Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 82 World Mobilization, Collection Of Genetic Cells

Zhang Hongbo and Jia Weiguo have been in Qingfeng Scientific Research Center for several years.

In the past few years, they have been on the moon.

I didn't even go to Qingfeng Scientific Research Center a few times.

However, although the two of them did not directly participate in many affairs of Qingfeng Research Center.

But the smart two can guess a lot from it.

That's the thing about the master.

The technological civilization mastered by the master is very huge.

He has very high technological achievements in every field.

Just like the star-class battleship Blue Star 1 at the beginning.

The knowledge used on this warship is enormous.

There are materials technology, power technology, life cycle system, genetic technology, etc.

All of this is supported by the master alone.

Many aspects of technology, Chen Feng can completely do not have to study.

But in order to provide a safe place for Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

That is the battleship they are waiting for now.

Chen Feng must continue to research, every aspect of research.

Only in this way can a light-speed warship be truly created.

Now the lightspeed battleship has been built.

Their safety is guaranteed.

In this situation.

Chen Feng is the owner of Qingfeng Research Center.

There is no need for full-scale scientific research.

He is going to do the most important research.

As for other aspects.

Of course, it was distributed to them to study.

"Son, to study artificial intelligence, you have to work hard. If you can get the master's approval, entering will definitely give you more information in this regard."

Zhang Hongbo said to his son.

He and Jia Weiguo don't know much about artificial intelligence.

Jia Weiguo also said: "Your dad is right, originally, I also wanted to study artificial intelligence, but after thinking about it, it's okay, I'm getting old, and it's up to you young people to study things like artificial intelligence. Bar."

Jia Weiguo stopped joking at this time.

For artificial intelligence, he is very optimistic.

Just because of my age.

Not suitable for research on this.

"By the way, Lao Jia, what topic are you going to study this time?"

Zhang Hongbo asked.

The controllable nuclear fusion researched by Jia Weiguo has basically reached a bottleneck on the 12th.

Now for him, a fusion reactor the size of a palm can already be achieved.

Such a small reactor is enough for most scenarios.

Continue to go small.

Actually it doesn't make much sense.

"I plan to make nanorobots," Jia Weiguo said.

"This is not bad, the genetic technology that the nanorobots did for me is somewhat similar.

"It's far from yours."

"How far is it, think about it, if you make nano-robots small enough, you can let these nano-robots help me modify the human body or the genetic structure of an organism according to the genetic requirements I designed.

Doesn't this save me from making nanomedicines?"

Zhang Hongbo said with a smile that this nano-robot is very, very small.

To the smallest, even to the molecular level.

A robot is only the size of a molecule.

Of course, this robot is different from the proton, which uses space technology.

Right, a proton in three-dimensional space is unfolded in two-dimensional space, and it is finally made, and the function is very, very complicated.

But his nanorobots do not have such complex functions.

There are only hundreds of millions of nanorobots working together.

to achieve the desired effect.

Just like cancer cells.

If there is no special anti-cancer agent, this nanorobot can be injected into the human body to specifically kill cancer cells.

It is only necessary to design the internal program of the robot.

It's just one of his functions.

Countless robots can even be combined into any kind of machine.

For example, you can become any person or thing you want to become.

Of course, this technology requires robots to achieve a certain level of intelligence.

More complex algorithms are required.

But in general.

As long as this army of robots is made.

They can master something that can transform at will, and Sun Wukong's seventy-two transformations are not a problem.

"Jia Uncle, I just took a general look at the nanorobots you want to study, and this is also very interesting.

I think the artificial intelligence I research can be matched with you.

Then we will cooperate with each other.

It must be possible to make this nano-robot more intelligent. "

Zhang Yulong was very excited.

"You're right, this laboratory belongs to the three of us. If you have any other scientific research equipment that you need to use, or if you want to verify what is not suitable for the equipment, you can say it and we will discuss it."


The three of them began their own research on the Reborn battleship.

On the other hand, Yuntian also started his own work.

One of the first tasks he has to do is to collect enough human genetic cells.

In the reborn battleship, there is a warehouse dedicated to storing genetic cells, which can store tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions of cells.

