Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 149: The young man at that time

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Spring came to this paradise, with a gentle wind, gently stroking the face of passers-by. The weather was just fine, and the golden radiance spilled over every river, floating like golden scales.

Since the ice and snow melted, the chill disappeared from this world, the village that had been quiet for a long time began to change into a noisy, the noise of the water was accompanied by the sound of insects, and occasionally there was a slight sound of wood leaves on the soil, as if all creatures could not wait. Declaring his sense of being.

If it weren't for the sun, it didn't feel hot, it really made people think it was approaching summer.

Protoss Village.

Ma Yuan has been living in the house of Nakolulu for the third year. From autumn to spring, Ma Yuan has been slightly touched for sixteen years old. He has grown very strong and is no longer in the weak posture of the past. His bright and gleaming eyes are radiant.


Ma Yuan shouted and ran out of the house, lurking to a place where no one was.

After getting rid of the lazy winter, finally he can no longer squeeze the fire with Naco Lulu to warm up, Ma Yuan feels a little happy inside.


"Ho ho!!"

After appreciating the scenery, Ma Yuan remembered what she was doing, stepped up her horse, and began to try the fist moves taught by him.

Keep your feet steady, feel the breath of the dragon veins under the earth, adjust your breathing, and slowly adjust until a special feeling comes.

Hugh said, a stream of air rolled up in the flat ground. The clothes on Ma Yuan's body rolled up involuntarily, guiding the dragon's vitality to the whole body, and then punching out through the fist. The force was not an ordinary domineering.

If it is not too long to accumulate energy, and the power depends on the strength of the dragon veins under the feet, this kind of exercise should be very strong and highly respected, and it will not disappear soon after being developed, and finally be sealed up by the gods. In the large library of the village.

Ma Yuan made a move in the air, and after playing a whole set, his muscles were a bit out of control and a little breathless. It seems that for him, the energy consumption is very huge.

But Ma Yuan was not discouraged. On the contrary, he was a little secretly happy.

I didn’t practice it in a winter and thought it would be rusty. I couldn’t think of the fist that was still strong and windy, and made it look like a man.

"Ma Yuan, Lulu is looking for you."

Practicing boxing a little bit tired, Ma Yuan lay under an apple tree, took a short break, prepared to close his eyes, but heard someone call him.

Nicole Lulu?

Ma Yuan opened his eyes in horror, with no drowsiness. His head was full of thumping heart sounds. Hearing the name was terrible.

When someone came to see Ma Yuan's strange response, he could not help being amused, and the flowers suddenly shivered.

Ma Yuan thought this sound was familiar earlier, and when he heard this distinctive sign of laughter, he immediately turned his head and looked at it: Hey, isn’t this a small floral?

Xiaohuahua is the youngest daughter of the next door family. She is only six or seven years old this year, and is less than half of Ma Yuan's age. Being mocked by such a little fart boy, Ma Yuan directly blushed.

"what's so funny?"

Ma Yuan stood up, photographed the dust on her body, and wore a new dress made by Nako Lulu. It was only the first time she put on her body today, but she could not be seen stained by herself.

"The day before yesterday, Aunt Li was still washing the bed. I asked her and said that you were wetting the bed again."

I originally thought that the small floral would change his look greatly, but I couldn't think of the other person's grinning look. Although his appearance changed a little, he quickly pressed it up, as if Ma Yuan knew it and was not afraid.

"What's wrong with this girl?"

Ma Yuan couldn't help feeling nervous.

At this time, the little broken flower saw no one around, and came to Ma Yuan with small jumps, almost to be attached to the other party.

"Hee hee, I also know your secret, so I'm not afraid. If you tell others about me, I will tell it."

The little broken flower said mysteriously, with a bit of teasing in his eyes.

Ma Yuan said, "What do you mean?"

Ah Ma, didn't Ma Yuan know? Small broken flower covered her mouth, which was a bit unexpected.

Ma Yuan asked: "What do you want to say?"

No, since Ma Yuan didn't know that, let's forget it. The little broken flower was helpless and didn't want to tell the other party.

However, under Ma Yuan's hard persecution, he also shook out the many scandals of the small broken flower, and finally the small broken flower couldn't help but say it out loud:

"That's that, you can't practice vitality. Your body is not defective, and this life cannot be cured."

"You know what I mean, even if you hit me now, you will be more than me, but I can cultivate vitality, but you can't. Many things in this world depend on the vitality, and in the end you can only become waste."

"That...the basic is this, haven't you noticed yet?"

After Xiaohuahua spit out quickly, seeing Ma Yuan lower his head, he couldn't see any expression, and he couldn't help worrying. He felt that he had just gone too far.

Just wanting to apologize, Ma Yuan raised his head, his face was full of sunny smile, he said with a smile:

"I thought what it was, I already knew about it. So you are still a little fart boy. You can live well without vitality in this world. My horse is not a waste."

That's right, the little girl didn't know yet. The teenager who stood in front of him had cultivated to the real name level in a few years, and he was close to the sanctuary level.

When that incident happened that year, the elder Xi Yin could barely feel that since Xu Fu appeared, with the arrival of Ma Yuan, an equally strong breath came.

He once possessed the strongest energy that he could tolerate beyond reality, fought a war in chaos and the present world, and broke apart from the enemy.

"Okay, I'm going to find Granny now, she may have to teach me."

After Ma Yuan said this, he left in a hurry, leaving a small floral stupefied. Ma Yuan's smiling face suddenly made her feel that the gloomy breath she had just noticed was an illusion.

When Ma Yuan trotting back to the door of the house, where he and Nakolulu lived together for a few years, he could see Nakolulu watching and watching from the door, as if waiting for him to return.


Ma Yuan shouted badly in his heart, this kind of thing is very rare, it seems that the other party is really angry.

Thinking that the stupid thing he had done was exposed, Ma Yuan was powerless and walked straight in front of Nakolulu without even realizing a trace of melancholy on the other person's face.

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