Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 10: The battle between the Red King and the Green King

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Zhou Fangzun's red and Ma Yuan's cyan collided earlier than the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Fangzun's fist came into close contact with Ma Yuan's knee. The first blow between them confirmed the behavior of the other and made a tie.

It is worthy of being a symbol of violence and blood. Once Zhou Fangzun began to fight seriously, there was no escape, as if he were shouting youth and blood.

Ma Yuan knew only with a single blow that the opponent's attack was different from the previous ones. In addition to the impact force, it also had a very strong touch. If it is a normal person, it may have been beaten into a fracture.

Then Ma Yuan also attacked him, his fist facing his face from the right side of Zhou Fangzun.

Zhou Fangzun did not hide, but faced his fist directly.

However, Ma Yuan felt that his fist was like hitting a hard stone wall. Of course, if it was a real stone wall, it would probably be broken by Ma Yuan at this time.

Ma Yuan was surprised, but still stubbornly slammed Zhou Fangzun in the direction of his past.

Zhou Fangzun did not stagger a certain direction in the same way as when he was playing the night knife God Golang on the rooftop of the horse, but he just leaned his head. This blow seems to be quite important even for Zhou Fangzun. .

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Fangzun pulled his hand out of his pants pocket and grabbed Ma Yuan's face.

Ma Yuan also quickly collected his hand from the past, slipped down, evaded Zhou Fangzun's catch, and kicked a foot from below, aiming at Zhou Fangzun's stomach.

Even the king, if he is directly attacked in such a weak place as his stomach, it might be terrible.

Even if there is only a little, Ma Yuan has taken the lead.

Feeling Ma Yuan’s intention, Zhou Fangzun quickly took his hand back and wanted to stop Ma Yuan’s attack.

But even if Zhou Fangzun was fast enough to block his hand from the knee kick from Ma Yuan, he could not stop the impact of his full blow.

Zhou Fangzun was immediately kicked into the air by Ma Yuan.

It was at this time that Zhou Fangzun also had a figure behind him. There was no doubt that it was Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan, who was behind Zhou Fangzun, seemed to be in that place all the time. Starting from a place higher than Zhou Fangzun, he attacked directly down.

Of course, there is only one goal, that is Zhou Fangzun.

Zhou Fangzun soon discovered that someone behind him was actually attacking himself, but he didn't think so much about why Ma Yuan would suddenly appear behind him, just flipping his body, intending to stop this attack.

Of course, Zhou Fangzun did this.

This person who seemed to have no defense in mid-air, using the power of the king, completed the action of turning around as if flying in the air. Similarly, he also blocked his hands against his chest, intending to defend Ma Yuan's attack.

But even if the whole movement is very smooth, this Ma Yuan who attacked him from mid-air is not a real existence.

Immediately that Ma Yuan's attack exposed this.

Ma Yuan in mid-air attacked Zhou Fangzun with his own extremely fast speed, but at the moment when the attack was about to touch Zhou Fangzun, he disappeared into smoke, disappearing like a phantom in the mist.

Only Zhou Fangzun, who was stunned by the scene in front of him, and Ma Yuan, who started his next attack from the bottom, stepped on the cyan flash emitted by him just from below.

At the beginning, Ma Yuan was doing this plan. He did not intend to fight a protracted battle. He and Alice came out in the afternoon. It is almost almost evening. Let a little girl wait for herself in the cafe for a few hours. Let Ma Yuan feel a little unbearable.

He just wants to go back quickly, and the battle between the kings, according to the character of the red king, even if his overwhelming power is unlikely to be able to get out quickly, let alone both sides are kings, in theory There is not much difference in capabilities.

Illusion is the best method that Ma Yuan can think of.

That's one of Ma Yuan's abilities. You only need to use a little bit of Wang's ability... No, you don't even need to use Wang's ability, Ma Yuan can construct illusion, which seems to be her innate ability.

And this illusion will confuse the arrogant king in front of him, thus giving him enough attacks to withdraw.


When Ma Yuan gave Zhou Fangzun a huge blow from bottom to top, Ma Yuan seemed to hear something.

That was the sound from the distance above his head that I didn't know how far.

Accurately speaking, the sound did not actually come out, but let the horse have a feeling that it came out, as if something was broken.

In other words, only Wang can know and break something.

The sword of Damocles? !

Ma Yuan was stunned and looked up. At this time, Zhou Fangzun had been hit by him with a blow. Although there was no expression on his face, Ma Yuan knew that the blow was from the counter-propulsion he received. The damage to Zhou Fangzun should not be light.

But Zhou Fangzun just smashed it down, then stood up and looked at Ma Yuan.

There are already some obvious scars on Zhou Fangzun's face.

In the mid-air, hanging on top of Zhou Fangzun's head, the red sword of Damocles, representing Zhou Fangzun's kingship, was still collapsing.

This collapse is not much different from what Ma Yuan saw at the beginning, except that the red Damocles sword seems to have collapsed from the inside, with some debris hanging around the sword, and It didn't fall, but it gave people a feeling of being broken.

But that is just what it looks like.

Ma Yuan could feel that the sword of Damocles began to produce a slight crack when his attack had an actual effect on Zhou Fangzun.

Maybe it was just an insignificant crack, but Ma Yuan couldn't help but wonder.

What would happen if this sword blade symbolized by the king named after the dangerous sword collapsed?

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