Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 151: Awakened will

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In the empty palace, Na Kelulu's sentence "Master Cai Yong" echoed slightly. In addition, she could not hear any response. Na Kelulu couldn't help but wonder.

Ma Yuanhu headed around and looked around. After a round, he still didn't find a little figure. He said discouragedly, "Ma, let's go."

"no, I can not!"

Nakolulu vehemently denied. She couldn't believe that after having discussed with him for so long, it was negotiated. How could she leave without saying anything?

Just as the two were in doubt, a wave of motion came under their feet, and a burst of green smoke emerged, transforming into a human form, and gradually forming an old man's appearance.

When the old man turned around, Naco Lulu hurried over and asked:

"Master Cai Yong, where did you just go, didn't you ask you to wait here for a while?"

Cai Yong waved his hand, and seemed to be a little breathless. He adjusted his breath for a while and continued to say:

"I have just performed the magical dichotomy of the spirit and went to the entrance of the underground monarch palace to investigate. I have collected a lot of information. Although the damage is very serious, I still maintain a lot of valuable information!"

After finishing talking, Cai Yong's beard moved, he couldn't help laughing, and looked like no one else, which made Ma Yuan feel annoyed.

Not only does it include resistance to outsiders in the village, but also disdain for the word "master", so Ma Yuan did not give Cai Yong any good looks.


All of Cai Yong looked at it, but he didn't say it clearly. He seemed to remember something. He just looked away from Ma Yuan and looked back. His eyes were very strong, which made Ma Yuan feel goosebumps all over.

Ma Yuan wondered: "What is this old man looking at?"

When Cai Yong retracted his gaze, shook his head and showed a disappointed look, he said to Na Kelulu:

"This child looks mediocre and has no circulation of vitality in the body. Even if the muscles and bones are hardened, it is not worth anything. I'm afraid that the young man can't get anything."

"how come?"

A trace of hesitation flashed across Na Kelulu's face. Cai Yong, as a famous master of Jixia College, spoke extremely importantly, and it was impossible to give judgment casually.


Na Kelu Lu just wanted to talk, and was stopped by Cai Yong again. The old man continued to say:

"I know what you want to say, if this boy really was a real consummation of the real name class, but only because of the evil energy of the king's palace, he lost his skills, he is indeed a rare genius in the mainland of the king for a hundred years, at least in In terms of cultivation."

After a pause, Cai Yong asked in a tempting tone: "Why not, let me try to treat this dead genius?"

"Hasn't this request been rejected?"

Na Kelu Lu did not expect that the other party was here to spoil, and refused to take Ma Yuan away, suddenly trembling with anger.

Ma Yuan, who was on the side, looked at the discussion of the two, and it was a bit confused. Seeing Na Kelulu was embarrassed. When watching Cai Yong's tone, there was a slight sense of persecution.

"You old man said so much in a mess, what does it mean?"

Cai Yong smiled coldly: "I said that you are just a waste now."

waste? Ma Yuan's face suddenly became gloomy. How could he not know the identity of his waste? It was obvious that everyone could cultivate vitality, but he couldn't do it, and he couldn't use any exercises other than the Dragon's Secret.

Although Naco Lulu told Ma Yuan that he had reached the real-name level, he had a foothold in the entire continent of the king, but he was contaminated due to the outburst of evil energy in the palace room, and lost all his skills. Ma Yuan could not remember What a strong self looks like.

What will happen in the future?

The uncle of the blacksmith shop in the village has developed new weapons, and even the children can use it, but Ma Yuan can only embarrassedly watch it have no reaction in his own hands.

In this way, he will be abandoned by this society built with vigor, even forgotten in the corner, and sheltered by Nakolulu all his life.

Cai Yong suddenly came to Ma Yuan. His tall posture held up a shadow, making Ma Yuan unable to move. He only heard him say slowly:

"Don't you want to recall your memory? Go back to the previous self and become stronger again."

Ma Yuan asked cautiously: "What should I do?"

Cai Yong waved his sleeves and shouted: "Turbulent Soul, Xian Ling is back! You cannot understand the magic method here, you just need to know that if you practice this method, you will be tortured by a spiritual storm, and it is possible to restore memory, It may also make the memory more confusing, and those who are not determined can even be in danger of death!

"No, this is too rude!"

Nicole Lulu immediately stopped.

At first, Ma Yuan shrunk in the corner of the stone house, cried with a headache, clamored about the loss of memory, and then died like a wood, these scenes were like a needle like Narulu's heart.

When she talked to Cai Yong before, she warned the other party not to use this method. She thought that the other party's silence was acquiesced. Unexpectedly, this time it was mentioned here again.

Cai Yong said: "How, are you satisfied with such a bet?"

Gamble? Ma Yuan smiled contemptuously, his heart filled with infinite confidence. Since it is a matter of uncertainty in the future, waiting before this is a bet, which is also "hope"!

"What are you afraid of?"

Ma Yuan and Cai Yong face each other and smile.

Na Kelu Lu still refused, Ma Yuan had to appease: "Ma, rest assured, even if you don't need it here, the master at Jixia College should try to use it for me. Why don't you let me watch, I promise Mom , I will definitely be fine!"

Looking at the stubborn Ma Yuan, Naco Lulu nodded, and she suddenly felt that she should have enough respect for the teenager's decision.

Cai Yong coughed and immediately prepared to cast a formation, took out a few strange props and placed it beside him. Under the gaze of the two, he took a long breath of sanctuary level, chanting words in his mouth, those props glowed and floated in mid-air.

The light flew out of the props, as if weaving a large net, and soon filled the space here, and the sound of speech could be heard in a trance.

Although it sounds like a human voice, the syllables are very strange. I don’t know where is the language of the mainland. It sounds very strange and a little scary.

Na Kelulu secretly called Tsing Yi to take the two elders of Qiao. Cai Yong turned a blind eye to this, and continued to run the formation in his hands. I saw that the numerous light passing through easily penetrated into Ma Yuan's body.

Cai Yong's eyes were fiery, and deep inside he cried:

"I want to see, what else are you hiding from me?"

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