Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 114: Qimen Dunjia

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The essence of many military methods in the world is nothing more than change.

Weakness and strength, turning danger into danger, is because we have mastered the variables that flow in the battle. As the world claims, there is no inevitable victory, and the key to success or failure can be determined overnight.

Legend has it that the ancient **** Fu Xi was inspired by the appearance of the two gods, and set up the heaven and earth, the wind and the thunder and the thunder, the water and the fire, the mountain and the green, the eight hexagrams, and the pairing between them evolved into sixty. The Four Diagrams, from which all changes in the existence of all things in the world are calculated, are called "potential".

A Mangang had just returned from the general, and the tight nerves had just been relaxed, so he had no time to rest, and he began to do some things to be prepared later.

"Yo, Aman, I heard the general calling you before, but did you tell us about us?"

In the same barracks, a man who had just returned from the battlefield to quietly recuperate wounded suddenly sat up and asked the other party. This man, who was also a member of Aman's blood squad, experienced the changes on that altar.

The body and mind just relaxed, because the brother's words became difficult again, Ah Man knew what the other party was asking.

In that ambush distress, countless brothers were poisoned by the blood clan, if they were not Ma Yuan, they arrived in time, I am afraid that they were also dead.

"Ah, you don't have to worry, I have given advice to the generals, so that the blood clan forces can not get the slightest benefit. It is just a matter of revenge, the country is at the forefront, I am afraid that it will have to wait until the battle is successfully resolved.

Aman's words were like an iron hammer. Every time he said a word, he struck in his atrium, making a dull sound.

"Well, that's fine, it's up to you in the future."

After that, the man lay down again, closed his eyelids, and concealed the dull look in his eyes.

After finishing things, Aman quickly went outside the camp.

He sighed for a long time. In these days, in addition to the anger of the blood race and the disgust of the powerlessness that came from him, he repeatedly interfered with his thinking.

The more struggling, the more difficult it is to break free.

"Time is coming, we must hurry." Aman said.

Looking up, the moon emerged from the clouds, and the weak moonlight was enough for Aman to walk in the dim mountain forest.

At the moment, he no longer hesitated, and he sneaked into the direction of the Shu army.

The attack was claimed to recapture its own territory. The State of Shu led 60,000 troops, and Wu immediately responded to the dispatch of troops after the operation of the State of Shu. He led 48,000 people to **** this piece of meat from the State of Shu. .

The total of 100,000 armies in the two countries made the 50,000 sergeants of Wei State into a difficult defensive battle.

Even though the Wei army had excellent combat readiness and was guarded by the famous general Shenmu, it was rare for the two countries to attack together and carry nearly all the elites in their own country.

Therefore, due to the disadvantage of quantity, Wei Guo has been retreated into the tragic situation of passive beatings.

Such a loss of national power does not hesitate to place the interior in a weak and undefended position. It should be done quickly and quickly, so as not to drag it into the later stage, which will cause a huge waste of military dispatch.

Generals also prepared strategies for this in time to prevent the possibility of various lightning attacks by the opponent. It is a pity that the other party seems to have adopted the opposite strategy, choosing to stand still and drag the battle into a deadlock.

What are their special intentions?

Both General and Deputy General tried their best to search for relevant clues, but neither had any results.

Is it because the Kingdom of Shu and Wu are fighting in secret? The spies seem to inquire about such information.

But this idea was quickly rejected by the generals, and it was impossible, because it sounded like a child's temper.

So, what is the real intention of the enemy country?

They once fell into contemplation, and the opinions were divergent and there was no conclusion.

At the border of Wei State, before the ten-mile camp at the border.

Although it was late at night, I could still hear people talking.

"The 48,000 people in the Shu Kingdom exported all their ancestral weapons. Although they are amazingly powerful, most of them are not very mobile, they cannot be flexibly dispatched on the battlefield, and there will be a fatal period of fatigue in each round of offensive."

"Although there are 60,000 people in the Wu Kingdom, the ability of individual soldiers to fight on the ground will be weakened to a certain extent, but it is not as threatening as the more than 40,000 people in the Shu State. Moreover, Wu Guofu is only good at archers and gunners. Long-range attacks, once they are broken by melee, there is nothing to be said for."

It was the deputy general who spoke just now, expressing his views to the general, and had spoken for a long time.

The general heard the sound of laughter, knowing that the other party was not convinced, and said leisurely:

"General Chen analyzed that there is no such thing as an omission. These two countries, no matter who singled out my Wei country, in front of our army, the long cannot be short, and there must be no good ending. But now Wu and Shu are joining forces, It’s a perfect match made in heaven and earth, complementing one’s shortcomings with others’ strengths. It’s hard to deal with.”

In the cool night, General General's words were extremely reasonable, and Vice General Chen had to succumb.

"Do you really believe that person's words?"

"Why is General Chen suspicious? We are sitting here not just to wait for a good show!"

The scene returned to silence again.

Since Wu and Shu want to prolong this war, we need to do the opposite. This is the advice given by Ah Man.

Not to mention whether the true intentions of the enemy country are determined to be the result of a blood-eating large formation. If you use 50,000 troops to abandon the number of defenses to attack the 100,000, it is tantamount to moths fighting the fire and self-defeating.

So, Aman went on to say that before that, he would go to the Shu military camp to plan an event.

This matter made the generals and deputy generals look surprised. If they can complete it, Ah Man's strategy will be guaranteed.

As time went by, it was late into the night, and the moonlight became very bright.

An old man, an uncle, did not sleep well, but sat on the bare ground waiting for a good show.

With the exhaustion of one tea after another, General Chen's patience was gradually consumed, and a faint fish white appeared on the sky, and dawn was approaching.

He couldn't help standing up finally, looking at the distant mountain, where there was still no movement.

The general did not say a word, and regardless of the behavior of the man next to him, he gently shook the lupin, and the surface seemed very calm. So General Chen sat back to his original position again.

In the mountains and forests dozens of miles away, Wu State and Shu State's camp were tied together.

Red flames burst out and gradually turned into a dancing fire snake in the eyes of the two, entrenched in the horizon.

The general finally laughed, and General Chen couldn't help laughing.

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