Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 167: debugging

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Now that Liehua has broken through the calm, the three of them have no meaning in the playground.

Especially zero and fiery flowers.

I don't know why Ma Yuan was so attached to the playground.

But what they know is that now that Liehua’s bottleneck has been broken, they have no reason to stay in this amusement park.

Zero also agreed with Ma Yuan to see the training ground.

Zero directly brought Ma Yuan and Lie Hua to the dojo where Zero had taken Ma Yuan before.

The reason why Liehua had to pass together was because she was very interested in Ma Yuan's mount.

After all, the mount of the Lord of the Rings only has those fixed conditions.

Like the number of Lord of the Rings.

There are very few people who can make the armor of the Lord of the Rings, let alone mounts, which are naturally rare.

The genius Lord of the Rings, Ma Yuan, not only created a new armor for the Lord of the Ring Knight, but also directly created the mount.

Although it is said that it is to fulfill his long-cherished wish to become a Lord of the Rings.

But the training and qualifications required for a Lord of the Rings to become a Lord of the Rings Knights are very high. However, no matter how high, he cannot make new armor and mounts to become a brand new knight.

After Ma Yuan made the gold armor—that is, the world’s second gold armor, and the world’s second gold knight—the Liehua knew that Ma Yuan really had the ability to make it. In a gold mount.

The only question is what kind of mount it is.

This is what Liehua is curious about.

Since it is such a curiosity, when Ma Yuan said that he was going to experiment his mount with Zero, Liehua certainly wanted to join in the fun.

After all, it is the person who helps himself to break through the bottleneck.

The mount he made was, of course, one of the most curious things in Liehua.

"Got it, let's go together."

Zero said this and took Ma Yuan and Lie Hua together to his dojo.

This dojo is very large, and this was the experience Ma had personally experienced.

After all, if there is not a large enough dojo, Ma Yuan can't put the dragon-shaped Hora's skeleton in it, and then use this skeleton to create a template for his own mount.

With this template, Ma Yuan was able to inject some of his own strength into his mount, and then bring it back to life again.

The mount that came back to life is the mount of the Lord of the Rings that Ma Yuan wanted.

As for the dojo itself, zero also said to Ma Yuan that this dojo is not an ordinary dojo but a place that can become a training ground.

And in the daily life of Zero, when there is no Hora, it is training in this dojo.

Just because there is no need for training, zero is just lent to Ma Yuan as a dojo.

After entering the dojo, Ma Yuan said he wanted to take a look at the training ground.

The reason why Ma Yuan did not immediately take out his new mount was because he did not know whether this dojo was an existence that met his requirements.

Even if you know how powerful the dojos trained by the Lord of the Rings, there is no way for your mount to fully function.

After all, there is an essential difference between humans and beasts.

But even because of this, Ma Yuan is still interested in looking at the situation of the dojo.

Even if there is no way to fully exert the strength of your mount, but you can still use this dojo to try to use your mount.

Zero nodded.

For this point zero is also understandable.

If the training ground is too bad, it might as well go to the demon world to exercise.

It’s just that the Devil’s current channels are closed a lot-this is known from Ma Yuan and Liehua’s mouth-so if it is possible, save your physical strength and not consume too much, and then conduct training sessions in the dojo of the human world Much better.


"This dojo can only become a training ground when there are people in it."

Zero said embarrassedly.

This meaning is very clear, and only when someone has to train himself.

"It's okay, I'll just check it out."

Ma Yuan said with a smile, took two steps and walked to the middle of the dojo.

Since it is to look at the situation of the dojo, it is better to feel it with your own body.

"Me too."

At this time, I don't know why, Liehua also came to the front, looked at zero and said.

I just seemed to have broken through my bottleneck as the Lord of the Rings. Of course, Lihua wants to train.

After all, she is an excellent Lord of the Rings.

Of course, I would like to know what my abilities are.

"Got it, then I will start."

Zero looked at the two people who couldn't help but want to train himself, and nodded.

As a Knight of the Rings, zero can understand the mood of Ma Yuan and Lie Hua.

That is because it is understandable, so zero will accept their statement and let them enter the training ground for training.

Anyway, it just needs someone to be there.

Zero waited for Ma Yuan and Lie Hua to take their places, raising his soul steel to the top of his head.

Then a circle was drawn.

This circle is generally used to summon demon armor.

But this time zero is to allow myself to open the training ground.

Although it is said that as a Lord of the Rings Knight and a pure-bred Lord of the Rings Knight, it does not have any blood of the Lord of the Rings Master, but zero will still have one or two "tricks".

For example, in the training ground, zero can still use a spell-like existence, which is to switch between the dojo and the training ground.

In the next second, Ma Yuan felt that the atmosphere of the entire dojo was a bit wrong.

Not just the surrounding atmosphere. The circulation of air is different from the refreshing feeling before.

If there is anything else, the "hue" seems to be inexplicably changed to the black feeling that zero belongs to.

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