This warehouse can keep these cells alive for hundreds of millions of years.

These cells can be taken out when they really need more humans.

make more humans.

Yuntian returned to his studio in the reborn battleship.

The studios of the three of them are laboratories, and Yuntian is not a scientist.

His studio is an office-like place.

The office is white all around, with a holographic projection above the desk.

Yuntian sits on a chair.

He clicked on the video call with Zhang Heng.

On the Blue Star, Zhang Heng was connected immediately after receiving Yuntian's call invitation.

And he quickly came to the conference room.

Connect the video of the call with the big screen in the conference room.

He knew that it was definitely not a personal matter for Yuntian to find him.

It must be in the form of a meeting.

Let everyone know.

Some of the main heads of the security bureau heard that Yuntian had made a video call for them.

All ran over.

"Mr. Yuntian, according to the environment you are in, it should be inside the Reborn, right?" Zhang Heng asked.

"That's right, I'm already in the Reborn, and the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center will be in the Reborn in the future, and I won't be returning to Blue Star.

About this, everyone in the Blue Star Security Bureau knows.

In the past, the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center was in Longguo, although everyone was somewhat afraid of the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

But now they have moved.

Instead, everyone became a little empty.

For Hesse everyone is more afraid.

Even the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center has left, which shows that the Hessian attack is really not far away.

"Mr. Yuntian, did your master say when the Hessian attack will come?" Zhang Heng asked a question again.

Since they have all moved on the speed of light spacecraft.

This question should not be a taboo question.

It's okay to ask.

Yuntian shook his head.

"The time of the Hessian blow is uncertain, and even the master cannot accurately calculate it, but the master has said that in the past ten years, the probability of the solar system being hit is still very low.

In addition, I have received a mission to create a circle of fog in the outer periphery of the entire solar system. As an early warning, as long as an alien civilization spacecraft enters the solar system, we will know it as soon as possible. "

I heard Yuntian say that the probability of being hit within ten years is relatively low.

Zhang Heng and everyone felt a little relieved.

Because now in Blue Star society, many people say that the black attack will appear in the past two years.

Otherwise, the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center would not have moved out in such a hurry.

"Mr. Yuntian, what mission do you have for contacting us this time?" Zhang Heng began to ask the business.

"There is indeed a relatively important matter that needs your help to do. If this matter is done well, it will be beneficial to both of you."

Yun Tian's words made everyone interested.

It's good for them to do it well.

What is this all about?

"Mr. Yuntian, tell me, as long as we can make half of it, we will do our best to do it.

Now Blue Star has entered a special period.

As long as they concentrate their efforts, there is nothing they cannot do.

Many other businesses were stopped because they were entertainment.

What everyone is doing the most now is related to survival.

"It's not that difficult to say, it's like we need to build a biological bank, and this biological Curry needs the genetic cells of all the organisms on the Blue Star.

Human's own genetic cells need the most, at least provide us with more than 10 million pairs.

Other species have genetic cells, as long as they provide more than a population can reproduce normally.

Yun Tian's words just came out.

Everyone took a deep breath.

They all understood what Yuntian meant.

Because they want to do it.

Before the escape plan, they had seriously studied a problem.

Since we can only escape 2,000 people at a time.

Our fire will continue to continue.

Why not take some sperm and eggs?

At first this idea was widely admired by everyone.

Because the individual cells are very small, they consume very few resources.

However, the plan was later rejected.

the reason is simple.

They carry cells that can be kept for a limited time.

Keeping these cells alive for decades is difficult.

Not to mention, even if they keep the cells alive, it's hard to make those cells grow into humans in the future.

"Mr. Yuntian, it's really great, we have thought about the plan you mentioned before.

It's just that our human technology is still limited, and there is no way to preserve these cells at all.

There is no way to grow these cells into a full human in vitro.

The technology of Qingfeng Research Center can do it.

We would like to help you with this task. "

Zhang Heng is so excited

Since the disaster, all his thoughts have been the same as those of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Gut.

That is to allow human beings to guarantee the fire of civilization to the greatest extent possible.

