Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 21: Miss Zhang Family

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Nanzhong City, the most powerful Zhang family. The Zhang family is not afraid of the sky or the earth. It was the big brother of the Earth Snake, but he could not bully the officials.

This year, Governor Wu Guo came to visit and happened to have seen the Zhang family's daughter, and actually fell in love with it.

In order to please him, the ambassador of Shu promised to mediate for him, but secretly, he turned and forced the Zhang family to be dignitaries.

The Zhang family dare not to say anything, and for the sake of the family, what would it be to send a daughter. What's more, not marrying Wu Dudu, but also the destiny of marrying the big family nearby.

These inner feelings, ordinary people naturally do not know. I just know that Miss Zhang's family is marrying thousands of miles away, and more than a dozen dowry horses are in luck, making a big battle and seeing more and more people lively.

In recent days, Miss Zhang's family, Zhang Mo, often come and go in the guard of honor outside the door. Occasionally make a separate case with the good girl from the inner house, or inquire about Wu Guo with the people in the dart board.

She quietly watched others prepare her marriage carefully. Although she didn't know much about the marriage so far, she was a bit happy.

I heard that the governor of Wu Kingdom is a talented young man, not only born with a handsome, but also a very distinguished family.

Such a thing is something many girls can't envy. Zhang Mo comforted himself so well.

But only she knew that she hadn't finished it yet.

That's him. People I haven’t met since I don’t know where to go, let alone miss.

"We are about to get married, but I remember many things that should have been forgotten." Zhang Mo smiled.

Suddenly, she heard the voice of Xiao Cuicui, who was always close to her. Xiaocui bent over and pretended to be very fierce, staring at a child who was not one meter and five meters tall in front of him, and looked young.

"Probably three or four years younger than me."

Zhang Mo guessed in his heart.

"Xiao Cui, what are you laughing at, such a funny thing?"

When Ma Yuan turned his head, he saw Zhang Mo, and he saw that this man was still gorgeous and distinguished, and he was certainly not an ordinary person, he was not very old, and his dress was slightly light and beautiful, and the color of joy appeared on his face. Perhaps it was this protection. The target of the dart.

"But Miss Zhang Family?" Ma Yuan asked vigilantly.


Zhang Mo didn't expect this kid to come in such a set

"You have something to find me?"

After Ma Yuan confirmed, he clenched his fists again.

"I am the personal guard sent by Zhang Guanjia."

Ma Xiaoxiao and Miss Zhang's Zhang Mo listened, they were all surprised and didn't think it was true, but Ma Yuan looked serious, not like lying.

"It's funny, I want the butler to find a reliable girl for me and find a little fart boy for me." Zhang Mo smiled, disapproving.

After finishing talking, Zhang Mo poked Ma Yuan's cheek with his finger, the very soft flesh, which can sink into it with a light press.


Ma Yuan looked puzzled.

"Nothing, just think it's cute."

Zhang Mo smiled, and the young bodyguard boy had never heard of it for her. Now I see it, and I really feel fresh.

The girl brought her fragrant hands close to Ma Yuan's eyes, and she could easily smell a little charming. Ma Yuan's face was slightly red.

Seeing this, Zhang Mo couldn't help thinking, "So shy, I thought he was a cold person."

During this time, the busy Zhang Guanjia finally came over. He saw Ma Yuan and Miss Zhang Jia together and quickly introduced him.

"Why would I want a child to protect me?"

Zhang Mo questioned a bit.

Ordinary children certainly can't protect you, but the housekeeper thought that he wasn't such an indiscriminate figure.

While there were few people around, Zhang Guanjia whispered quietly to tell each other that Ma Yuan was a master of the Longmen dart board.

"What!" Xiaocui almost screamed when she heard it.

In this world, the masters above the level of the Longmen dart board are all unavailable. They only accept the tasks they want to do, while the tasks of the Xuan level yellow level are assigned, and they have only extremely limited non-acceptance rights.

"How can I please him?" Zhang Mo asked.

"I heard that he was going to the South China Sea capital along the way, so he took this dart."

"Oh, little brother, do you know what the South China Sea is all about."

"I don't know." Ma Yuan answered readily.

This answer seemed to make Zhang Mo a little unhappy,

"Huh, after asking for so many days, no one of you knows the capital of the South China Sea. I'm not at ease to go with you."

Zhang Mo walked away angrily.

Butler Zhang smiled helplessly at Ma Liang, and Ma Yuan just smiled in response. This Zhang Mo, Missy's temper is quite heavy, I don't know if I can improve after marrying someone.

After eating dinner arranged by Zhang Family, Ma Yuan came to Zhangjia's gate to practice swordsmanship.

Qinglian three swords.

It was his instinct to follow the Qinglian sword's consciousness and realize it by himself. There were only three moves, but after actual experience, he realized that each move had its own unique changes.

As long as a hit, it is equivalent to a lore.

Ma Yuan slowly pulled out the Qinglian sword and began to realize the subtlety of the swordsmanship. When he turned his vitality, he took a step and made the first sword.

The first sword of the three swords of Qinglian was short-lived.

The swordsmanship seems to be messy and has no rules, but the looming killing opportunities always persist. It can let the enemy know the direction of the sword, so as to win unexpectedly.

Ma Yuan cut off the nine arrows with a sword, relying on the dexterity and speed of the epiphany.

And the second sword, green leaves hanging beads.

This trick cannot be used from the beginning because it relies on gaining momentum. The vitality of internal strength must be run more than ten times throughout the body to provide enough momentum to Jianqi.

The outbreak of the sword generation was a disaster.

The third sword, the lotus blossoms.

Compared to the first few moves, this move is currently the least powerful.

Ma Yuan found that both the epiphysis and the green leaf drop beads are relatively depleted of the internal body, and they cannot be used for a long time. However, the mid-course plus the blossoming of the lotus makes the energy flow around the body smooth, and the two breaths merge, so as to avoid "injury one. Thousands, self-destructive 800".

Realizing that the three swords of Qinglian are both echoing and self-contained, Ma Yuan was overjoyed, and he even waved his sword happily to practice.

Under the stars, under the stars, the teenager practiced the three swords of Qinglian.

He thought about how long it would take him to catch up with the man's back.

While Ma Yuan was addicted for a while,

"it is good."

Hearing someone applaud, looking back, the man in cyan leather armor approached.

He is also the **** of the Zhang family, Tyumen, escorting Miss Zhang family on this trip.

After drinking with his colleagues, he could not stand the noise of the banquet and came out to breathe. It was only after seeing Ma Yuan practicing swordsmanship that it was originally from interest.

I don't want to. The more I watched the side, the more I thought Ma Yuan was incredible, so I couldn't help but walk out.

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