Three-Body Technology, Start Testing Water Drop Detector

Chapter 83 Excited United Nations, The First Fair Treatment In Many Years

This has to be dealt with.

Most importantly, don't give them any number.

Zhang Heng thought for a while.

Then he said: "This matter has to be decided at a meeting, so let's not discuss this for now, and let the biological department immediately start preparing for our country's collection.

We humans don't have a big collection job.

What really complicates the collection is the individual animals.

There are even many microorganisms that need to be collected.

This work is very complicated. "

Zhang Heng is a biologist from time to time.

But when he heard about the work.

Instinctively, he felt that he would collect all the animals on the Blue Star.

This work is very difficult.

Humans are relatively simple.

Because human beings have their own consciousness, let them collect it.

But animals are different.

They need to get these animals.

Then collect.

is a difficult thing.

"You're right, I'll make arrangements now."

Zhang Heng was not idle either, but quickly went to the big leader for a meeting.

After the leader learned about the task arranged by the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

Also very supportive of this task.

This is something that is good for the whole of humanity.

In the past, their escape plan could only target some particularly good people.

This time the plan is not needed.

Although not everyone has a chance to escape.

But they can give their children a chance to escape.

Let the fire of civilization of the whole mankind be preserved.

For example, the six big leaders sitting here.

Among their children, according to the selection criteria, none of them fit the jump-and-run plan.

It's not just that it doesn't fit right now.

As long as they don't go through the back door.

Even if it were to build ten more warships.

There is no place for them either.

After all, it is selected from more than one billion people, and only the most outstanding people can be selected.

This is already a very scary thing.

"Leadership, our question now is how much to give to the rest of the United Nations?"

Zhang Heng threw this question out.

For this issue, the leadership does not seem to take it to heart.

"Yuntian, your thoughts are too complicated, this matter is actually very simple, we can see how high the technology of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center is, whether it is the genetic cells of our dragon, or other countries.

For Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, it can be easily distinguished.

At that time, they will let whoever has as many people as they want.

It's all in the hands of their master.

They entrusted the task to us, and we should not have any selfishness here.

In case that person is unhappy because of our own selfishness.

For our Dragon Kingdom, there is no benefit at all.

The main thing is that in doing so, we are likely to fall short of the task they have given us. "

Zhang Heng nodded.

Hearing what the leader said, he wanted to understand.

It's you who made the problem complicated.

He also thought about using this as a bargaining chip, at least among the genetic cells sent, the cells of the people of the Dragon country should account for the vast majority.

It seems that he is too narrow-minded.

He can't do it.

the next day.

The entire Dragon Kingdom set off a work of genetic material collection.

Whether it is society, family, or school, collection points are set up in every place.

"Have you done genetic cell collection?" people asked as they greeted them.

"Of course, this is my only chance to send my descendants away."

"I also collected it. This policy of the country is really good."

"You think this is a national policy? Let me tell you, this is what the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center asked them to do.

We humans do not have this technology at all, and we preserve genetic cells for decades at most.

The main thing is that we do not have the ability to fertilize these genetic cells in vitro into a complete human being.

This technology is only available in Qingfeng Research Center. "

"It turns out that this is the case. The whole country collects voluntarily, so it is not allowed to collect more than one billion."

"Haha, can you stop making me laugh and collect a billion? If you want me to say that you can collect 500 million, it's not bad.

You must know that although the Dragon Kingdom has a population of more than one billion, how much is left after removing the elderly and young children?

Among the remaining people, those with some genetic diseases should also be removed.

Then there is the principle of voluntary collection.

You must know that many of us humans are originally DINK, and they don't care about the aftermath.

It's better for men to collect simple points.

There aren't many women who are willing to collect." "."

It must be said that the views of these people are indeed profound.

The truth is the same as they thought.

In the final collection, a total of about 400 million genetic cells were obtained.

The collection work on the Long Country side has already started vigorously.

However, the United Nations only got the news.

"What? Qingfeng Scientific Research Center asked Dragon Country to collect genetic cells? Are the humans in our countries not human anymore?"

Bach looked angry.

This is so annoying.

The escape plan has no part in them.

The current genetic cell collection plan does not have their share?

Not only Bach, but also other leaders of the United Nations are also outraged.

