Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 11: Blue king

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Zhou Fangzun did not care about the situation of his sword of Damocles.

I don't know if it was such a small situation that he didn't care about, or because he was too small to notice at all.

Zhou Fangzun once again attacked Ma Yuan. Ma Yuan's previous attack wounded him. It seems that he was forcibly offset by the Red King's ability, so he didn't see much deviation in the attack.

Even if there is a slight deviation, which is different from the previous one, it can be corrected by Wang's ability, so it is not worth mentioning.

Ma Yuan flashed aside, then kicked Zhou Fangzun.

Although it was an act in mid-air, when Ma Yuan did it, he really knew that Wang's power could have done so many things.

It is possible to fight even in midair.

The more he understands the power of Wang, the more Ma Yuan can use it proficiently, as Zhou Fangzun said, maybe he was a novice when he met him before, and he didn’t know how to use Wang’s power proficiently. , But now, Ma Yuan is no longer a novice.

He can compete with Zhou Fangzun in the air, even if several attacks can damage Zhou Fangzun, and Zhou Fangzun's outspoken character just gives Ma Yuan a heavy blow.

For Wang, just being hit hard is not an attack at all.

Suddenly another force spread from behind Ma Yuan.

It was a force different from his own, and it was also a force different from Zhou Fangzun, giving a sense of orderliness, like a arbiter watching their battle on the periphery.

That is because of this feeling, Ma Yuan's attention was not completely focused on Zhou Fangzun, and Zhou Fangzun only took the lead once.

But that was only a momentary thing.

Ma Yuan quickly adjusted his posture, protecting his hand against his chest and blocking Zhou Fangzun's attack, and then stepped back to the front of another force.

He noticed when Ma Yuan was distracted just now. It was a blue power... to be precise, a man with a blue flash.

The man was wearing glasses and quietly watched his fight with Zhou Fangzun without any intention of participating.

Until Ma Yuan fell in front of him.

The man patted Ma Yuan's shoulder and smiled, indicating that he would temporarily stop fighting.

Zhou Fangzun didn't know why, and he stopped seeing his participation.

At this time, Ma Yuan discovered that the third sword of Damocles appeared in the sky.

It was a blue sword, and undoubtedly belonged to the man in front of him wearing a blue uniform like Isaac.

What is more undoubtedly, this blue man is probably the big boss of Scepter4, the blue king-the statue of Lizong.

"Sorry, I have taken over for the time being."

Zong Xiangli said to Ma Yuan with a smile.

That kind of smile made Ma Yuan feel a little sick, and it seems that it was just a routine smile that gave a standard smile, but proved that he was a man who didn't do anything extra.

It is no wonder that the blue royal society is a symbol of order and control.

Ma Yuan also remembered that Alice said that most of the things in the city are actually managed by Scepter4. Although there are police and judicial institutions, when they cannot be managed, they will be managed by Scepter4.

"The eighth king, is the blue king Tianye?"

Immediately after that, the statue prince asked Ma Yuan a sentence.

In Ma Yuan's view, this question is not really asking, but just stating a fact. In order to make Ma Yuan feel a little respect, he used a question to express this statement.

"You know me?"

Ma Yuan asked.

Since I met Alice, I have been looking for the purpose of coming here and the memories I have forgotten. Since Scepter4 manages the city, maybe the princes can know what to come.

"As I just learned, the birth of the eighth king is quite strange, because there has been no new king for a long time, and it is still a new color."

Zongxiang Lisi said, and stepped forward, putting Ma Yuan behind him.

When Zongxiang Lisi did so, the blue he represented had crossed Ma Yuan's cyan color, and began to change his position. Finally, the one opposite to the red became Zongxiang Lisi's blue.

"After that, I think we will have time to talk in detail later. If you don't mind, you can come to the headquarters of Scepter4 at any time, but now I have to deal with the problem in front of me."

Ma Yuan sighed with the words of the statue of the prince, and it was almost time to go to the cafe to find Alice. Judging from the cyan flash report he made up, Alice seemed to have been to the toilet three times.

This means that he has stayed outside for too long.

However, Ma Yuan didn't leave immediately. He wanted to know the reason why the statue ritual can't wait to take his own fight and face the reasons of Zhou Fangzun.

"Haven't you noticed? The man's sword of Damocles is no longer compatible, and if not handled carefully, it will lead to the emergence of the second Ghadhu Crater."

Zongxiang Lisi added.

Ma Yuan was not able to understand what the Zongxiang Lisi said about the Ghaduk Crater, but it seemed to be caused by the fall of the sword of Damocles.

So the fall of the huge sword will probably become a tragedy. As a novice who does not know too much about the sword of Damocles and the king, Ma Yuan knows that this time it should be handed over to this blue, which looks like it is easy to see. The king came to deal with it.

Not to mention that Alice is still waiting for him to go back.

"Then take care."

Ma Yuan thought about it and wanted to say something before leaving, but he couldn't help but say such a funny word in his mouth.

But this action at least let Ma Yuan know what kind of identity he is probably.

The blue king does not look bad.

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