Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 15: Green imp

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As if to respond to Ma Yuan's words, the black cat suddenly came out from the side, maybe in the bush.

She turned into a human in front of Ma Yuan, floating in the air, or following Ma Yuan's cyan bridge to start moving in the direction Ma Yuan was going.

"Meow~my young king, what instructions do you have~"

The black cat smiled and asked Ma Yuan.

"You are an outsider, right."

Ma Yuan said to the black cat while walking that he already knew her identity.

"Well... outsiders, some people have called my generation this way. If you are asking this, it will be a positive answer, but my generation also has problems. My young king, where are you going this time? ?"

"Go teach a little bunny who doesn't know what to do."

Ma Yuan said angrily.

"Kuku Kuku, the young king of my generation, it is this matter that you call my generation out."

Hearing Ma Yuan’s words, the black cat laughed with her own voice. She knew what Ma Yuan was going to do, but when the black cat was more happy, Ma Yuan planned to bring her.

"Don't hurry and be happy, I finally ask you a question, why do you want to be my clan?"

Seeing the black cat's easy-going look, Ma Yuan didn't know whether he should like it or was a bit worried. He didn't like the people around him very much, and like the black cat, he took the same things for granted.

However, this attitude is exactly what Ma Yuan likes. Too much panic or nervousness will cause other people's sense of urgency to increase, so that they can't carry out the things afterwards.

"It's very simple, because my ability is very similar to yours. I have known for a long time that there will be such kings, but when the situation of the seven kings has stabilized, there will not be such a lot after many years. The king came out. When my generation saw you, my generation knew that you must be that person."

"A king who has appeared in my dreams and can command the whole world."

Black Cat's words are very sincere, and anyone who listens to it will not doubt that she is lying.

Even though she has always been a top class, as if knowing and accepting everything, Ma Yuan knows that this is the heart of the black cat.

"There is no need to doubt my generation. My generation is decided after you appear. Only in front of you, no matter whether you accept my generation or not, my generation will only treat you honestly forever."

Ma Yuan didn't know whether to believe the black cat, but he could only look at it at this time.

Because he noticed a characteristic of the fire.

One is arson, and the other is not far away-of course not very close-the fire truck was blocked by something, that is to say, at least two people were committing the crime.

A person with the same ability to construct illusions as herself, Ma Yuan can tell from Black Cat's words that there is none, otherwise she won't wait until she appears.

"Kuku Kuku, if my generation made no mistakes, it should be five long-time arson, one of the members of the green Wang clan, it seems to be one of the more advanced members of the clan, but the little guy is chaotic everywhere. It’s like a flea."

"how do you know?"

"Kuku Kuku, my generation heard that little brother's words, and then made a comparison with their own memories. The once green Wang You wanted to recruit my generation and let my generation refuse."

A blackish smile appeared on the black cat's face.

Ma Yuan was not incapable of understanding this situation. After all, most of the people obtained their abilities from the king after becoming a clan, and those who have the power outside of their own power will naturally become the objects that the king wants to recruit.

It was at this time that Ma Yuan arrived at Alice's house, which was also considered to be nearby.

The fire is still burning.

It's just the way it burned that made Ma Yuan feel a little strange.

The flames just seemed to exist in this house, they wouldn't burn outside.

The two next door have been splashing water on this side for the sake of not being implicated in their house, but the size of the water does not really prevent the fire from spreading, and the fire is not spreading.

At this time, the black cat did not know where to go.

Ma Yuan was too lazy to think about the principle. Those who are probably green are just some kind of ability. He is thinking about how to put out the fire.

The fire hydrant is far away from here, Ma Yuan does not think about it, but if the fire is to burn, it also needs air, so Ma Yuan enveloped his cyan over the whole house and made a cyan barrier.

Before long, the air inside the barrier will be burned and the fire will disappear.

It was at this time that Ma Yuan heard a cry as stern as if the cat had stepped on the tail.

Ma Yuan froze for a moment before he realized that the cry should be black cat.


When Ma Yuan rushed to the birthplace of the scream, he was sure that it wasn't the sad cry made by the cat stepping on the tail.

It's a warning sound made by the cat when facing the enemy.

Even if a black cat has a girlish posture and speaks human words, she is essentially a black cat as she said.

At this time, the black cat was facing a child in front of him, bowing and defending, or intimidating.

The hair on the black cat's entire body also seemed to spread outward, like a blown-out cat making a threatening sound at the front devil.

In front of the black cat, there is a child who does not know whether it should be gray hair or purple hair. His hair is very light, and he holds a sickle with a green flame in one hand and a scythe in the other. Holding a cell phone, he looked at the black cat with a bored look.

The ghost seemed to search on his mobile phone, then sighed and put the mobile phone in his trouser pocket, and said to the black cat with an uneasy look.

"Ah, even if you beat you, you won't get any points. If you look at me as innocent and cute, let me pass for the harm of humans and animals."

That being said, the child's hand did not leave the sickle.

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