Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 18 Chapter 1: Scream

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Lujiayan Barracks on the east side of Lujiafu covers a large area and can accommodate 100,000 people without problems.

In the middle of the martial arts field, there is a huge platform, which is 200 meters long and wide, and is completely molded from fine steel rock.

In the north, east and west of the military camp, there are majestic stands.

North Station is the main headquarters and the headquarters of Lujia Town. It is located on the east and west sides. It is the headquarters of other celebrities in Fenghuo City.

At this time, at the top of the main seat, there are seven white-haired old men sitting on the seven cores of the Lu family.

The elders of Lu's parents are the most qualified and outstanding people in the Lu family. The last fame is for the Lujia people, so this is relatively fair and will not be favored.

They put the interests of the Lu family first.

Then, the old man lujiasong Yun brother Lu sat next to her, sitting next to a girl 15, dressed in white as snow, without glamorous and square, is Lu Yao.

"Elder Lu, congratulations, I heard that love is unparalleled, awakening is the blood of the five layers, and the future achievements are unlimited."

Li Fu's boss Li Fu congratulated the old man with a charming face.

"Cortez". The old man answered casually.

Then, some other families and celebrities from Fenghuo City approached and congratulated the elders.

The old man nodded and answered casually.

Hey, hey...

At this time, in the distant streets, beasts suddenly appeared, and screams, like thousands of monsters and robbed.

After a while, dozens of tall red tigers, two meters high and four meters long, appeared in front of everyone.

In each giant tiger, there is a figure wearing a red robe.

The audience is full of a strong and intense environment and a warm atmosphere.

"The Red Fire Tiger is one of the five major schools of Baixuanyuan People's Xuanyuanjian School."

"Is this the owner of Duanmu?"

He said loudly in the crowd.

"White Tiger House actually gave away, is it necessary to recruit Lu Yao as a disciple?"

Someone guessed it.

The elders stood up and shouted loudly. They went downstairs, their faces were excited and clenched their fists: "Xuanyuanjian sent Baihuyuan guests, Lumou is a welcome long distance, forgiveness and forgiveness."

"Jaja, the old people are all educated. I sent Deacon Buhuyuan to Xuanyuanjian. At this time, Lu Jia congratulated Lu Yao, and the second was to officially recruit Luyao as a disciple of Xuanyuan Jianpai Baihuyuan."

In one of the largest red camel tigers, a middle-aged man in a fiery red robe.

"The messenger is very polite, please come to the seat."

The elder said with a smile.

Duan Muqing smiled slightly and took two people to sit on the seat of the Red Flame Tiger. Others stopped the Red Flame Tiger.

"It seems that Lu Yao's talents are really terrible. After Xuan Yuanjian dispatched students for 2 months to formally enroll students, under normal circumstances, others took the initiative to go to Xuanyuanjian School. After a comprehensive evaluation, those who approved the qualifications can join The Xuanyuanjian faction allows the Xuanyuanjian faction to recruit directly, but rarely. ""No, this means that Lu Yao was also seen by the Duanmu family's geniuses in the Xuanyuanjian faction, and the future is even more infinite."

"Lu Jia has a genius who is not a genius, he is more genius than Lu Yuntian."

Around, personally excited about this.


At this time, a huge tweet was in the air, sharp and sharp, and the whole sky rang, even if it was far away, you could hear it clearly.

The crowd's eyes looked involuntarily in that direction, and then their pupils could not shrink.

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