity that after Ping Yang was killed, it instead led to the violent runaway of Yimei, which directly caused Zero and Liehua to fall into a troublesome position.

Very troublesome.

It's like someone added a buff to their monster. And this buff, zero and Liehua don't know if it can be solved.

Forget it, it's also necessary to get on the scalp.

At this time, zero was directly dressed in armor.

To know the other party, it is no longer human.

Not the Lord of the Rings.

It was just a hora.

It can even be said to be a variant of Hora, and as long as it is known, it is enough.

Zero already has a reason to fight.

Zero's silver belt armor was immediately worn on the body, and Imi saw that Zero was wearing armor, and of course rushed directly towards Zero.

For Yimei, Ping Yang's death is definitely a terrible bad news.

She lives with her sister.

Even after her death, only her sister would treat her well, and protect and revive it again.

But now, there is nothing, Yimei has no sister, and no one who can resurrect himself.

There are only those who have killed their own sisters, and who they have to fight against are here.

For Yimei, all the meaning of oneself is to talk about zero and strong flower killing.

At least Izanami must be protected.

And revenge for her sister.

Yimei's hatred burned to zero immediately.

Zero took two steps back, and after fighting against Yimei for a while, he found that he was not Yimei's opponent at all.

Yimei's ability is really too strong.

This kind of power is like being able to crush yourself directly.

Even as a silver tooth knight equal to the gold knight, Zero has begun to worry a little about whether he can defeat Yimei alone.

It was at this time that Zero heard a voice.

"Give way--"

That was Ma Yuan's voice.

But it came from a high place, and the very loud sound made Zero subconsciously step back a few steps.

At this time, Liehua also hurried to a safe place, and the horse armor wearing gold armor fell to the ground directly from the sky the next second.

"Wow, now it seems that you are completely resurrected with a part of Izanami's body."

Ma Yuan looked at Yi Mei and said.

What he can think of at this time is that the reason why Yimei is called Yimei is probably because he is related to Yixianmei.

Otherwise, why does the name look so similar?

Ma Yuan had seen Izanami before. When he was lost in the forest, he saw Izanami almost sleeping.

Ix Namei's sleeping state is very beautiful.

It is a kind of beauty, like a **** who can bring death, so Ma Yuan has no way to remove his eyes.

The current appearance of Yimei is the same as that of the reduced version of Yixianmei, except that she still maintains the ecology of Yimei.

"Yes, if you want to be resurrected and not become Hora, you must accept a part of Hora."

Yimei looked at Ma Yuan and said.

"If you become a part of Hora, you can borrow Hora's power, but you will not be possessed by Hora, because Hora has its own body, and their thoughts will stay on their own body."

It is not difficult for Yimei to say this.

But Yimei looked at Ma Yuan at this time, as if he wanted to swallow the horse.

"Hello, did you solve her sister?"

asked zero.

Ma Yuan nodded, he did not intend to deny this.

After all, he really killed people.

If you give this matter to others to do it, it is probably that Ping Yang will be sanctioned and then handed over to the elders.

But Ma Yuan would not do this.

This is not because of Ma Yuan's cold blood, but because the situation at that time did not allow Ma Yuan to do so.

At that time, Ping Yang was too powerful. As a famous Lord of the Rings, Ping Yang's precision and strength must make Ma Yuan go all out.

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