Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 14: Fire and Imp

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Ma Yuan's straightforward character Ma Yuan is not annoying, but Ma Yuan will be more concerned about another problem.

I came to Scepter4 with Alice. Although I said to Alice that I could go to his brother to check the situation, that was the thing afterwards.

In other words, Alice is now beside her.

Ma Yuan did not consider whether to tell Alice that she was the king.

At this moment, of course, Ma Yuan doesn't need to think about it, because Zong Xiang Lisi seems to have said everything.

"Wow, is Brother Ma Yuan the king?"

Alice's reaction was different from what Ma Yuan had imagined. She quickly accepted the fact and made a surprised voice.

"It seems like this."

Ma Yuan said with a wry smile, after all, he only knew yesterday that he knew whether he was a king.

"Why is there now a new king in this period, I think you should be able to answer my questions."

"Of course, it is not just for you to answer my questions. Since you are the new king, then maybe I can also answer some of your questions. This is a kind of information exchange. Of course, suppose you are just before. If you haven’t touched the world of kings, then my answer should be very beneficial to you."

Ma Yuan knew that Zong Xiang Li's proposal was very fair and very tempting.

After all, if the world of kings is not a person living in this world, it is difficult to find the very core content even on the Internet. If Zongxiang Lisi is willing to answer his questions, Ma Yuan is really grateful.

However, Ma Yuan had no way to agree to the statue ritual secretary.

the reason is simple.

"Even if you say that there is no way, I don’t remember what happened when I became a king. I don’t remember exactly what happened in the past. Although instinct will tell you how to use the power in the body, the brain does Will not remember those'past'."

Ma Yuan said with a smile.


Zongxiang Lisi froze for a moment, then laughed again.

Ma Yuan did not hate the smile this time, because it was not a routine smile, but a heartfelt smile like what a child got.

"Your intelligence is enough for me, now you ask me any questions, and as long as I can know, I will answer you."

Ma Yuan didn't know where his answer was to satisfy Zong Xiang Lisi. To know that this answer was like no answer, a bunch of farts meant nothing.

But if the other party thinks they can, then it’s okay.

Ma Yuan gave up thinking about such complicated problems, and began to think about what would be better to ask Zong Xiangli.

For Ma Yuan, he had too many questions, and it was difficult for him to think of a suitable answer for a while.

"Office Chief!"

At this moment, the door suddenly opened.

"There was a fire in the residential area, but the fire truck was stopped a few blocks away..."

After seeing Ma Yuan and Alice, the man who rushed in and anxiously relaxed, and sighed.

"So you are not at home."

The speaker is Isaac. Originally, this situation should not be reported to the prince and prince, but the place of fire was his own home, so he was more anxious.

But after seeing Ma Yuan and Alice, Isaac felt relieved.

"Can such things be handed over to the police and they can do it."

The statue prince replied.

"It’s not an ordinary fire alarm or accident. A small child was captured by the nearby monitor before the fire, and if there were no errors, the king shown on the monitor should be the king. That’s right, especially It was the confession of the person who called the police, which proved to be an arson incident."

After Isaac calmed down, he began to explain the incident.

People related to the king, this is indeed not a matter that the judicial authorities can solve.

But Ma Yuan is more concerned about another content.

He is not an idiot. From the appearance of Isaac, it can be seen that this place must not be a random one.

"Is the house on fire?"

In Ma Yuan's concept, the place where I ate and lived for a while, was already my home.

"Yes, but it's enough for you two to be fine."

Isaac said so, Ma Yuan did not give up.

He frowned, and only asked Zongxiang Lisi.

"Does the clan that is not the king but has the ability exist?"

After knowing the fire information, Ma Yuan decided that he should ask Zongxiang Lisi what questions.

"Are you talking about outsiders? There are indeed a group of people. Although it is a group, there are not many people. They do not need the power of the king to have the ability. Some people call them people who cannot be kings, although Having abilities but not being able to form your own clan, or giving your abilities to anyone, does not affect them becoming other people's clan."

Zong Xiangli said so without reservation.

"I know, Alice pleased you, I will go out."

As Ma Yuan said, he skipped the window and went outside.

His instinct tells himself that the arsonist is probably the little devil Isaac said, that is to say, a king's clan.

If this is really the case, Ma Yuan is enough to assume that this is an act against himself.

Burning yourself down in a place that can be called home in this world is like provoking Ma Yuan, and this kind of provocation Ma Yuan cannot fail to accept.

"I know you are nearby, come out."

Ma Yuan used his ability to build a "bridge" in the air and moved quickly, while shouting at a place around him.

Ma Yuan could feel it. He appeared on his window sill a few days ago and told himself that he wanted to join his clan. The girl who called herself the black cat was beside her.

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