Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 178: Gongsun Yue

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"One gasification and three clearness, referring to Yin and Yang."

"Purple House returns to Yuanshen, when the number changes."

Thinking of a few words that he thought were important in the secret formula, Ma Yuan gradually introduced the dragon gas deep underground into the body.

In the past few days, Cai Yong went out because of something, and heard that it will take some time, so Ma Yuan practiced alone.

Without the help of Master, Ma Yuan tried to guide the Dragon Air according to the method of the secret heart, and it was difficult to succeed. Therefore, these days have ended in failure.

"You can't rely on Master to teach everything. In the past half month, he has told me enough, and I have basically read through the full text of the secret formula!"

Ma Yuan told himself so secretly, at the same time, stabilizing the meridians of the whole body, containing more and more dragon qi into the body, and with a burst of momentum.

If you want to transform dragon energy into vitality, the most important thing is not to release it when the dragon energy enters the body, but to suppress it in the flesh and realize the process of change after hundreds of turnovers.

This is the experience that Ma Yuan summed up from the secret formula.


Ma Yuan finished with two hands, although he could not express his vitality, but his fingers were already entangled by dragon air, revealing a terrifying power.

"No, the speed at which Dragon Qi enters the body cannot be controlled..."

Ma Yuan was anxious in his heart, he could feel that the dragon gas pumped out of the ground was pouring into Ma Yuan, the only passage, and as time went faster and faster, he was about to squeeze his body.

"However, if I stop absorbing dragon gas, the connection with the underground dragon veins will be cut off, and this dragon gas will quickly dissipate."

Ma Yuan's forehead had a big drop of sweat, and there was a risk of exploding at any time. He had to concentrate on suppressing the madness of Dragon Air in his meridians and increasing the speed of circulation.

After this period of training, Ma Yuan has been able to transform the dragon gas, although only a small part.

"Ah, if I could, like Mr. Cai Yong, grab a small dragon vein and live on my body, I wouldn't worry about how to control the dragon gas."

Ma Yuan said to herself with some envy.

At this moment, there was a sharp pain between his lungs, Ma Yuan thought badly, and immediately stopped the training of the secret heart, and the dragon gas that ran wild in the flesh quickly dissipated like tide.

But it was too late, Ma Yuan dissipated a dragon energy, and his physical strength suddenly declined to the extreme, and he had not had time to recover. The impure dragon gas that had been transformed into vital energy had a small gas explosion in the chest cavity.


The unheard sound, but especially fatal, Ma Yuan spit out a big sip of blood and fell to his knees.

"Unexpectedly, there will be such an accident..."

At the last moment of unconsciousness, Ma Yuan thought of it, and at the same time, a slim figure appeared in front of his eyes.

"Who is it..."

After waking up, Ma Yuan, under a large tree, the golden leaf scene reflected in his eyes, making him feel bright and dazzling, and he couldn't help moving to another place.

"It's you? Gongsun Yue."

With a thin impression, Ma Yuan recognized the woman in front of him, and the other party was very happy to see that Ma Yuan remembered himself.

"You wake up, you know who I am!"

"Dangerous characters who dare to have ulterior motives for the Master in the sacrificial rites. The teacher said to be careful."

Ma Yuan said on the surface without any panic, but his heart was panic-stricken. He accidentally spoke out what he had said, and regretted it.

"Oh?" Gongsun Yue blinked his big eyes, and it was no embarrassment to be poked by Ma Yuan to his embarrassment, and looked closer to Ma Yuan, "Hee hee."

Ma Yuan was a little confused about the situation. If it wasn't for him that he didn't have the strength at this time, he must have left the smoke.

"You're too polite, Ma Yuan, don't you also speak badly, and then be taught by the master, and drove off the high platform, the only one who didn't answer the question?"

Gongsun Yue said jokingly.

Ma Yuan: "This..."

Gongsun Yue leaned against the big tree, showing a few fangs in the corners of his curved mouth, and there seemed to be stars in his eyes.

She said: "Hee hee, I'm not deliberately embarrassed for you. When I heard that, I thought you were an amazing person."

Listening to the words of praise, Ma Yuan was not happy. He just noticed the bandage on his chest and some powder falling on his clothes. He thought that someone had dealt with it.

Ma Yuan asked Gongsun Yue said: "Did you save me?"

The other party replied: "I did it. I understand some medical skills. However, it's too much to say to save you. Your injury is not so serious."

Ma Yuan: "Really? I remember I seemed to vomit a lot of blood, and it scared me to death."

Gongsun Yue: "Well, I am also very strange, obviously such a large amount of bleeding, the result is some small things. I thought you were caught in fire, and immediately came to rescue you."

Suddenly thinking of something, Ma Yuan looked at Gongsun Yue, who was smiling, and asked:

"Why are you here, but here is Xishan under Jiji, according to Master's statement, no one will be close at all?"

Gongsun Yue: "Indeed, my master also warned me not to approach you, but I really want to know Cai Yong's secret."

Ma Yuan: "Master's secret... what is that?"

Gongsun Yue was silent and smiled again. She broke away from the tree and came to Ma Yuan, where a huge shadow shrouded Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan warned: "What do you want to do?"

Gongsun Yue: "Hee hee, although he stayed for a few days and did not discover Cai Yong's secret, he discovered the secret of his apprentice."

Ma Yuan: "My secret..."

Gongsun Yue: "Yes, you have been practicing a kind of uncommon practice these past few days. With my experience, I can't see the region from which you belong. And I just found your body when I treated your veins just now No energy flow..."

Ma Yuan's pupils shrank suddenly, seeing this, Gongsun Yue smiled deeply:

"If this is the case, I thought it was because of your practice and getting out of the way. Now it seems that you are a natural person with a vitality disorder, and you can't find a few kinds of waste across the continent."

Ma Yuan's face was cold, and he could not bear to speak. He was only worried about what the other party would do next. Ma Yuan knew that Gongsun Yue would not wait here for no reason to wake up.

Gongsun Yue: "Well, it's rare for you to be a character of this level. Isn't Master Cai Yong recruiting you specifically for research? It's no wonder that Master is angry. He may not be fighting you, but your master Cai Yong."

Ma Yuan denies angrily: "Master can never accept me as a disciple just to use me!"

"Hee hee."

The smile on Gongsunyue's face did not converge, just like a flower blooming, and in Ma Yuan's eyes, it was more like a kind of decoration.

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