Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 17: Fantasy Desert

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The sound of the wind blew up the sand, and slapped it unscrupulously on the person's face. Ma Yuan was hurt by the film.

Waking up again, Ma Yuan found himself rescued by a business traveler.

They put the horse that fainted in the desert on the cargo rack and used the carriage to transport it.

The business traveler was very friendly. An uncle saw him waking up and came over and handed Ma Yuan water and food.

"Why, kid, what happened, actually fainted in this desert."

Uncle asked with concern.

Ma Yuan didn't answer well, and he didn't understand why he appeared here.

"I don't know why... that village..."


Seeing the support from Ma Yuan, the uncle couldn't help but think that this was a childish child who was 14 or 5 years old. Maybe what happened, let him have a hidden secret.

"Think about it, think about it, rest first, we are going to the place of Dong'an, and you will see when you get off along the way."

The uncle walked away, he felt so embarrassed to have nothing to comfort him when facing a child who was killed in the desert.

Ma Yuan had to sit cross-legged alone, looking at the brigade. There are about thirty people, with the wind of sand and dust, but the speed of travel is very fast.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a big knife, and some people beside him were holding different weapons.

Their costumes are obviously not the same style as those of business travellers. The story Lenovo has heard before, this should

It is a bodyguard belonging to business travel.

Ma Yuan sighed and lay down in the carriage shelf again. Although it was a desert, the sun was not poisonous and even mild.

After being separated from Ju Youjing, he entered the life of ordinary people for the first time.

Ma Yuan suddenly wanted to know how ordinary people in this world live.

At night, the business traveler set up a campfire and settled down.

"In the evening, the desert will not be windy, but it will become very cold." The uncle who had come before handed Ma Yuan a coat and suggested that he go to the campfire to get warm.

Ma Yuan gratefully followed him.

After crossing several small circles surrounded by three or four people, someone on the road greeted the uncle as if he was the leader.

"Old sentence, what did you pick up this time?"

When he reached the bonfire in the center, someone asked the uncle happily.

The uncle's full name has been ignored, he seems to be used to being called "old sentence" by the business traveler.

"You can't pick up something good, when will you pick up a wife on the road?"

Others said that everyone laughed at the end. It seems that they all asked for reasons.

The old sentence couldn't sit still, the tone seemed to be a swearing, but the curse sentence was mixed with accents that Ma Yuan couldn't understand.

Ma Yuan looked puzzled.

Everyone laughed even harder. They drank together while drinking, and the exhaustion of a whole day made many people fall asleep quickly.

Only a few people are still laughing.

Ma Yuan wanted to know something, but the old sentence and the man with the big sword who was leading said something, which was inconvenient to disturb.

I had to lie down dull, the sand was cold, and it felt a bit comfortable.

In the desert, there are many stars in the night sky. The night sky of this world is always full of light, Ma Yuan thought so.

Soon, Ma Yuan fell asleep again. Waking up is already morning.

When he delivered food to him, "I want to get off the train in Shu, I have acquaintances there." Ma Yuan said to him.

The old sentence looked surprised,

"This is the land of Shu."

Ju Youjing said to Ma Yuan before that if they were quick, they would arrive in Shudi in five or six days, and then make the next arrangement.

Perhaps in Shudi, you can meet Juyou Jing.

"Then let me get out of the car." Ma Yuan's injury was all right, and it was fine. If he did not leave at this time, staying would only add trouble.


The old sentence stopped him,

"To say something confusing, although this place is a land of Shu, it is far from the town. The acquaintance you said can never be in the desert. All you can see here are business travellers and bandits. If you follow us, we still don't think we can do it. , Wherever there are residents, just let you go."

Ma Yuan was embarrassed and ridiculed,

I had to agree first.

"Ah..." Suddenly, a scream came from the party, and someone was hurt by the cold arrow and couldn't afford to fall.

The team quickly formed a circle, dragged the injured brother into the circle, pulled out his knife, and quickly entered a state of alert.

I saw a fierce group of people rushing out, and they moved quickly, running like wolves around the sheep, running around the business brigade, ready to wait for the opportunity.

"Little thief!"

The middle-aged man with a big knife cut off the head of the bandit who rushed over.

The blood was scattered all over, and the sound of the corpse's weight falling to the ground was clearly visible.

Although the companions were instantaneously killed, the bandits were not afraid. They seemed to have been beaten with hormones, flushed, and rushed over one after another without fear of death.

The guards of the business brigade dared to face it.

Compared with bandits, the **** team is well-trained, the combat effectiveness is more than one, and it is not a problem to fight against three or five people alone.

Over time, the bandits' bodies have accumulated a lot, but the bandits have won a lot. They have about a hundred people, but the guards are only ten.

Over time, the guards have a tendency to retreat.

Suddenly, a bandit came into the circle, and he was quickly killed by the labor force of the brigade.

But this was just a sign that the bandits' team was like a spear, stabbing into the heart of the business brigade.

The **** team was exhausted and had been successfully restrained by them. The business brigade had to get its own people, but it was obviously a disadvantage to fight with the bandits.

The bandits came in a big way and counted people in a strange place in the blink of an eye.

Ma Yuan was already stunned and wanted to run away. But being rescued by a business traveler, it really doesn't make sense to leave them alone.

He drew his sword and faced the bandits, eager to try.

But the scene was too chaotic. Ma Yuan didn't know how to fight until several bandits noticed him.

It was a 13-year-old boy. He was not wearing clothes like a business traveler, but he had a firm look in his eyes. He carried a sword and looked angrily at the massacre of bandits.

This may be a wonderful scene, but for the bandits, it is just a means of irritation.

Since you can't pull out the sword, then we will meet you later.

Two or three bandits rushed to Ma Yuan.

They wanted to see how this young man with a sword was drawn and how he fled afterwards.

Ma Yuan is very calm.

He didn't do it because he was waiting for the right time, this is what he learned from Juyou Jing.

The gentleness from the Qinglian sword in Ma Yuan's hands made him feel a force. Since the temple, this sword seems to be very close to Ma Yuan.

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