They are now tigers with their teeth pulled out.

Just roar roar.

Really let them go up and bite, no lethality at all.

Therefore, these people can only grieve in the United Nations every day!

"Don't worry everyone, I will contact General Zhang now. 17

Gut as Secretary General of the United Nations.

In the previous escape plan, he actually supported the Dragon Kingdom.

Other countries are too unsatisfactory.

In the current collection of genetic cells, he felt that all human beings should have a share.

After all, there is no such thing as genetic cells, even if all human genetic cells are put together, there is no small half cup.

Of course, each person takes a genetic cell, not once.

Soon, Gut contacted Zhang Heng.

"General Zhang, didn't Qingfeng Scientific Research Center say that we should also collect genetic cells?"

Gut connected to the video, and there was no other unnecessary nonsense at all.

directly the problem.

Today's world is not what it used to be, and everyone pays attention to affection.

What everyone pays attention to now is interests.

Facing Gut's questioning.

Zhang Heng said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Secretary Gut, I'm really too busy, I'm done.

Mr. Yun Tian contacted us yesterday, he said let us collect the genetic cells of all species on the Blue Star.

including human.

Hurry up and do it. You can collect the containers you have collected from the Dragon Kingdom.

After the collection is completed, we need to send it to the battleship Reborn. "

"Genetic cells of all living things?" Gut was also taken aback.

How many creatures are there on the blue star?

They couldn't even make it.

How much would it cost to take all the genetic cells of these organisms?

"That's right, the task this time is very heavy, even heavier than the Dragon Super Factory we built before, so let's start quickly.

I want to remind you that when you take species, you need to consider the number of populations that the species needs to reproduce.

Each species must have enough genetic cells, but also consider the matching of sex.

We have built a website that contains all species of creatures discovered by human beings.

After each species' bio offer is complete, it will be displayed to offer.

Everyone who has provided it does not need to provide it.

What you have to do is to first provide species unique to each country. "

Zhang Heng felt that he should express himself clearly.

For example, Longguo needs to give priority to the genetic cells of giant pandas.

Only after the species unique to the region is provided, will those popular species be considered.


Although Gut understood, his brain was still in a state of confusion.

He couldn't imagine how big a project this would be.

In fact, other state leaders on the scene.

They all looked shocked.

Even Jones, the Eagle Nation's security chief, found the job extremely difficult.

"Then do it quickly."

Zhang Heng looked anxious, but he was really busy.

This work was rolled out across the country.

They are understaffed.

Volunteers are now being recruited in large numbers across the country.

This work is implemented as the most important national policy of the country.

It must be completed within the scheduled time.

"Hey wait..."

Seeing that Zhang Heng was about to hang up the video call, Gut quickly stopped him.

Then he said, "General Zhang, what about the collection of our human genetic cells?"

This question is the most important to them.

Of course Zhang Heng understood.

What they are talking about is that there is no limit to the number.

"Each person can only collect one cell, which is a rigid requirement, and as for how many people to collect, there is no requirement.

Our Dragon Kingdom is to go to the principle of voluntary.

We will collect all those who are healthy and willing to collect. "

"General Zhang, do you mean that we can all voluntarily collect?"


Hear Zhang Heng's answer.

Everyone started to get excited.


This is equality!

Some of the people present even had the corners of their eyes wet.

Since they had a bad relationship with Qingfeng Scientific Research Center, they have not enjoyed this kind of equal treatment for a long time.

This time the genetic cell collection plan, they are the same as Long Country.

have equal treatment.

"General Zhang, thank you." Gut thanked him.

"Don't thank me, thank the Qingfeng Scientific Research Center. Come to us to get the storage equipment. Another important thing is that each person can only get one genetic cell.

Don't play tricks on this matter, otherwise Qingfeng Scientific Research Center will blame it and not have our good fruit to eat.


After the two hung up the video.

The others present did not seem to have reacted.

"So, we all have the right to keep our descendants?" Jones said with excitement on his face.

He had been trying to get a spot for an escape plan before.

He was going to give this spot to his nephew.

Now it seems that this place is not so important.

Everyone has the opportunity to send their offspring away.

"That's it, I think Qingfeng Scientific Research Center has given us a very good choice.

There is still time for the arrival of everyone in Hesse.

