Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 113: Devil May Cry God

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On the eve of the blood race.

Zhou Yu did not speak, he was still thinking about some possibilities:

Will the man who pursues freedom have a trick Li Daitao stiff, play a sea-dancing scene with the eldest daughter of the Qiao clan, and then the two will elope and live a life of seclusion without dispute.

Or, the Qiao clan who refused to abandon Da Qiao had already prepared their backhand, and after they wiped out Wu's army, they managed to fish them out.


One hypothesis after another came up in Zhou Yu's mind. Although they were all outrageous, he enumerated them one by one and speculated about their possibilities.

When Zhou Yu stood up again, it was already a tea kung fu, and the crowd of people who were talking about it immediately calmed down and gathered their eyes on him.

Zhou Yu said: "If you can't see his body, you can't say he is dead."


The man who informed Sun Ce of the death acted a little hesitantly, not knowing what to say.

Zhou Yu immediately said: "But no matter whether he lives or dies, his mission has been successfully completed, and the opportunity for our enemies to face the headache has come. From now on we will start to act and regain the overall situation!"

These words made many people feel at ease, and even some people could not help screaming and cheering.

The color of joy on Zhou Yu's face disappeared without a trace at the moment of turning around, adding a little bit of loneliness.

"This time, for me to wait for you, but without your promise. Just, wait for you again."

Zhou Yu muttered to himself, his heart was unprecedentedly calm, and it was time for the big net to be cast against the old kings of Wu Kingdom.

Thousands of miles away, Wei Guo.

The battlefield was opened up on the vast territory. The troops of the three kingdoms of Wu, Shu and Wei frequently confronted each other, and the clouds above them were densely covered, often without clear days.

Occasionally it rained, which wiped out the burning rubble that was burning for days.

Wei Guo has always been a martial art, and the military strength is superior among the three countries. But the two countries have no choice but to fight against one country. Wu Guo is really powerless.

After a few days, he lost ground again and again.

"Why did Wu and Shu suddenly burst into trouble for Wei Wei?"

In front of the Wei Guoying account, the lieutenant general led the question to the general.

Having just experienced a battle, Wei's morale was unprecedentedly low, and his performance was not as good as before. On the contrary, the enemy army did not know what drunk medicine he drank, and he became more and more courageous, which made him very worried.

The general's armor was worn for several days, and he did not dare to take it off at night. At this time, he sat on a chair and rested for a while. Youyou replied:

"This place under our feet was a bet on the monarchs of the Three Kingdoms one hundred years ago. It was Wu Guo who lost the bet to Wei Guo."

The lieutenant said: "Isn't this the thing on the surface? Everyone knows it."

The general paused and continued, "Then I will talk about the dark side of course. One hundred and fifty years ago, this land was actually the Shu Kingdom, and it was lured by Wu Guowei to the other side. After the Shu State chased Wu Guo, it took the opportunity to throw it to the Wei State. This time when the comeback came, it was to fight for this land."

The lieutenant general felt incomprehensible, and asked, "So exciting teachers and moving people is just for such a barren little place, a little unreasonable."

The general smiled, thinking that the expression that the lieutenant was seriously discussing was too cute and explained:

"How can it be so simple, although the three countries are fighting for this place, with the historical facts that really happened, but the drunkard's intention is not to drink. They are not so simple, they are definitely planning some more far-reaching, terrifying things."

"whats the matter?"

The lieutenant was very uncomfortable with the general's deliberate selling of Guanzi. He also tossed him over a hundred years of history and irritated his tone.

At this time, the general no longer looked like he was giggling, and turned his eyes to the battlefield in front of him. The crisis was rampant and the anger was spreading, saying:

"Have you heard of the blood race?"


The lieutenant general was impressed, and there were rumors in the government and the opposition. This force was mixed into the top leaders of Wu, Shu, and Wei Kingdoms. Some people chose to expel them, and some secretly cooperated with them to obtain no small benefits.

It was only a few years ago that the Emperor Wei seemed to be overthrown with the blood clan forces, and ordered: "Every blood clan, no matter how killing it," the blood clan gradually faded out, and no news of them was heard.

"Is there such a character? I haven't actually seen it."

Although the lieutenant general had heard that aliens came to visit himself, but he was busy with his son's wedding, he found a reason to arrange for the others to be sent away.

The aliens are haunted and never have a fixed place to find them.


At this moment, the general shouted into the army, and soon after hearing the summons, a figure moved quickly and rushed to the two.

"Meet the general."

The man in front of him was the soldier of the Wei State that Ma Yuan met in front of Xiangyang City, Aman searching the clues of the blood race all the way.

"Tell me what you think of this battlefield."

Ah Man stood up and analyzed the situation for the two adults. At the end, he hesitated a few times before saying:

"In the eyes of his subordinates, the real reason for Wu and Shu's incursions is afraid to be related to the blood clan forces. Because the blood clan forces have given enough benefits, the emperor Wu will not hesitate to commit danger. And this opened up the battlefield Every day, tens of thousands of people are killed or wounded, and the enemy countries never chase after the victory, completely giving us breathing time, and people have to doubt their deep meaning."

Aman woke up the lieutenant's words. At first, he felt that this battle was different from the past. There was something unspeakable that was wrong.

"Indeed, they only overwhelmed us with their numbers, and they also adopted aggressive strategy, which was inconsistent with the art of war. Are they really planning?"

"It's a blood-eating big formation. The subordinates have seen it in Wu Kingdom. As long as more people are dead, they can refine the power of more blood races and gain gains. They should have arranged this formation on the battlefield. The soldiers became more and more courageous, and they were also affected by this formation."

The battlefield was originally a place for ghosts and monsters, and many strangers will collect some unknown things there. This has a long history.

"Is there such a thing?"

After listening to Aman's conjecture, the lieutenant felt extremely incredible.

The emergence of the bloodthirsty formation, and the power of the blood clan, completely disrupted the plan in his mind, revealing a dilemma for a while.

"The two generals are willing to offer a plan."

Hearing Ah Man's words, both the general and the lieutenant showed joy, and quickly asked the other party what consciousness they were.

So, Ah Man approached them quietly and whispered his strategy.

In the process, the two frowned, sometimes surprised, and the expression on their faces changed unpredictably, leaving Aman a little ill.

"Very good. This plan is only known to the three of us, and a fourth person is never allowed."

The general commanded.

The lieutenant general and Aman knelt down to lead their lives.

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