Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 127: Grudges

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As the saying goes, when is the grievance reported?

There is another sentence today, the saying is not credible.

As the times change, those established rules will become stubborn dead things.

With each passing day, we can no longer apply our past experience.

So, can the grudges in rivers and lakes be smoothed out over time? Of course not.

Love is gone in one year, and hate is gone in ten years.

This is the fact. The universality of people is to indulge in the past, and to amplify things that are disgusting. This statement can also be compared with the "ten-year grass rope".

It is normal to report grievances.

Outside the city, after avoiding the chasing by the old kings, Liu Bei and Liu Siquan gathered together again, facing the enemy who killed his parents, his heart was difficult to calm down.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Liu Bei intends to ask questions first. The other party was able to survive such a severe injury, which was beyond Liu Bei's expectation. Besides, he had to work hard to find him. There must be a special reason.

At the moment of Shen Dun, Liu Bei found that he still could not speak, but just looked at each other coldly and stood on a ruined land.

Then, Liu Siquan spoke.

Liu Bei's numb expression twitched fiercely, revealing shock, what? My parents let go of the blood race?

Then, it turned into incomprehensible resentment and wanted to say something like that, because the other party wanted him to undertake the mission of reviving the Zhongshan royal family.

I didn't want to have a relationship with the Zhongshan royal family, the boring big family, and the big family that had dispersed with the dust. Therefore, Liu Bei should resolutely reject the other party and let him know.

But Liu Bei still didn't say anything, and his tremendous emotions passed through his heart, and there was a sad and sadness. He was making the most important decision in his life.

On the other side of the monarch palace, Xu Fushi unfolded a big dark sky, and the world was covered with overcast clouds. Suddenly the rainstorm was so intense that Liu Bei and Liu Siquan were also soaked by the rain, and Sun Shangxiang was on the sidelines.

Liu Siquan slowly bent down, kneeled down on his knees, and had just beheaded the blood demon. He also left some warm male and female double-stranded swords, hands up, waiting for the other party to fetch.

Lifting his head slightly, he met Liu Bei's eyes, and many things came to mind among the electric light and flint.

That was Zhou Mansion. Liu Bei and Ma Yuan had just left, and Zhou Yu only started to receive the mysterious guests hidden in the cabinet, acting chief of the Zhongshan royal family.

"Why don't you make things clear now?"

Under the night light, the phantom shook. Zhou Yu asked the other party's thoughts out loud and wanted to find out what was going on.

The news of Liu Siquan's visit came about three days ago. Zhou Yu was searching for the whereabouts of the Liu family in Zhongshan at this time. The pains were in vain. The patriarch came to the door to make Zhou Yu very happy.

However, when he asked Liu Siquan to go to Xiangyang City to repair the organ of the blood seal, Liu Siquan refused with a wave of his hand.

"The male and female double-stranded swords are not in my hands, and I have more than enough strength. I have a personal choice, Liu Bei."

Zhou Yu smiled and said: "The patriarch is humble, even if there is no male and female double-strand sword, I don't think there is any problem. Moreover, Liu Bei in your mouth, you also said there is no clue where he is."

The scene suddenly became utterly murderous, Zhou Yu's sanctuary-level power was released, and the chill was pressing, saying:

"Do you want to borrow my hand to help you find the person you want to find?"

Liu Siquan didn't take it seriously, and said directly: "Of course I have my idea. If you don't try Liu Bei, I will never shoot. If you find Liu Bei, whether he agrees or not, I can do it for you, What's more, I have a lot of information about the blood race here."

"It sounds really cost-effective, but, I tell you, in my Zhoufu, no one can wantonly kill things."

The dark clouds on Zhou Yu's face gradually dissipated, and as the warning to the other party's actions was completed, the killing intentions also converged without a drop, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"You don't have to worry, I won't do anything. It's just that you can't tell him anything about me, and you don't have to say anything about the Zhongshan royal family."

In Zhou Yu's view, Liu Siquan didn't seem to have that meaning, so why did he come here? I am afraid it is the family affair of the Zhongshan royal family, and has nothing to do with Zhou Yu. The blood race is imminent, and he is not interested in managing these idle affairs.

Forget it, treat it as a bargaining chip. Zhou Yu floated out, and after that, Liu Siquan secretly stopped. The following people also understand that many people received by Zhou Fu can't reveal their identities. Even if they recognize them, they should be treated as if they don't know them.

At this moment, Zhou Yu had sent Ma Yuan and Liu Bei away, leaving a Tyumen to take care of them for a while, and then asked Liu Siquan what he meant.

"Well, I don't want to start working with him right away. It doesn't matter if I want to wait."

Liu Siquan said, touching the scabbard of the male and female double-stranded swords with empty waists, a little more lonely in the tone, I don't know what he thought of these days in Zhoufu.

Zhou Yu sat down and gave the other party a copy of the information collected recently. Liu Siquan picked it up and read it. As a result, the two began to repeat the matter of blood races every night.

During the period, when talking about the origin of the blood clan, Liu Siquan repeated the legend of his family to the other party, probably cursed by the gods or the like. Zhou Yu was a little shocked that it was so vain, and a little worried about whether he had enough capital to compete with it.

Suddenly, Liu Siquan asked: "What do you think is the purpose of the blood race?"


"What is the benefit of the blood race behind the blood race chaos?"

Zhou Yu was speechless for a while, and he had no clear clues about this. He asked:

"But the patriarch knows?"

Liu Siquan shook his head, denying:

"I don't have a clue, they want to come now, they may have no purpose."

"It's kind of weird."

Zhou Yu didn't take it too seriously, and said:

"Does this have anything to do with your being rescued by a blood race?"

Liu Siquan's face suddenly became ugly, he scolded:

"Shut up. Don't mention it again."

After that, it was another journey, and Liu Siquan finally met with Liu Bei, said the ins and outs, and presented the male and female swords to the other side.

The rain crashed down, shaking everyone's mind.

If he was not injured by Dahe Jian's intention and his family was at a loss, the blood clan that was released by Liu Bei's parents appeared in time. Liu Siquan was rescued with the blood clandestine technique, and the inside story was informed. it's here.

In front of Liu Bei, the two male and female double-stranded swords shone strangely.

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