Our generation can live on.

And our descendants can be resurrected later.

This is simply the perfect solution. "

Gut was agitated.

In his heart, he was really grateful to the owner of Qingfeng Scientific Research Center.

It is he who is saving the entire human race.

"Everyone, don't be stunned, follow the requirements of the mission, and execute it immediately.

From this moment on, the whole world began to mobilize.

They want to collect all biological genetic material.

The collection of human genetic material in the Dragon Kingdom was completed in just two months.

However, the collection of genetic material of other organisms is slow.

"How many people are currently involved in this project?" Zhang Heng asked.

"It has exceeded 100 million, and there are still many volunteers who have signed up."

"How many species have we collected?"

"According to the data on our website, a total of 1.3 million species have been collected worldwide."

"It's still too slow."

Zhang Heng shook his head.

It's been over half a year.

Only 1.3 million were collected, and there are about 10 million species on the Blue Star.

They only did a little over ten percent of the work.

"General, it's not slow anymore, at least a billion people around the world are now engaged in this work.

But we have too many species to collect, and it is very difficult to collect many species, especially those in the ocean. "

Zhang Heng actually said what the guard said.

It was discussed in the previous meeting.

The most difficult thing to collect on Blue Star is the creatures in the ocean.

Especially some deep sea creatures.

Fortunately, Yuntian also gave some help.

Let Jia Weiguo design some deep-sea submersibles, which can help them collect creatures in the deep sea.

Even so, the job is not that easy to do.

"If it goes on like this, it will take at least three years to complete this work." Zhang Heng murmured.

"General, it should be more than three years, according to the estimates of experts in our planning team, it will take at least five years.

The further down the road, the more difficult it becomes to collect genetic cells from a species. "

The job is simple at first.

The more you go, the harder it is.

In the beginning, there were chickens, ducks, and geese at home.

Can be counted as a species.

However, the species they will collect later are likely to be at extremely deep seafloors.

It is also possible to be in the inaccessible academician jungle.

It is very difficult to collect one.

Fortunately, the entire human race now has a strong enthusiasm for this work.

Especially those from abroad.

Competing to collect creatures in complex environments.

Many people are scrambling to challenge extreme environments such as primitive jungles, deserts and so on.

When there was no such plan before.

Many people in foreign countries have lost their purpose in life.

This plan, on the contrary, allowed them to have more goals.

Life suddenly has momentum.

On the Reborn.

Yuntian finished his day's work and returned home.

"Yuntian, look at the grapes I planted, it won't take long for them to bear fruit."

Cheng Xin took him to the field behind.

All the fields were planted with grapes.

Cheng Xin takes care of it here every day.

Very busy.

Yun Tian came over and touched Cheng Xin's stomach.

"You have to be careful not to hurt my son."

Cheng Xin is four months pregnant.

This child will be the first human child born in space.

With a happy smile on Cheng Xin's face: "In the future, our family of three will be enough for Lao Zhang and the others to envy.

After learning that Cheng Xin was pregnant.

Jia Weiguo and Zhang Hongbo are sour.

Unexpectedly, Yuntian became the happiest.

A family of three will never be lonely in the future.

"Let them be envious."

Yuntian also helped Cheng Xin take care of the vineyard at this time.

"How's the task done by the master?" Cheng Xin asked.

"Everything is going well, but it will take at least three years to complete it.

On the Blue Star side, I have tried my best to help them.

But it is not so easy to collect all the biological genetic cells.

Our early warning system has been doing it, and the Blue Star 1 has now reached the fastest speed in the outer solar system.

It will take several years to complete.

But don't worry too much, I have consulted Zhou Zihao.

In five years, or even ten years, the probability of a Hessian attack will not exceed ten percent. "

"Then we still have many years." Cheng Xin certainly hopes that the more time humans have, the better.

"It's not as good as you think. After ten years, this probability will increase faster and faster. In the beginning, it may increase by 1% a year, and then it will be 2%, 5%.

According to Proton's budget, in 20 years, the probability of our human beings suffering a Hessian blow will reach more than 30%.

Thirty years can reach sixty or seventy percent.

In fifty years it will surely be hit. "

Hearing this, Cheng Xin stopped talking.

The Hessian strike is indeed too terrifying. .

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