Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 34: phantom

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It seems that through the brain interference just like the illusion, Neko took Izana and Night Sword God Dog Lang away from here.

Ma Yuan, who saw such a scene for the first time, was not careful.

It wasn’t immediately after Mahara recovered. Before Awaji Shiri discovered that this was just an illusion, before it didn’t exist, he started to walk to the edge of the track and field. After all, if this is still a track and field, Neko will leave here. Go to the edge.

Otherwise, there is no place to leave.

Ma Yuan thought about it and began to move towards the edge.

After all, this kind of brain intervention can't interfere with Ma Yuan's thinking, after all, he also uses illusion, and his control of his brain structure is much stronger than that of Awashima Shiri.

Not to mention that he is still a king.


Suddenly Ma Yuan caught a subtle voice.

It was a familiar voice, and Ma Yuan would never recognize it.

That's the voice of Zongxiang Lisi!

Unexpectedly, the master of Scepter4, the statue ritual secretary also came to this place, which made Ma Yuan a little surprised.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Arishima Ashima shouting, "Please pay attention to the members of the edge, don't let them escape!" Afterwards, the night knife **** Golang and Izana and Neko were also stopped by the members of the Scepter4 on the edge. .

Although it seems to be controlled by the brain, once Ashishima Shiri knows that these are not true, everything is much easier to manage.

As long as these are not true, Ashima Shima can ignore them directly and start to pay attention to those who are not normal in this scene, such as Izana Society and Yedao Shenlang.

I have to say that this is a good method. Even Ma Yuan couldn't help lamenting what kind of cold-blooded person Zongxiang Lisi trained.

Then the space began to collapse.

Ma Yuan looked to the side of the track and field, that is, the black cat looked like that too, and not only Ma Yuan, but also the black cat began to feel that in a certain direction of the track and field, there was one of them. The familiar people are slowly approaching.

"My young king, my generation is here to confirm something with you."

The black cat said seriously and Ma Yuan.

"My young king, what do you want is "justice" to be extended, the murderer arrested, or the answer to the question?"

When the black cat said so, Ma Yuan knew that his mind had made this yin and yang strange black cat clear.

"I just want to know what's going on here. It's enough to confirm that the person I helped was worth helping and Alice worth worrying about."

Ma Yuan answered seriously.

"So, it's up to me to solve this problem~"

After hearing Ma Yuan's words, the black cat smiled. It seems that compared to fighting them with the night knife **** dog Lang, the black cat actually wants to test the strength of the king.

"No, don't interfere here."

However, Ma Yuan rejected the black cat.

No, this rejection was taken for granted, because Ma Yuan knew what would happen if he chose this option.

He has to fight with the statue priest!

After all, the other party is a king. Even if the black cat is so powerful, the other party is also a king. This will never change.

And Ma Yuan needs the black cat to do another thing.

If Ma Yuan and Zongxiang Lisi are fighting, it means that the previous covenant at the default level will no longer exist, and let alone Isaac has been working diligently for Scepter4, the Zongxiang Lisi will probably not anger him.

But Alice is different.

He was afraid that Alice would be indoctrinated by strange statues, and he needed a black cat to protect Alice.

"You protect Alice."

Ma Yuan smiled and looked at the place where the sacred statue of the prince sent his breath.

There was not much Neko's ability left around that place.

After the appearance of the statue priest, Ma Yuan knew what the man's solution to illusion was.

It was the power of the powerful blue king that enveloped the entire body. A prince-like power was the core, and the power of the powerful king, or energy, was thus emitted.

Forcibly, the illusion of the entire track and field was cracked, and even turned into a cat shape. Neko lying on the body of Izona also returned to its original shape.

A blue sword began to appear in the sky above the track and field.

It was a sword of the king who was different from Zhou Fangzun's later period. Ma Yuan knew that this time the priesthood ritual was really coming. After all, he had to face a king who was a king. The ability of the sword of Morris.

"Really, nothing is beautiful..."

Ma Yuan sighed and took a step towards the statue of the prince.

It is this step that directly blew Ma Yuan's abilities, and the blue surrounding the horse was like a ceremonial ritual. Obviously, you can see the blue breath of Ma Yuan. ‘

Not only that!

A blue sword of Damocles hangs above Ma Yuan’s head, and at the same time, starting from the edge of the track and field where Ma Yuan stood, it has been covered by Ma Yuan’s cyan, as if it was against the statue ritual. The entire track and field became two forces.

One is a real track and field scene with order and royal control as the representative, and the other side is the illusion scene based on the scene transformed by Neko just now.


Seeing this scene, Neko jumped directly from the Izana Society, ran to Ma Yuan's side and began to study the illusion made by Ma Yuan.

This illusion...Neko can feel instinctively, unlike his own.

No, it’s not just different. Although it seems to be a fictitious scene on the surface, Ma Yuan’s fiction is "real", not simply controlling the other party’s brain, but the premise of controlling his own brain. Next, construct a scene.

The constructed person is "real", but the "life" that this person has is false.

"what do you mean."

Zongxiang Lisi looked at Ma Yuan and raised his lips, seemingly taunting Ma Yuan. He wanted to know what Ma Yuan was doing.

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