Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 148: Forgotten story

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What can be called a story in this world is probably something interesting, eye-catching, or exciting.

But many people can't write such a story. They only use empty strokes to describe dreamy scenes, with no marginal association.

It clearly included many deep meanings, but still had to complain that those people were not able to comprehend, and those who lived with them were mediocre.

We will call the stories they wrote: forgotten stories.

Just like what has happened in millions of years, it will not be fully recorded in the long river of history and will be excluded from those "story".

such as:

Many years ago, Changan City visited a monk and watched this magnificent building shed tears and sat on his knees.

He came from the Western Regions outside the Great Wall. When the Great Wall Guards defeated, he took advantage of the chaos to break through the barrier and came here.

No one knew his inner thoughts. The monk looked at the gate of Chang'an City for a long time, but he didn't go in. The people who came and went quickly noticed this strange person and cast their curious eyes on it.

Just when the guardian soldier could not help stepping forward to question him, the man turned around and left. It seemed that he came here without fear, just to observe this millennium building.

The mobile station had a stiff body all day, and his feet were still unstable, leaving the ground back with a kind of indescribable desolation.

"The poor monk came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty and went to the West Heaven to learn the way."

Hearing the man's words, he had the wish to go to Chang'an for a look, but just standing outside the city gate, his heart was strongly touched and he dared not rush in.

Ancient bricks and stones paved the way to Chang'an. The light of the setting sun was as strong as blood. How many years of wind, frost, rain, snow, moss and dew were able to render this thing cold.

I heard that the prince of the ancient country of Lanling is secretly preparing a plan to rush many refugees from the Western Region to Chang'an City. At the same time, he also deliberately promoted the knowledge that "the East is rich" and encouraged those gangsters who wandered the desert to compete for what originally belonged to them.

Anyway, the monks themselves knew that the people in the Western Regions were originally driven out by Changan City after their completion. Their ancestors were originally Oriental people, but they were abandoned for some reason.

If there is revenge, there will be grievances and complaints, and if there are causes, there must be results. In my own eyes, this seems to be nothing wrong.

"But, is it really that easy?"

When his monk left his country, along the way, he saw that countless western mobs had already taken the lead, and they broke into the town under the protection of the Great Wall Guard, wantonly killing and looting.

The dead bodies can be seen everywhere, no matter if they are worn or shiny, they are already rotten, and the ugly face on the face can still be seen a bit.

Standing on a badly damaged street somewhere, in his mind, a scene of many people crying appeared, just like the rebellion that occurred in the Royal Palace a few days ago, the people who were threatened were asking for help.

The clenched fists were trembling, and no amount of energy could be poured in anyway, and the practice clearly reached the realm of the real name class, but it became a waste.


A bit of pain came from behind, it should be pierced by a sharp object, but the monk has been practicing some kind of physical exercises to strengthen the body for many years, and he failed to pierce it.

The monk turned his head and found that he was a little boy, barely up to his waist, with a thin face and yellow muscles. No wonder his strength was not great. The dagger in his hand only caused a shallow wound and no blood stains.

The little boy screamed, released his assassination weapon, and looked at the man in front of him in horror.

Only recently has the little boy learned how to penetrate the vitality and use the vitality to attack, so that the power of the knife has been greatly improved. This should be quite effective for this purpose, and it has no effect on the monk.

The monk looked at the little boy, but his heart was full of doubts:

Why is the murderer such a person?

Why did he assassinate himself?

Is he a refugee from the Western Regions or a child who lives here?

Looking at the apparently stunned monk, the little boy seized the opportunity and fled in vain, as if behind him was a cannibalistic monster, so terrified that the monk was still running, and the monk had no time to ask a word.

The dry wind blew through the broken streets. Many days ago, it was looted by gangsters from the Western Regions.

After the storm just now, this street was left alone with monks. He then moved forward with his legs raised. The little boy had just walked too fast and failed to ask for information, which made him a little regretful.

Scenes that are usually hard to see are being staged here, this is the beginning of the war, indicating that the defense of the Great Wall is already in jeopardy.

Finally, when he arrived at the Great Wall, he saw a dragon.

That's right, it was a giant dragon that didn't know how many years it was, crawling on the tens of miles of land at the Changan city gate. At this time, he raised his head slightly, his eyes showed a fierce fierce light, and looked at the Western army in the distance.

In an instant, a red light and shadow pierced the sky and circled up from the ground, the vitality of a ten-mile radius began to surge violently, the monk frowned slightly, and his heart was difficult to settle down.

Hold your mind, close the five senses, and observe things with your heart.

The monk used his unique mind to see the amazing scenes of the distant battlefield. A female warrior blocked thousands of horses and easily cut down dozens of cavalry from the charge.

All the vitality in the underground seemed to have wisdom, and madly poured into the female warrior, and gradually merged into a miniature dragon, dominating the coercion of the entire space.

"It turns out there is a dragon vein support!"

He sighed like this and regained his mind.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he displayed his magical power and easily crossed the sparse defense line at that time. Even if he was discovered, he could not catch up with him.

Three days later, he came to Chang'an City.

When he was content and was about to leave here, he was attracted by something.

"Oh, is this?"

The monk came to the other side of Chang'an City and saw a horrible sight. The stone wall in front of his eyes was scratched with a sword.

In order to reach the blue sky and the bright moon, these seven big characters appear prominently on it, I don't know who wrote it. It still looks very fresh, it should have happened just recently.

"Moon Moon? Interesting, interesting."

The monk laughed and laughed, and left without looking back. Since then, there is no trace of him in Chang'an City.

Just like the snow and snow, it disappeared in the historical river of Chang'an City, and turned into a small water flower, disillusioned with a loud noise.

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