Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 168: phoenix

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This is the world of zero.

Ma Yuan can instantly know.

The entire training ground is tailored for zero.

If it is used in a more plain and understandable way, it means that this is the inherent enchantment of zero.

In this, it is almost controlled by zero, and one of the zero feeding centers exists.

The purpose of the training ground is probably to exist for the purpose of training zero, then this is also something that the magic of the Lord of the Rings can create.

No wonder the general Lord of the Rings, at least the Lord of the Rings who can be named, will have their own training grounds.

Of course, this was heard from Afu. As for Ma Yuan, I heard that the former Ma Yuan did not have its own training ground, and there was no way to conduct professional training for the Lord of the Rings.

Of course, Ma Yuan felt that this was probably because the ability of the previous Ma Yuan was too weak, so no one would train him.

At this time, Ma Yuan took a look around.

Because of the prop facilities, there will not be any so-called "killing" existence.

All the attacks will not let the horse feel "killed" and cause him to know where the attack came from.

This means that Ma Yuan can only know where there is an attack that is waiting for him in a more physical way.


Thinking about this, Ma Yuan squatted directly down.

This thinking is undoubtedly correct.

After all, Ma Yuan didn't know what would appear in the training ground here, so the first thought was dodge.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Yuan saw a sickle split directly towards him.

This sickle can be seen by just looking at Ma Yuan. This sickle is basically made of Hora's bones.

In other words, only soul steel can resist.

This allows Ma Yuan to understand why the Lord of the Rings is so powerful.

Only by using the soul steel in his own hands, he can continue to exercise in order to survive in this training ground.

Not to mention that the soul steel must have a certain soul strength to be used, which is a hard requirement.

In this way, both the body and soul of the Lord of the Ring Knight are constantly being trained.

And... exercised by such a horrible attack!

The reason for this is terror, of course, because Ma Yuan can immediately see something like sickle and axe appearing from all directions, and directly attacked himself.

"How could this be?"

Zero exclaimed as he watched the scene.

"This is impossible?"

Ma Yuan looked at zero while blocking these attacks in front of him. He didn't know what zero was surprised.

"No such intensive, high-intensity attacks, there must be something wrong with the training ground."

Zero yelled.

"No, there are no problems."

At this time Liehua quickly said to zero.

Generally speaking, the composition of the training ground is assisted by the Lord of the Rings.

Liehua is such a traditional Lord of the Rings, so Liehua already knew the reason when Zero questioned.

"It's not because there is a problem with the training ground. The training ground was originally changed according to the strength of the person being trained."

Lie Hua said.

"Although it is your training ground, it only means that it is mainly for your ability to train now, but in fact they will change according to the people standing inside."

When Liehua said that, Zero immediately knew why the intensity of his training ground suddenly became so large.

Inside is Ma Yuan.

Although zero has vaguely known that Ma Yuan may be a stronger presence than himself.

But it is the first time I have seen so much power.

As for Ma Yuan's, of course, it is a very enjoyable explanation of Liehua.

When I first came here, I might still be a calf who didn't know what happened, but this calf was a very powerful calf from the beginning, and it just took a little time to adapt to this world.

After bouncing the sickle in front of him with his soul steel, Ma Yuan immediately turned his head and flew away to kick the axe behind him.

Originally I was only able to use Soul Steel to deal with the touring ceremony, but now I can even use my feet in front of Ma Yuan.

While solving this wave of attacks, Ma Yuan also used his soul steel to draw a circle in front of him.

If this is normal, it is also used to summon the demon armor.

But now, it is different now.

Now, instead of summoning the Demon Armor, it is used to summon the mount you just made.

Zero's dojo is big.

Ma knew this.

So when Zero said that he would give up his own training ground, Ma Yuan did not refuse.

Because Huang was made in this dojo, he knew that this dojo could accommodate the existence of Huang.

And zero immediately knew that the thing in front of him was not Hora or some kind of spirit beast.

It's Ma Yuan's mount.

Compared with his silver tooth mount, zero is a bit surprised, this mount is really too big.

Too big to make Zero have some doubt that this is some kind of creature from the Devil Realm, not the horse's mount.

Even if compared with Rose, this mount called Huang is a bit big.

Not to mention, although it is said that the mount is made of the skeleton of the dragon, in fact there is not much shadow of the dragon, and it is more like an ancient flying bird beast.

Wings are like real beasts, while the head and body still have dragon shadows.

Zero can immediately understand the real reason why Huang is called Huang.

That is that it is itself a "phoenix".

Although it is like a dragon, it is also a phoenix born from the dragon.

Huang looked around.

It's not because Ma Yuan didn't wear the demon armor and couldn't control it.

After all, if it is silver teeth, zero can't summon it without armor.

But this is not the case with Huang, which makes Zero wonder for a moment whether he should praise Ma Yuan's strength or the strength of the things he made.

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