Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 138: Misty illusion

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Xu Fu noticed that Ma Yuan's eyes were a bit wrong, as if he had suddenly changed himself, but he couldn't tell the difference. For him, humans have always been an incomprehensible creature.

No, it is inappropriate to say so.

For the existence of Xu Fu, no creature other than himself has tried to understand it, he only needs to stick to his own ideas.

Ma Yuan's lowered head lifted up again and opened his eyes. In the moment just now, he recalled many things.

Somehow, his heart touched violently, his eyes burned with blue-blue fire, and his hair fell down without wind. Having been accustomed to the body of Emperor Shitian, after abandoning all the past, he ushered in the peak of momentum.

At this moment, Ma Yuan may have reached the strongest body in the world.

Taking back Neng Tianyin and standing in the center surrounded by millions of Xu Fu phantoms, Ma Yuan no longer has any movements.

Ma Yuan remembered that at the end of the universe, at the end of time and space, the Emperor Shi Tian he met seemed to stand still and waited like this.

After several observations, Xu Fu didn't find the horse's extra small movements. This is how he stood on the spot without any means, so Xu Fu did not move.

The entire monarch palace fell into deathly silence.

"This is not giving up," Xu Fu muttered to himself, "I know this kind of thing, hope."

Before the hope comes, we have to set the stakes and wait for it.

The blindly attacked Ma Yuan, if stopped, is equivalent to the calm before the storm.

Xu Fu's face was a bit ugly, he didn't like things beyond his expectations.

"Even if you have tens of thousands of avatars, there are countless resurrections," Ma Yuan said suddenly to Xu Fu.

At the same time, with both hands spread out, Ma Yuan once again offered the Nengtianyin's starting hand style, and this time the action slowed down more than several times.

"I don't think you have any loopholes in this move, especially in the palace."

Hearing the last sentence, Xu Fu frowned obviously.

From the position of Ma Yuan, there was a turbulent vitality fluctuation, and the mysterious human-sized runes condensed in the void. The material of the entire monarch palace is concentrated in the direction of Mayuan, and its density is increasing. The powerful pressure even caused the collapse of the space.

When Ma Yuan was in a position, there was a vortex forming, immediately triggering a strong wind, trying to inhale all the surrounding Xu Fu.

"This is... is it the Da Ming Kong Mantra, but should he only inherit Emperor Shi Tian's Neng Tian Yin?"

While resisting this suction, Xu Fu was also guessing what the other party wanted to do.

Ma Yuan's moves are indeed true for Nengtianyin, but what is the extra suction, just like Nengtianyin's failure?

Xu Fu couldn't hold his breath anymore, no matter what Ma Yuan was going to do, the first thing was to disrupt his rhythm. So, tens of millions of Xu Fu stretched out a red thread between each other, connected with their vitality, and finally strung into a large net, covering Ma Yuan in it.

Just before Ma Yuan's eyes, the torrential blood sea once again raged, forming a barrier that isolated the connection between Ma Yuan's space and the outside space, and sealed off the internal space, acting as a reinforcement, effectively preventing the further expansion of the vortex.

Gradually, the attractive force dissipated, and the vortex originally caused by the difference in density also calmed down, and Xu Fu relaxed slightly.

"You can seal the space, but can you seal the sky?"

At this time, Ma Yuan's announcement was like a thunder of nine days, exploding next to Xu Fu's ear.

Together with two hands, Ma Yuan will complete the final form of Neng Tianyin, and the vast breath will break through all the attempts to restrain it and show its glory to the world.

When Xu Fu turned around, the space of the Junfang Temple was filled with the energy of the sky, and a trace of uneasiness floated on his mind.

"Did you just refine the entire space here?"

Xu Fu questioned Ma Yuandao.

Ma Yuan didn't speak, and the closed hands clasped tighter. With the increase of strength, the golden smoke in the palace room rose up, gradually forming the shape of a palm, occupying a few miles of space.

Twenty heavens, twenty powerful handprints at the same time, sacrificed at the same time, once burst, I am afraid that the world is unbearable, this power will go straight through the land.


Xu Fu disapproved and laughed.

"If you want to use this Nengtian Yin to bombard all my avatars, even if you can succeed, your flesh will disappear."

That's right, Xu Fu is not necessarily dead, but Ma Yuan is definitely going to die. This is a very unreasonable bet, unless the other party has a mortal heart.

"Are you really going to pay such a price?"

In the palm of Neng Tianyin, Xu Fu's sleeves were blown by the powerful airflow. There is no doubt that the next moment will be a critical blow.

After a blow, the protracted battle will come to an end, and the winner will be born.

Did Xu Fu re-enter the reincarnation and wipe out all memories and return to the state of bloodstone, or could Ma Yuan's death disappear without destroying the other party's vitality?

But does Ma Yuan really plan to fight with death? So, what is the "hope" that Xu Fu saw in the other party's eyes?

Xu Fu stretched out a pair of blood wings, and thousands of Xu Fu's figures were connected together like a big net to suppress the Ma Yuan in it, which delayed the progress of the detonation of the Energy Seal.

Neng Tianyin, which is about to be released, is several times more powerful than usual. Even Ma Yuan, who possesses the power of a true god, has to go all out and ignore the heavy force of repression on his body.

Slightly bent legs, actually exhausted.

"Hold on, my body." Ma Yuan screamed inwardly.

As time passed slowly, the golden smoke spreading from Ma Yuan became thicker and thicker, and the gesture of being able to seal the sky had basically appeared in front of Xu Fu's eyes, staring at him.

The pressure on the shoulders was slightly gentle. Ma Yuan looked up and saw that the big net was spinning rapidly. Without a few moments, Ma Yuan could not capture Xu Fu's breath, as if Xu Fu disappeared from here.

When Ma Yuan was puzzled, a new breath appeared, which was stronger and longer than Xu Fu just now.

Thousands of figures merged into one, wearing armor condensed by the power of the blood race, hands with dark flames wrapped around them, no outside weapons, just a punch and a foot can break the void.

This is exactly the new "Xu Fu".

Some time ago, he has been passive, but after absorbing enough heaven and earth aura, Xu Fu can reproduce the real body of the blood god, that is, his original appearance.

Ma Yuan did not expect that the display of twenty days effectively restrained the opponent's ability to recover from metamorphosis, but on the other hand, Xu Tian had only one will for heaven and earth. ten times.

"This is a little troublesome."

Ma Yuan smiled bitterly.

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