Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 128: Double Kings confrontation

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There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. The only way to stop the fighting is to put two tigers in shackles, making it a big cat alone.

And when the shackles are lifted, years and months will not allow the two tigers to give up the fight, but will intensify, and hope to get rid of it soon.

They will respect this decisive battle, pay attention to each other, observe whether the other is old or strong, estimate the development of this battle, and try to find the key that can guide the whole situation.

It is quite possible that the two spent a lot of energy to warm up, but the final battle is very fast, ending in a way that does not leave room for each other.

If we borrow these words to describe Wu Guo, the civil war caused by the new royal school and the old royal school feels a bit appropriate.

Zhou Yu stood above the gate of Yucheng. Suddenly, due to the big dark sky of Xu Fu, the heavy rain suddenly poured out, but this had little effect on Wu Jun, who is accustomed to wandering in the sea. They can still clearly see the traces of enemy actions in the distance.

One thing was beyond Zhou Yu's expectation. The old Wang faction took advantage of the attack. With the army of Zhou Yu trying to pretend to be invincible, it took one day longer than Zhou Yu calculated.

Do they still have reservations? Still uneasy about the results of this month's temptation, leaving a killer skill?

Zhou Yu's heart was swaying. The old foxes of the old king sent him headaches many times. Today, he wants to take this opportunity to eradicate them.

"Dudu, they have entered the ambush circle."

The soldiers below came to report.

"Send three thousand people to siege it and hurt it, then pretend to be invincible, throw away your helmet and armor..."

Zhou Yu had a lingering fear, but the arrow was on the string. At this moment, it was the crucial battle. There was no room for mistakes, so he had to carry out according to the original plan.

Five miles away, the old king faction.

The mighty 30,000 troops lined up in long queues. Youlong generally drove into the warning line of Yucheng. Before then, these troops easily broke through the major cities and gathered here, including almost 90% of the troops of the old kings.

They showed red light, unlike ordinary soldiers, standing in the heavy rain, and did not move at all, like a stone, they would only obey the orders of their superiors. Not only the flesh, but also the will, as hard as a molten iron.

"These all depend on the research of the blood race."

One of the two princes who took the lead was extremely pleased with this result, and the mysterious blood clan spoke highly of it. No matter where it comes from, what can be used will be used, and the present moment is important. This is the principle of the mutual communication between the old kings.

But is this really the case? When the old king faction succeeds in overthrowing the new king faction, the situation of one mountain and two tigers will disintegrate and return to the old era of decentralization of the eight kings. Inevitably, the decentralization system will also be rewritten because of this battle. In this way, grasshoppers on a rope would fight each other out.

Another prince is not optimistic about the current situation, not only because it may happen in the future

Fierce fighting, and this strange rainy day.

He said:

"This rainy day should not be reasonable. And since the beginning of the rain, those white-haired interracial people have stopped coming out and hiding. I am afraid this battle is not as simple as imagined."

The two are the two most appealing princes of the old royal school. The one who is worried comes from a peculiar family. The people in that family have no small quirks, but they are in the worst case when they encounter emergencies. I think that they have been operating cautiously for generations.

Because the old royal faction was suppressed and their strength was greatly weakened, this family emerged suddenly among the royal families and became the dragon head.

"You don't have to worry too much, these blood races are just doing research, there is no slight interference in our battle, what's the point of being or not?"

The prince apparently disdained his colleagues' concerns and made a little analysis for him, and said:

"This rain is continuous, and Zhou Yu, who is defending the city, is good at restraining him by using fire. It is extremely beneficial to us. It is better to help us! When we defeat Zhou Yu, it is equivalent to breaking the core of the rebels. sit back and relax!"

Listening to his words, it turned out to be full of confidence. The prince, who had always been used to worry, also raised his eyebrows, showing a visible smile.

"That's right."

Soon, the old king sent troops to the rain city. With the absolute number advantage, the two princes planned to suppress Zhou Yu's 6,000 troops.

Before announcing the attack, there was an urgent report from the rear. The soldiers who came out of nowhere and launched a raid were approaching quickly.

"Can this be done?"

Facing the current situation, the worried Wang Ye couldn't help panicking and asking others' opinions.

"Mopan, keep calm!"

The other lord, unmoved, ordered the former march to stop for a while, and then watched the battle behind. Several hills were covered with enemy troops. I don’t know what method to use to hide the scout’s eyes and rushed down from the heights through the terrain. The momentum was unreasonable.

As soon as the two sides contacted, the rear of the old royal faction was knocked down by Zhou Yu's elite.

"Not urgent."

Everyone was not frightened by the tragedy in front of him, but instead confronted Zhou Yu's ambush in a usual attitude. I saw those who had fallen down stood up one after another, picked up their weapons again, and fought back.

The army that uses the power of the blood clan is far away from the general army in terms of anti-injury ability and self-healing ability. Sergeants in Yucheng have only heard of it and have not actually seen it. They are surprised at the moment.

"If you're afraid of anything, just count it, and just knock them down!"

The leader led the soldiers to attack again. Unexpectedly, the soldiers who were "reborn" once had red eyes in their eyes, and the combat effectiveness was even more tricky.

As more than a dozen rounds passed, the advantage of the raid army was overshadowed, and the other party's momentum was more and more courageous.


The leader was not reconciled, but he thought that he had achieved the effect ordered by the Governor, he retreated as planned, and the old king sent his army to pursue immediately.

With the familiarity with the terrain and Zhou Yu's "preparation", the raid miraculously asked for chase and came to the gate of Yucheng, where the gate was open.

Seizing the opportunity, the ten vanguards entered the rain city with the raid and found no difference, and then the entire army of the old kings also squeezed into the rain city aggressively, with a bamboo chair in front, the leisurely Zhou Yu sitting on it Slightly smiled.

In the heavy rain, there was also a flame that did not extinguish. It covered Zhou Yu's body and burned, as hard as his inner anger to calm down.

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