Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 16: Power of disaster

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That pair of swords actually has the strength to contend with the sanctuary-level powerhouse. This is beyond Ma Yuan's imagination.

If you can get these two swords, you have one more card in your life, wouldn't it be beautiful?

"What's the danger?"

"No," the skeleton answered briskly.

Okay, Ma Yuan thought he wouldn’t suffer at all, just try it.

He got up and came to the place where the two swords were inserted, and observed that the sword was inserted on the stone platform. It's just that the stone platform was blinded by dust, and the light in the temple was too dark, which caused Ma Yuan to not find this at first.


Ma Yuan's hand had just been put on the hilt, and Mo Ye came to resist, and was shocked.

Moreover, even if you use the vitality to instill your hands, you want to pull up one of the swords, they are still inserted in the stone platform.

Time slowly passed, and with Ma Yuan's eagerness to draw his sword, the flow of vitality in his hands became faster and faster.

Ma Yuan gasped slightly, and the heavy load was about to reach its limit.


Like a ray of flames exploding, then something unpredictable happened to Ma Yuan. The originally colorless energy covered a layer of blue, and its characteristics became deep and feminine, and at the same time it also became extremely violent and out of the control of Ma Yuan.


Ma Yuan's hands suddenly produced a suction force, and blue gaseous tentacles protruded from it, and soon wrapped around the sword body of General Moxie. .


The vast fluctuations were sent out around the stone platform, the sword light trembling, and the air of death filled the whole space.

This sword actually whispered.

"What are you doing, hurry up!" The skeleton felt the unusualness of this scene, and the power of the general Moxie was rapidly draining, making him anxious.

What did the 13-year-old Maotou boy do?

Ma Yuan didn't know what was happening at this time. The vitality flowing out of Dantian suddenly deteriorated, and a mysterious force was dominating everything.

This scene is similar to what happened when Li Bai's sword fairy passed on!

The air of the killing strikes, and Mo Xie uses one of his few remaining forces for self-preservation. The rust on the two swords disappeared miraculously, with a sharp edge.

In this dark temple, these two weapons emit a dazzling light, and the powerful momentum changes the color of the wind and cloud, as if proclaiming the glory of the king.

"Uh!" Ma Yuan vomited blood, and Dan Tian heard a pain that seemed to tear people apart.

Na Gan mobilized Mo Xie's sword qi along his tentacles, reaching Ma Yuan Dan Tian, ​​attacking the most vulnerable part of him.

Under the crisis, Ma Yuan tried every means to use Dan Tian's strength to resist.

The sword was extremely sharp, and it directly turned into another attack of vitality. Ma Yuan was at a loss.

"Uh uh!!"

Ma Yuan spit out another blood. Most of his Dantian has been destroyed.

"Get your hands off the sword!"

Seeing this, the skull hurriedly reminded Ma Yuan not to lose his life for the sword. It's just that the attraction that Ma Yuan's hand appeared out of thin air, tightly connected with the sword body, Ma Yuan couldn't do even if he wanted to let go.

Soon, the attacked sword gas reached the deepest part of Mayuan Dantian.


There was a symphony of metal beating together.

Actually, the two Yellow River swordsmen launched another one. Only this time, Ma Yuan urged it in Dantian, wanting to destroy Qian Mo's sword spirit as soon as possible.

Two distinct sword spirits fought in Ma Yuan's Dantian, and it was inseparable for a while.

The walls of the temple were now shattered by the violent sword gas, and the whole building was crumbling.

The skeleton looked at Ma Yuan's direction. He had been guarding this sword for many years, and it was the first time he saw such a scene.

The two sword spirits fought each other, and after each round, Ma Yuan's Dantian left trauma, but the strength of the tentacles still refused to let go of the general Moxie, showing extreme greed.

Just as Ma Yuan was running out of energy, five stones with magical colors flew out.

That's right, it is the fifth-order holy stone.

"Fifth-order holy stone!"

The skeleton exclaimed.

Legend has it that the sacred stone can only be obtained by chance. After the Lord is recognized, it cannot be changed. After the owner dies, it disappears until the next person appears.

And this child! It was actually accompanied by five holy stones.

As before, the five holy stones surround Ma Yuan in a specific trajectory to heal him.

Just feel the movement of Ma Yuan Dan Tian, ​​their light is more powerful, actually stabilized Li Bai's sword intention of the Yellow River and the sword of Mo Jiang.

The two are so well behaved.

Ma Yuan was puzzled.

Suddenly, a holy stone approached Mo Xie's body. It was the stone of "the source of disaster".

The blood-red ray above the holy stone flourished, flashing and extinguishing, and the blood-red gleaming glow of Mo Xie also appeared.

Between the two, it seems like calling each other.

"It turned out that the fifth-order holy stone used by Mo Xie was the source of this disaster." The Skeleton exclaimed.

Ma Yuan on the side suddenly realized. He has lifted the crisis at this time, except for internal injuries.

The suction that coiled in his hand has disappeared, and the tentacles of the vitality are nowhere to be found. Thinking of the thing lurking in the Dantian in the body, Ma Yuan was afraid after a while, and he must have the opportunity to ask what happened to Juyou Jing.

Ma Yuan put his hand down from the sword. At this time, the blood-red scourge is suspended above the general Moxie.

The vitality is connected between the two, as if communicating with each other.

Suddenly, the light was full. The source of the disaster was broken into powder, and the cracks of Moxie's swords were cracked and fell to the ground in sections.

The invincible artifact is broken!

Ma Yuan did not expect that there was also his own fifth-order holy stone buried with him. Not only has the sword not been obtained, but it has also suffered heavy losses.

The skeleton looked dumbfounded.

Straight road Ma Yuan looked back at him, and he realized that Mo Xie was indeed broken.

"Hahaha" the skeleton couldn't help laughing.

"Lao Tzu finally released."

After saying this, the bones on the skeleton also quickly fell off, and soon scattered into a pile of corpses on the ground, as if they had died for a long time, and there was never a talking skeleton here.

Ma Yuan sighed.

What happened is like a dream. I don’t know if it’s a dream, I just feel illusory.

Ma Yuan walked out of the gate of the temple and saw what actually happened when he entered Maple Leaf Valley. He was overjoyed and hurried out.

After about two or three days, the soldiers should have left. Even if you don’t leave, it’s better to stay here for a lifetime.

It was just walking down the path again, Ma Yuan was dumbfounded, and all he saw was the endless desert, and the village looked a few days ago.

Ma Yuan, who suffered another blow, could no longer bear the hunger that had not eaten for several days and fell down.

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