Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 150: Late change

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At that time, the blood race chaos, the village of God Race tried their best, with the ancient artifact Moon God Ziruo Staff, opened the six types of destruction of the Great Demon Formation.

However, unexpectedly, the elders expected that Xu Fu had projected into the human world because of his chance coincidence as early as five hundred years ago, and he was fully prepared for this war.

This formation was originally Xu Fu's voluntary trapping. If he wanted to break free, he naturally had a way. Even if Xiyin held the artifact and had the formation blessing, he had a great advantage. Xu Fu was not afraid.

If it were not for Ma Yuan to abandon his flesh in time to achieve Emperor Shi Tian’s coming, this trip would be the immediate annihilation of the whole army. The village of the Protoss will also lose its energy source due to the destruction of the town of demons and Xu Fu’s escape, and eventually wither and die. Shrink.

Fortunately, the blood clan ancestors sealed in the Junfangdian were successfully resealed, the remaining blood clan powers in the world were emptied in an instant, and the mission of the Shenzu village was successfully completed!

However, Naco Lulu and they soon discovered that the returned Ma Yuan became very weird. Not only did they lose all their skill, the vitality could not circulate on their own in the meridians, but their memories began to pass.

After a serious illness, even Juyou Jing did not remember, including why he came here.

Xiyin once said that people from Jixia College will be contacted and entrusted to take away Ma Yuan. Only in this way will it be possible for Ma Yuan who can't cultivate vitality to become as powerful in this world.

Before that, you and Ma Yuan just need to wait slowly.

Year after year, Ma Yuan gradually adapted to the loss of his memory. Apart from Chang'an Ye who first came to the mainland of the king, he still kept a vague impression, and the rest were emptied.

"With Mom, there are new memories every day, and I don't feel sad at all."

Ma Yuan was picked up by Nako Lulu from the dark stone house, and soon recovered her smile, and said so.

Naco Lulu was stunned for a while before she realized that Ma Yuan had forgotten who she was, but she seemed to respect her very much and called her "Grandma" affectionately.

Nako Lulu grabbed him, and she couldn't help but shed tears, not knowing where to start.

Since then, Nakolulu has taken the responsibility of taking care of Ma Yuan as entrusted by Ju Youjing, and all of Mayuan's clothes were made by Nakolulu himself. After searching the large library for a long time, he barely found a The Ministry can let Ma Yuan practice the exercises.

Nakolulu had a deep memory of the incident. At that time, Ma Yuan held the dragon-giving tactics that Nakolulu gave him, that is, the method of drawing the vitality of the underground dragon veins, but it was broken.

"He ran out to practice until late at night and forgot to come back. I was eventually found by me, a look of trouble, I was embarrassed to reprimand him."

Nicole Lulu recalled.

What made her even more unexpected was that as an alien, Ma Yuan's existence was quickly accepted by the people in the village, and no one questioned too much about Nakolulu becoming the acting elder.

It’s just that Ma Yuan was involved in the blood race chaos, and only senior people knew that ordinary people would treat him as a child who was picked up outside by Na Kelulu, just like the last time Xi Yin picked up Na Kelulu. .

Therefore, the old people in the village will appease the newly appointed "big elder" with a spoiled expression:

"I think Xiyin's vision is quite accurate. You are a good child. The child you are caring for is equivalent to the child common in our village."

In a blink of an eye, three years later, when Nako Lulu was about to have no hope for the teachers of Jixia College, this belated accident happened suddenly.

The day when Ma Yuan left here is finally here.

"Alas, I am so reluctant. It is obviously very good for Ma Yuan. Staying here will not help him in the future, but I still want him to stay."

Naco Lulu stood at the door of her house, and had already ordered others to go back to Mayuan to return, and even the small flower next door was enthusiastically dispatched.

When he thought of the separation from Ma Yuan, Na Kelulu's mood was a little touched, and her chest was stuffy.

After a long time, after raising his head a little, Ma Yuan appeared in front of his eyes in a haunted manner, and slowly approached himself, as if he seemed to be afraid. Naco Lulu was a little nervous, worried that the other party knew about this time.

She looked at Ma Yuan with infinite tenderness. Three years later, the child was already a teenager, and the changes were not small.

If Ju Youjing is here, he will certainly be surprised.

"Mother, what's the matter?"

When Ma came to Naco Lulu, he asked anxiously, a little ashamed. Every winter, Ma Yuan's body becomes very weak and it is difficult to walk outside. Nakolulu must take care of him carefully.

Perhaps this is also a sequelae of the serious illness. The doctors in the Protoss Village are puzzled by Ma Yuan's illness.

Therefore, Bingxue had just disappeared. Na Kelulu refused to allow Ma Yuan to go out. Today the sun was shining, and Ma Yuan finally couldn't help but sneaked out, violating each other's orders.

"Well, it was wrong for me to sneak out, but today the sun is good and the air is warm..."

Ma Yuan tried to explain to the other party, but realizing Na Kelulu's utterance, he suddenly panicked and quickly changed his mouth:

"Ma, I'm wrong. I shouldn't make excuses. I shouldn't worry you. I won't dare next time. Forgive me!"

Watching Ma Yuan lower his head very low, all begging for mercy, Nako Lulu couldn't help but chuckled and comforted:

"I didn't mean to blame you. You didn't listen to me, not once or twice. I'm used to it."

Ma Yuan listened and smiled, a little embarrassed. Immediately afterwards, Ma Yuan groaned and Ma Yuan asked Na Kelulu:

"Then, what's the point of looking for me this time?"

"You come with me."

After that, Nakolulu took Ma Yuan, walked through the stone forest, and went to the pile of stone buildings in the center of the village, where they were basically distributed by the agencies that resolved various major events in the village.

Along the way, Ma Yuan was also curious about why she was taken there by her mother. Although she heard that she was the elder of the Protoss Village, she seemed to have a very high power, but when they were together, they basically did not talk about the affairs of the government. .

Ma Yuan's heart couldn't help but thump. Although what was about to happen was unclear, he was extremely nervous.

At the end of the corridor is a curtain, and the curtain is lifted. Inside is a very wide room with a lot of ornaments. It looks magnificent and does not match the rudiment of the stone house.

While Ma Yuan glanced around, Na Kelulu shouted inwardly:

"Can Master Cai Yong still be there?"

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