Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 15: Moxie

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"Sacrifice on the little girl's infatuation for life, willing to achieve the supreme devil's path."

Mo Xie jumped into the sword pool, and looked back at the leader and smiled.

She gradually disappeared from the erosion of the fire, and the hot flame evaporated the tears from the corner of her eyes.

Pain or happiness, she felt it so deeply, while praying silently.

A ray of light pierced the sky, and hundreds of thousands of people under the clouds looked up at the same time. They will soon know that the work of the most outstanding swordsmith has been born so far.

The birth of the sword seemed to disturb the gods, and soon the thunder rolled, and it seemed that they could not tolerate such monsters. The wind was like howling, and the rain was like crying.

This is a legendary vision of heaven and earth. The master will slowly breathe a sigh of relief. His research is correct. There is no doubt that this is a sword that can accomplish the dream of the master.

At this moment, the mysterious man appeared suddenly, pulled out the sword, and laughed.

"Put down that sword." The general yelled loudly.

"You have got what you want," the mysterious man said to the officer. "Now it's time to fulfill the promise. Give me this sword."

This sword was obtained by Mo Xie as a sacrifice, and the general can't change hands anyway.

The mysterious man had to argue with him when he saw the officer, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed. He used his vitality to urge the sword of Moxie, and a light penetrated the body of the officer.


The general fell into the pool of blood.

The mysterious man walked away with sleeves, and since then, he never appeared again.

The general's life is like a candle in the wind. He cried and was defeated by the master. He did not cry when his face was swept, but then he cried.

"This is not a sword-making skill at all."

The man who had never lived and was always lonely and disdainful with mortals finally conceded defeat.

The fire in Jianchi has not been extinguished. It has just swallowed Moxie, and the fire seems to have become stronger.

Qian Gan slowly crawled out of the pool of blood. He slowly moved to the high platform of the sword pool, and immediately fell off, completely wrapped in flames.

In this sword pool, there was once a great sword and a magic sword.

That fierce soldier is the most perfect swordsmanship. The Gan will sacrifice with his own flesh and blood, and use the bone as a sword body,

After seven, seven, forty-nine days of magic magic, he finally turned himself into a magic sword.


The first person to find the magic sword was a reckless young man. He was wearing a blue robe with a wine gourd hanging around his waist, drunk and unconscious.

"Oh, there is a good sword in this broken place."

The young man picked up the sword.

"Promise me to a condition and give you everything you want." That sword suddenly came like this temptation.

The young man was startled, then smiled and said

"It seems that you are the sword I am looking for."

That magic sword beheaded a generation of emperors, Xiang Yu. The young man's name is Han Xin.

Yin and Yang Demon Road, male and female swords.

A life divided into two, a unique soul.

The world's first magical soldier, Mo Mo, was passed down by word of mouth.

After listening to the story told by the skull, Ma Yuan was so scared that her mouth could not open. Could it be that the two swords were the legendary Mo Mo.

"No," said the skeleton.

Ma Yuan was disappointed.

"They used to be Mo Xie, now they are not." The skeleton said again.

"The swords were originally bred with strong souls, that is, the real names of the two generals, Mo Xie, to have amazing power. Somehow, the real names on these two swords have been erased."

Ma Yuan sighed, it seems not a baby.

"Boy, after listening to the story just now, don't you have any thoughts?" The skull turned to the boy.

Ma Yuan looked up and laughed.

"You're talking about legendary characters, and I'm just a mortal man. It's good to be able to survive. Legendary people have their own legends, and my ordinary life has my own dullness."

"What a sigh. It's all past."

The skeleton stayed a little bit, and felt incredible for such an open-minded Ma Yuan.

"Then you can stay here all your life?" Skull asked.

Ma Yuan no longer laughed.


"Don't you care?"

"Of course I don't care, just someone wants to kill me."

"You stay here, as long as you don't go out, no one in the world can kill you."

Skeleton seems confident that he can save Ma Yuan. I just remembered that the matter entrusted by the man hadn't been done yet. Ma Yuan felt uneasy in his heart, and Ju Youjing was uncertain about his life and death. His next path was full of risks.

"I'm doing something irrational." Ma Yuan said to the skull, "just like him. But he is a genius, I may not be."

Ma Yuan gently took out the sword left by Li Bai from the baggage, and the sword became dull again, making it impossible for people to imagine the scene of the day before yesterday when it was so powerful that it killed the Quartet.

The skull looked at the sword in surprise.

"Qinglian sword. Unfortunately, the top grade is actually dead."

"Qinglian sword? You know this sword!"

The skull shook his head.

"Although I don't know this sword, I have seen its inner power, and I know that this sword has reached the sacred product of the sword. This sword is engraved with the word Qinglian. If you have a real-name realm, you can naturally see it."

In Ma Yuan's heart, this sword originally had a name. Qinglian sword, a good name, is worthy of that adult's sword.

Ma Yuan picked up the Qinglian sword and waved it a few times. He couldn't help but use the Yellow River sword to disturb the space.

In just two or three days, Ma Yuan's comprehension of the sword in the Yellow River has reached a certain level. If Ju Youjing is present, he will definitely be surprised.

"I must go." Ma Yuan said to the skeleton.

Although he is very weak, but the old man must complete his delivery. If Ju Youjing is not dead, he will do everything possible to save him.

Thinking of this, Ma Yuan gritted his teeth. If he is not too weak, dragging Ju Youjing back will not make him so embarrassed.

In this world, I can only think of one thing temporarily-that is to become stronger.

"Are you going with me?" Ma Yuan said to the skeleton, intending to invite him.

Wan Wan did not expect that someone would want to go on the road with a pair of skeletons, Ma Yuan's idea once again made the latter feel very strange.

"I can't go, I have to wait for someone to pull these two swords."

Skeleton joked to Ma Yuan,

"Don't you want these two swords? How many people have painstakingly searched for the Maple Leaf Lishi Temple in the Chu-Han Forbidden Land, just to kill the two magic soldiers of Moxie."

Ma Yuan spread his hands and expressed helplessness.

"But you said that they lost their real names, and it's not as powerful as they used to be."

The skeleton listened and laughed.

"It is true that it is not as good to see the Mo Xie sword weakened now, but there is still capital to kill the Holy Land level."

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