Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 31: Hidden truth

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Through the black cat, Ma had a conjecture.

But this conjecture he did not intend to tell Zongxiang Liji or others, such as Awaji Shiri or Fushimi. He is not familiar with those people.

This is the mission of Ma Yuan.

If the little white cat has the same ability as the black cat, at least has the ability to behave like the black cat, and can control the senses of other people.

Then the young man called Izana Society was not as simple as he showed.

The white-haired boy in the video that killed ten Duo Duoliang has almost the same face as Izana, that is, it is very likely that he is Izana.

This possibility cleared the eyes of Izana.

At that time, Ma Yuan believed that he was not the murderer because of the eyes of Izona...

But what if you add the black cat's skills?

Ma Yuan knew that the situation would be very different.

The little white cat has the ability to change people's perceptions. Not only can it naturally integrate itself into a group, but more importantly, it also has the ability to completely transform one person into another. ability.

A murderer has a perverted murderous complex. His motive for killing is not subject to other constraints, just because he is perverted.

Then when the murderer suddenly began to believe that he was just an ordinary person, with the status of an ordinary high school student. Will not kill people, and do not like others to be killed.

Just a kind and ordinary person, then this murderer might also have the pure and pure double pupils that Ma Yuan was bewitched before.

"We will be back."

While holding Alice and following Ashima Shiri out of College Island, Ma Yuan said so to the black cat.

"Brother Ma Yuan, why are you back?"

Alice heard this and asked inexplicably.

Ma Yuan froze for a moment, embarrassed to tell Alice the reason, just said with a smile.

"Alice will still go to middle school in the future. Although Alice said she doesn't want to study, how do you feel about seeing these school festivals today? Will there be so little to study?"

Ma Yuan pulled the topic away.

And Alice didn't feel strange. Instead, she tilted her head and started to think for a while, then puckered her mouth.

Isaac didn't let Alice read, just because Alice and Isaac declared at the time that she would be a member of Scepter4, like her brother, and be the clan of the king, guarding the city.

So Isaac couldn't help her, so she gave up, and usually Isaac learned something for Alice.

So much so that Alice will be more mature than children of the same age.

This is the kind of maturity that makes Alice shake her head at Ma Yuan after thinking for a while. Even if she likes the school festival no matter how much, Alice knows that in her current situation, she cannot come here to study Yes.

"That's not enough. Alice's age is about to take the exam next year. Alice has never read a book, so the deviation value must be very high. I can't afford to pass the middle school."

The appearance of Alice made Ma Yuan feel a little bit heartbroken. He obviously wanted to come here to study, but he could only break this idea because of some decisions he had made before.

"If Scepter4, should there be a learning institution?"

Ma Yuan suddenly asked Awaji Shili.

"What? A learning institution?"

Ashima Shiri was a bit stunned before he realized what Ma Yuan was saying. After all, it was the people in his clan and the situation in Isaac's family. Ashima Shiri still knew.

"Without this thing, Scepter4 is not a place with everything, but we can take turns to tell her something, if she just wants to take the entrance exam, it should be similar."

Although it looks like an iceberg, she is a woman with a cold heart, but Arishima Shiri is actually very gentle in her heart. She certainly has no way to refuse the desire of such a small child.

After solving the problem here, Ma Yuan put Alice down and didn't hold it anymore, but slowly walked to the back of the team, intending to continue the discussion with Black Cat.

Alice’s reaction let Ma Yuan know that it’s better not to let other people know her conversation with Black Cat.

Especially Alice.

Izana is the person that Alice asked Ma Yuan to help. If so, let Alice know that Izana is a bad person, which is not a small blow to a child.

"Oh, what I said to you just now, we have to come back again."

"Eh! My generation doesn't do it anymore! My generation doesn't want to come back here, there is nothing good to come back here at all, right? Only a bunch of humans who don't know what they are doing, and the smell of counterfeit things, my most hated pseudo The breath of things!"

The black cat began to protest, but she gave full play to all her talents as a cat and a girl. Being coquettish, Ma Yuan didn't know what to say.

"Okay, you can quiet me!"

Ma Yuan was only able to kill the black cat, so that she did not continue to go crazy.

"We have to come here. When I met with Izana, I saw a little white cat, almost the same shape as your black cat."

"If I didn't guess wrong, the cat is probably the fake you said, and the owner she followed might be the murderer in the video."

Ma Yuan said so, the black cat would not be coquettish anymore, but looked at Ma Yuan seriously and nodded.

"If it is because of this problem, my generation is okay."

"In the final analysis, this is the order of the young king of my generation. As a member of the clan, my generation, of course, cannot and will not make any comments."

"I wish you could make a comment."

Ma Yuan sighed. Although he said it was a cat, the reaction of the black cat was the same as that of a loyal dog. Ma Yuan didn't know much about the ability. He wanted the black cat to tell him more.

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