Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 22: Sword under the moon

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In addition to being the guard of Miss Zhang Family, Tyumen is the only swordsman in the guard team.

Therefore, the study of swords can often only be rewarded.

Although Ma Yuan's three swords of Qinglian are far from home, as a senior swordsman, Tyumen still sees that this is an extremely delicate swordsmanship.

"Little brother, you are Miss Zhang's personal guard this time."

Qiu Ming stepped forward and clenched his fists.

I heard it before, but I saw it with my own eyes. Tyumen thought Ma Yuan was really small, just a child.


Ma Yuan put his sword into the sheath, and under the moonlight, the boy politely replied to the talker.

"What swordsmanship is this?"

Tyumen asked.

"Qinglian Three Swords."

Ma Yuan thought about it and answered truthfully.

"Three Swords of Qinglian? It is said that it is a handicraft of Qinglianmen in the Western Region. I have only heard of it, but I have seen it for the first time today.

As soon as the words changed, Tyumen said,

"Your Excellency is better to compare with me, I also have some experience with swords."

Ma Yuan did not expect that Tyumen directly explained his intentions, but he wanted to compete with him.

Seeing the other party hesitating, Tyumen was afraid that it might be misunderstood as a bully, and explained quickly,

"This time, I only fight swordsmanship, not swordsmanship. Although I have already achieved the power of great consummation, I don't use it and try to be fair to you."

Qiu Ming means that both parties should not use their strength and simply compete in the competition. In this mode, we only look at the subtlety of swordsmanship and the familiarity of the swordsman.

"Okay." Ma Yuan thought to himself, he lacked someone's real contest. This time, he will definitely gain a lot.

The two of them occupy a corner, five meters apart, eager to try.

Ma Yuan slowly pulled out the Qinglian sword, the sword body faintly glowed with cold light, and Qiu Ming instantly knew that this was a peerless good sword, and couldn't help but envy.

Tyumen also slowly pulled out a sword at this time, the sound was particularly heavy metal, although not comparable to Qinglian sword, nor ordinary iron sword.



The two sides immediately rushed towards each other, Ma Yuan just stepped out, Jian Feng had reached his chest straight, had to raise the sword to block.

Tyumen's attack was particularly heavy, and Ma Yuan took a step back, almost not blocked.

Without the use of vitality, it seems to be more fair, but Ma Yuan is the soul pill-level consummation. Compared with Tyumen’s vitality-level consummation, Ma Yuan actually lost more. Tyumen did not know this.

Tyumen grew older than Ma Yuan at the age, and his natural fitness is better than the latter, so Ma Yuan felt a lot of strength.

"One more sword."

Seeing Ma Yuan blocking him, Tyumen was very happy and couldn't help but swing his sword faster.

Zheng! Zheng!

The sword-to-sword fight is an exchange between two swordsmen. In one move, the two each experience the subtlety of the other's moves.

Ma Yuan's swordsmanship was faint and seemingly weak, but the murder was hidden and he didn't pay any attention. Even if Tyumen had the upper hand, he had to turn to defense.

But Tyumen's sword went straight and chopped down with a sword, as if Shen Shi was like a sea, with strong force, it was difficult to detect the flaw.

In a blink of an eye, the two had already passed 30 rounds, and probably did not use vitality, Ma Yuan did not feel a trace of fatigue in his body and was in good condition.

Ma Yuan couldn't help but rise up, in spite of the suppressed momentum just now, he took the initiative to attack, making the first form of Qinglian three swords——

A flash in the pan.

As soon as this move came out, Tyumen saw the other side's sword shadow flickering, obviously cutting to the right, and then turning from the left with a wonderful trajectory.

Although the direction of the sword seems to be messy, the sword always hits the weakness of Tyumen's strength, which makes Tyumen's heart cry.

"Did such a short period of time, the other party have already figured out his sword skills?"

Qiu Ming suddenly felt a shock, and his vision of Ma Yuan became incredible.

With the resurgence of the sword potential, more and more rounds of Qinglian sword are in the upper hand, and the moves of the sword in Ma Yuan's hands are also changing.

Ma Yuan faintly felt that with the rapid increase of this change, his eyes could not catch the traces of Jianying, he could only rely on his feelings.

The communication between swords and people is something that swordsmen must do. Knowing the character of the sword is also something that the swordsman must do.

If the swordsman does not believe that the sword in his hand is not a dead object, how can he make his sword divine.

In Tyumen's eyes, the remnants of the sword in Ma Yuan's hands were repeated. Compared with Ma Yuan's body movements, it seemed that the sword was pulling Ma Yuan's movements.

Like a living sword.


Tyumen couldn't help but sigh.

With the sword in his hand in the scabbard, Tyumen threw a land on the five bodies admired by Ma Yuan.

I have practiced swordsmanship for five or six years, but now I can't compare to a child with a hairy head.

"Why stopped?"

Ma Yuan was at the climax of wielding his sword, and suddenly stopped, greatly dissatisfied.

"Your exquisite swordsmanship, I can't catch up with the understanding of the sword, and it's useless to compare."

Qiu Ming said seriously.

Ma Yuan's willingness to let go of the other party and said that he would not easily end the competition.

"I just made the first type, and the second and third types are not used. Please ask your advice."

Ma Yuan said sincerely.

Qiu Ming was also dissatisfied, seeing Ma Yuan tempting him, so he couldn't bear it anymore.

Once again, Tyumen slowly pulled out the sword. Qiu Ming thought, just did not take it seriously, this time we must go all out.

This time, it was Ma Yuan's turn to attack first, and the swordsmanship he used was fierce.


A sword was cut on the sword, and there was no crisp echo, but the strength was dispersed.

Ma Yuan secretly claimed to be seconds.

Tyumen's sword moves are good at defensive counterattacks, which is not conducive to priority attack. With this conversion strategy, Tyumen's sword moves are better displayed.

Qinglian three swords, the second form-green leaves hanging beads, Tyumen took it forcibly, then took a few steps back, and there was no big deal.

Ma Yuan found out that without attacking the enemy's weaknesses, the effect of Qinglian's three swords was greatly weakened, which was not much different from ordinary swords.

Seeing Ma Yuan's one move broke out, the stamina has gone, and Tyumen Hengjian stepped forward, forcing Ma Yuan to fight him again.

Qinglian three swords, the last form-lotus blossoms!


Qiu Ming saw footwork, and it was a sword-dominated footwork. Before the first type of short-lived flower, the blade was erratic. In addition to the mysteriousness of the starting hand, the more important is the footwork.

Tyumen should have thought that high-level swordsmanship often has a footwork that fits with it. This lotus flower blossoming off the sword style is equivalent to a purely high-level footwork.

The second confrontation, compared with the rapidity of the first four or fifty rounds, the two sides played three hundred rounds is particularly long.

In the end, because the changes of Qinglian's three swords had been exhausted, and the power of Tyumen's Epee remained undiminished, Ma Yuan had difficulty breaking the enemy and had to admit defeat.

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