Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 139: From the shackles of the past

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When the world first opened, thirty-three true gods were born.

They are busy creating various things for this blank world. After seven reincarnations, the true appearance of this world is basically completed. When their mission was completed, the thirty-three true gods escaped from this, and they handed over the task of overseeing all sentient beings.

As for where they go, no one knows, leaving only legends.

One day, Haotian and his friend, Emperor Shitian, visited the worlds of the heavens and inspected the merits of other gods. They also have a purpose to get inspiration from the creation of other gods.

In the center of the worlds of the heavens, I don’t know when I suddenly had an egg and they were met. Emperor Shitian's curiosity rose, so he used his magical power to enlighten him, and gave him spiritual knowledge so that he could observe foreign objects and shape his true body.

So, the evil that made the gods unavoidable was born.

Hao Tian peeped at his real body, guessed its origin slightly, and hurriedly led Emperor Shi Tian away. Soon, a storm swept through the location of the mysterious egg, which surprised all the gods who explored it.

"Hao Tian, ​​what do you say? Among the gods, that egg is already in full swing. Someone will find us sooner or later."

Emperor Shi Tian and Hao Tianduan were sitting on the clouds, and the two were playing chess on the board.

"This game of chess has been played for two thousand years. How do you keep asking this question, for fear of guilty conscience. If you know this, you don't have to change it. Although it will be born without you, it's just the length of time."

Haotian is still not angry with Emperor Shitian.

Emperor Shi Tian spoke with a smile and said, "This is the case, but we should also bear some responsibility. It is better to give him a physical body, make it adult, and seduce it by some method, and then..."

After listening to Haotian, he sighed and said, "You haven't said anything wrong?"

Seemingly agreed, Emperor Shitian rethought how to move next.

But Hao Tian turned to God, found something wrong, and scolded: Why is it our responsibility again?

Protoss Village.

Naco Lulu stood in front of the big pit at the door, holding the scriptures in the collection room, turning over, trying to find a useful clue.

However, two days and two nights passed, and the various scriptures were turned over. The people who came to transport the scriptures sat on the side to help them check, and finally found no useful information.

Except for those weird words:

"The blood-red sky covered the village above, the resentment of ancient demons;

Countless sighs cover up the village's tomorrow's light and the sin of the territory of Red Lotus;

Emperor Shitian's hand touched every living creature, giving destruction and light;

The wind of Buddhism blows away the lost voice, forgetting mercy and kindness. "

The rain and rain in the sky made Na Kelulu a little uneasy.

It stands to reason that the Protoss Village is not as rainy as the outside world, and all creatures rely on the mist of the night to replenish the water. Therefore, in the history of the village, it has never happened that it has rained. Moreover, it is hard to believe that the clouds are always covered.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the sun hanging in the sky is actually the handwriting of the previous elders. It seems to be dissatisfied with the empty environment inside the village of Protoss, specially made with illusion. After hundreds of years of operation, the quality is really good.

The great elder also brought many exotic plants and spirit beasts from outside to try to adapt them to the life of the village. I couldn't bear it, so I sent it back. Also from this generation, the village did not use stone buildings and learned to use other materials and styles.

When she was a child, Naco Lulu was deeply shocked by this secret. Now recalling it, I can't help but find it interesting.

"Wow! Wow!!"

Some people propped up a tiny enchantment to help Na Kelulu isolate the rain, while some people walked through the rain without any cover.

Naco Lulu raised her head and looked at them, and finally her sorrowful face was loosened, and she smiled.

At this time, the children of the Protoss Village had not seen the rain, and all cheered and jumped outside. However, the expressions of the adults are not so good-looking and slightly stiff. They sensed the seriousness of the situation, and the elder elder had not returned for two days, which made them particularly worried.

"Lulu, what are they doing, elder elder?"

"What's going on with this rain? It has never been touched. Is there a loophole in the boundary between the Protoss Village and the outside world?"

"The richness of the Protoss Altar has also weakened significantly, as if it has been sucked away. What do you think is related to this incident?"


Intelligence and inquiries, large and small, gathered to Na Kelulu, who had been tired of appeasing the frightened villagers in recent days.

At the deep cave entrance, there were only Nakolulu and the guards, but now more and more people have gathered, and they have turned their attention to the passage. There are even bold people who want to go down and check, and Nacho Lulu stopped it in time.

"The elder elder told me that after she left, no one in the village was allowed to enter again."

Nakolulu spoke sternly to everyone. At the same time, another word from the elders sounded in her heart: If we did not return in three days, we closed the passage.

Nakolulu closed her eyes slightly, and in the absence of any action, the memories of the past are always easy to come to mind. There was a spring of sorrow flowing from her heart.

Suddenly, the ground shook violently, and Nako Lulu opened his eyes, and everyone also found out, looking towards the origin of the abnormal movement, it was the channel that was opened.

The originally gloomy opening gave out a bright light, and a beam of light broke through the sky, eroding part of the cloudy clouds, and the village looked brighter.

When the beam of light disappeared, and several bodies fell from the sky, the passage closed automatically.

"Great Elder! Take Elder Joe! Elder Tsing Yi!"

Everyone came forward to check, and after recognizing the identities of these people, the expression on their faces was shocking. They turned their heads to Nakolulu one after another, hoping that the other side would give an answer.

Nakolulu was also at a loss, in addition to the three villages of the Protoss Village, he also found Juyoujing. But they were in a coma, the breath was extremely weak, and the whole elder's body was covered with burning scars, which looked terrible.

Na Ke Lu Lu did not dare to delay, called the village doctor to come to treat.

Looking left and right, Nakolulu found no trace of Ma Yuan, and she had a bad idea in her heart. In the palace deep in the sea, what happened to Naco Lulu wanted to know, but everything had to wait for everyone to wake up.

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