Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 30: Awashima Shiri

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It was at this time that Ma Yuan suddenly felt a sense of murderousness.

To be precise, it seems to be inappropriate to call it murderous. It is a breath that is enough to make people feel dangerous.

Ma Yuan took a step back, and only saw a sword wind flying in front of him, drawing a straight line, separating Fushimi from himself and Hatta.

The master of this production line is Awaji Shiri.

The second head of Scepter4 is their deputy director.

The woman with a wonderful figure.

Arishima Ari looked at Ma Yuan and Hada and sighed.

"Really, I didn't expect you to make trouble with them."

While talking about Ma Yuan, she glanced at her in vain.

It may be because Ari Shimashima is his boss after all. Even if she is not a king, Fushimi has also given her due respect, and she has received her knife back, although she feels a little bored and sighed. .

This completely let Ma Yuan know what the concept is between the clan and the clan, the bond between the clan is stronger than he thought.

As for people outside the clan, even if that person is king, they have no reason to treat him well.

Ma Yuan was in this situation just now.


It seems to see that the fighting has stopped here, and the black cat also came here with Alice.

But Hatta didn't seem to intend to stop. Although the other party's horses looked more than his side, but his king was said to be worthless resentment, Hatta has not swallowed.

Of course, it is impossible to swallow, after all, it is his own king.

"Hey, really... your king, no matter how much food we give, we eat cleanly, and we wake up naturally every day, although we are imprisoned, but there is no you Thinking so bad."

Arishima Shiri also knows Barbara's temper, so that Hatta will soon have no will to fight and take away Kamalari directly.

"After all, why are you messing with them?"

Arishima Ari went to Mayuan. She originally thought that Mayuan would be a little calmer than Fushimi or Hatta. She did not expect to fight with them.

"This...the reason is complicated."

Ma Yuan scratched his head and said with a smile.

If I knew that this method of Awashima Shiri would work, Ma Yuan must not hesitate to use Ashima Shili's method to solve this battle, rather than directly stop them.

After all, Ma Yuan can think of this directly.

Or not that Ma Yuan didn't think of...

During the battle just now, Ma Yuan could feel that there was a force in his bloodline. He seemed to be crying. He was eager to fight, he wanted to fight, he wanted to fight.

Ma Yuan can feel that his mood will be very comfortable in the battle, and also have a sense of accomplishment after defeating his opponent.

Maybe you used to be a fighting mania...

Ma Yuan began to feel a little scared afterwards. If she was really a fighting maniac, she would probably disappoint Alice.

"Forget it."

Listening to Ma Yuan's answer, Ashima Shiri sighed and turned to Fushimi.

"Oh, how is the investigation in the school? You should have started the investigation yourself?"

And as Shiraji Awaji said, Fushimi did leave the principal's office to do his own investigation. After all, he didn't like the kind of formality, the kind of frankness he used to stay in Barbara, There is still this shadow.

So he hacked into the college's computer and compared the photos of the students with the male lead in the video one by one.

The result will be sent to Fushimi's terminal, but this result surprised Fushimi a bit.

"He is not a student of this college."

Fushimi said so.

Well, Ma Yuan admitted that this result was not only a surprise for Fushimi, but also Ma Yuan was a little surprised.

Not a student on this college island?

Ma Yuan did not tell anyone that she had helped the Izana Society, and Alice did not say that, after all, she did not have a special understanding of this matter, just relying on the nature of the child to run around.

But Ma Yuan still remembered that Izana was indeed a high school student and also said that he would live on this college island.


and many more?

Ma Yuan suddenly thought of another possibility.

When Ma Yuan helped the Izana Society to resist the attack of the night knife God Dog Lang, Ma Yuan noticed that there was a small white cat beside the Izana Society.

It was a very strange white cat. Although it was not a Persian cat, it had the same colored pupil as the Persian breed.

And the size of the cat... is almost the same as the black cat.

It's exactly the same, except that the black cat's eyes are golden, the white cat's eyes are heterochromatic pupils, and it is almost the same except for a white cat and a black cat.

It looks like it was carved in a mill.

"My generation hates a fake. She doesn't know where she knows her story, so she starts to call herself "my generation is a cat" and even imitates my behavior."

Ma Yuan remembered what the black cat said.

The same Ma Yuan thought of the black cat and said that the smell of the fake in this college island made him very uncomfortable.

"Now, Black Cat, I ask you a question."

Ma Yuan walked to the black cat and asked quietly.

"The fake you said... is it the same ability as you?"

"Are you talking about ability? My young king."

Hearing Ma Yuan's question, the black cat probably knew what he wanted to say, and the answer he gave was within Ma Yuan's expectations.

"No one’s ability is the same, except for the king and his clan, because the clan’s ability is given by the king. However, the ability is not the same, some expressions can be the same, my ability is different from the fake, but there are The expression is the same."

"That fake, like my generation, can control the concept of people, that is to say, let others naturally believe in a thing, or admit a person who does not exist or the like."

Hearing the black cat say this, Ma Yuan suddenly knew what was going on at Izana.

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