Originally thought that the bunker plan can be realized.

It was later found that it was impossible.

The video of the two-way foil blow made him completely desperate.

Can only trust the escape plan.

But the escape plan is not easy.

They could only escape two thousand at a time, though when they left.

The battleships all carry complete systems, but if these two thousand battleships have no way to find a planet suitable for survival in the next few hundred years.

What they face is likely to be extinction.

The system inside is hard to run for hundreds of years without problems.

This is what Zhang Heng is worried about.


Guo Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is willing to take action.

Even if the problem is solved.

They have light-speed spaceships and are not afraid of Hessian blows.

There is enough science and technology.

As long as it carries human genetic cells, it is the spark of civilization.

After finding a civilized planet suitable for human development, human civilization can continue.

"Okay, this matter needs to be done quickly. We need the genetic cells of all organisms on the Blue Star. It may not be possible to obtain all of them, but as many as possible."

"Understood! How many genetic cells do humans need?" Zhang Heng asked.

In his view, the genetic cells of animals are the simplest.

No matter what country the animal is, they will definitely cooperate very well.

The problem now is human cells.

This is a very sensitive issue.

It involves the distribution of the entire human race.

If it is said that only the genetic cells of the people of the Dragon country are sent, it is basically very difficult to get other countries in the world to cooperate.

"There is no limit to the number, the better. One person can only take one cell at most."

Yuntian has his own plans on this matter.

There are billions of people in the world.

If they have the ability to take the cells of billions of people around the world, he doesn't care.

The storage system on the battleship, not to mention billions, is tens of billions, hundreds of billions are also stored casually, anyway, they are all mixed together.

They have the technology to do the screening.

Just put the individual ones of each species together.

"Unlimited number?" Zhang Heng confirmed again.

Everyone else present was also a little surprised.

Does that mean that every 207 of us can send our descendants up there?

"It's not limited, everyone on the scene, even beggars on the road, as long as they have mature and healthy genetic cells.


This time Zhang Heng completely understood, and his job would be easier to do in this way.

As long as there is no need to consider the issue of quantity distribution.

Work is very well done.

"That's fine, I'll let the spaceship robot take the collected containers down in a while, these containers are specially preserved, you follow the instructions for use, don't use them wrong


After the collection is complete, I will bring these genetic cells to the battleship for special preservation.

Zhang Heng nodded.

After a while.

He asked again: "Mr. Yuntian, I'm here to take the liberty to ask, how many years can your technology keep these genetic cells?"

"One hundred million years!"

Yuntian gave a time.

In fact, he didn't know how many years they could save.

100 million years is just what he said casually.

Longer times are possible.

It's just that the time exceeds 10 million years, and the time after that is meaningless.

Hear the number one hundred million years.

Everyone present took a deep breath.

They didn't think that the technology of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center was so powerful.

Can be preserved for 100 million years.

That's totally enough.

"Okay, Mr. Yuntian, do you have any other instructions, if not, I will mobilize the whole world now to complete this big project together.

"There are no other things, but I have one little thing to tell you.

When you perform this task, you must consider the number of populations. Some populations need a very large number, otherwise it will be difficult to form a community.

At that time, even if we successfully resurrect them, we may face extinction. "

He has to make this clear.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yuntian, when we select each creature, we will go through scientific discussion and then execute it."

After explaining the work.

Yun Tian's call with them is over.

in the conference room.

"General Zhang, what are we going to do next?" someone asked.

"What else can be done, let the biology department organize the collection of genetic cells across the country, on a voluntary basis.

However, Yuntian said in the video just now that the number is unlimited.

But they all understand that 10 million is not much different from 100 million.

There are more than 1.3 billion human beings in the Dragon Kingdom.

They can't collect on everyone.

All they have to do is explain the situation to everyone so that their children and grandchildren can keep it.

The entire collection is voluntary.

"Yes, voluntary collection is fine. Even so, I don't think the number we collect should be less than 300 million."

that's enough.

"I mean, for other countries, how do we give them numbers?"

This matter was handed over to Long Guo by Yun Tian.

It is up to them to decide how to deal with it. .

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