Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 35: Cyan King vs Blue King

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Ma Yuan looked at Zong Xiang Lisi, he could understand the mood of Zong Xiang Lisi at this moment.

If you are a priest like a prince, you will also want to understand the person in front of you-that is, what he wants to do.

However, Ma Yuan is not a Zongxiang Lisi, so his behavior pattern cannot be the same as Zongxiang Lisi.

"Nothing, just think your way of breaking fantasy is too bad."

Ma Yuan said with a smile.

"The illusion thing, except that I can use the power of the king to force the "false" to be forced into the "real", under normal circumstances is the battle between the brain and the brain, the illusionist directly acts on the brain of others to start constructing the scene, and then The illusionist will use strong consciousness to reflect back the scene in his brain."

"Different people have different approaches to illusion, and those who are also illusionists will be more inclined to directly control the illusion of the other party with illusion, so that their own illusion is controlled as if they are directly controlled by the senses. , Can only be fish meat on the cutting board, let anyone slaughter."

"As for ordinary people, it's okay to ignore the illusion directly like Ashishima Shima. After all, illusion is always an illusory thing, and it doesn't really have any effect on people."

As Ma Yuan said, he was surprised that he was able to say such a large list of content without thinking.

This made Ma Yuan start to wonder about his true identity. Before becoming a king, he must be an illusionist, at least now the situation is like this.

Otherwise, you won't suddenly open your mouth.

"Oh? Isn't that how beautiful I am?"

Ma Yuan's words made Zong Xiang Lisi a little interested. He looked at Ma Yuan and asked.

"There is nothing special..."

Ma Yuan's thoughts returned to the track and field. From the moment he began to show his strength and his illusion, he wanted to control the space on the side of the statue priest.

However, the ability of the statue ritual division blocked him, which also allowed Ma Yuan to understand why the statue ritual division can directly use his ability to crack the illusion.

the reason is simple.

Zongxiang Lisi represents a kind of existence called "order" and "imperialism". In other words, he acts in accordance with the truth of this world.

In other words... The illusion is always a false thing, so for the celestial priest, as long as it returns to the original order.

"You just forcibly used your own abilities to restore the "order", your standing point is real, but your brain gives you a "fiction", so you use your own power to make up for this insufficient."

Ma Yuan said with a smile, and then used more effort.

"So I was able to do this."

Immediately, the space displayed on Ma Yuan's side was not the street that Neko first created, but another space.

It was a grassland with rivers and trees.

The rain certainly stopped, but Ma Yuan wrapped up the entire track and field with his own ability, forcibly stopped the rain.

After all, Ma Yuan and Neko's abilities are still somewhat different. Neko directly changes people's "concepts", and Ma Yuan creates something fictitious, which is essentially different.


Not only the space on Mayuan's side, but also the Zongxiang Lisi side fell into the grassland made by Mayuan, which surprised Zongxiang Lisi.

But he did not show much surprise, but just looked at Ma Yuan.

"If it's just something like illusion, solve the problem in front of me, go back and I can play with you until you want to play whenever you want."

Zongxiang Liji tried to show his majesty as a king before his subordinates, for example, he was not scared by Ma Yuan.

After all, Ma at this time really caught him.

He couldn't simply use his own ability to destroy the entire illusion, and he could feel that this illusion was not created by Ma Yuan using the power of the king, but only a little strengthened by the power of the king.

"Your ability is useless here, the statue ritual secretary."

Ma Yuan said with a smile.

"Because your ability will forcefully maintain the reality around you, that is, order. But my illusion itself is fictitious, but in fact it is real. The grass you can feel is not a fake grass but a real one. Grass, although it is not here, can you understand what I mean?"

Ma Yuan looked at Zongxiang Lisi provocatively.

Zong Xiangli thought about what Ma Yuan said, and finally gave up thinking, because he knew another more important issue.

The question is more important than what this scene is.

"Are you going to help them?"

The statue ritual secretary asked.

"Of course, because I don’t know anything either, and Izana’s classmates don’t know anything, and I discovered that although you can have more knowledge than them, you don’t know the same thing. In this case, I If you want to know something, of course, I will choose to communicate with these people who are involved in the event center."

Ma Yuan looked right.

At this time, Ye Dao, Gou Lang, also stood beside Ma Yuan. He whispered to Ma Yuan that he had let Neko and Izana leave, and he would help Ma Yuan fight here.

"This is Wang's battle, do you think about it?"

Ma Yuan froze for a moment, and then began to frighten Yedao Shengou Lang.

The straightforward character of Night Sword God Dog Lang made Ma Yuan want to bully.

"This is natural."

Night knife **** dog Lang also smiled and replied Ma Yuan.

"If you want to control such a wide range of illusions, you must use too much energy to manage. The other party is king, not an ordinary citizen or other clan member. Even if it is you, it is difficult to overcome it if you don't go all out, right? "

Ye Dao, God Dog Lang said this, and stepped forward directly, stopping between Ma Yuan and the statue priest.

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