After the meeting, the group of ministers retreated, but Qin Mu remained alone in the hall, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Even if there are fierce generals of civil servants, even if they have the art of vertical and horizontal affairs, they can open up boundless territories in a short period of time, but if no one can pacify the peaceful world and control all souls from all walks of life ideologically, then it can be predicted that soon after, it will be a situation of conquest in the front and rebellion in the rear!

Qin Mu's eyes flickered, and he had a further understanding of Li Si's words.

"Li Si, really has a vicious eye, and can see through the hidden dangers of rapid development at a glance! However, what kind of person can suppress the creatures of hundreds of millions of worlds and guarantee that there will be no ~ repeated rebellions?"

Qin Mu thought of the soldier saint Sun Bin, but then shook his head, although Sun Bin led the army to fight extremely fiercely, no one can even excel in this regard, but how to stabilize the rear, this is not something that can be solved by force.

So, Qin Mu immediately thought of the ancient sage, Kong Meng Two Sage, and then suddenly his face was happy!

"This time I killed countless Saint Realm powerhouses, and even inadvertently destroyed the Bloody Light World, so the system rewarded a summoning!

Qin Mu was full of anticipation and began to ask the system: "System, the number of summons using the reward!"

"Ding! In view of the host's excellent performance, reward the ancient sage summoning once, is it used immediately?"

"Summon immediately!" Qin Mu didn't want to wait anymore!

"Ding! Summoning success! The ancient sage Meng Ke is born!"

It turned out to be Ya Sheng Mencius!

Qin Mu suddenly almost screamed, and a dragon chair handle smashed it!

"Escort, escort!"

The surrounding forbidden army immediately poured in.

"Get out!"

Qin Mu held back his ecstasy and drank off the guards.

To control people's thoughts, Confucianism is the first to be promoted!

In Confucianism, the two saints of Kong and Meng are the most dazzling!

Confucius is known as a saint, leaving incense for eternity, and Mencius's life, the most respected person is Confucius, his whole life is based on the concept of Confucius, after middle age, traveled between countries, hoping to persuade all parties with the four morals of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom, and want to stop the war with this, so as to comfort the people, his thoughts, is a rare treasure, if not born at the wrong time, maybe the achievement will be above Confucius!

The reason why Mencius did not achieve more than Confucius back then was not that his doctrine could not compete with Confucius, but because he was born in a period of the rise of the Qin state and the strife of various countries, and Confucianism was not taken seriously, resulting in his disciples not being as numerous as Confucius!

"Now that my summer royal court is in ruins, it is precisely the period of rapid expansion, Ya Sheng will play a decisive role in An Bang Ding Guo, and the number of his disciples will far exceed Kong Sheng!"

Qin Mu's eyes flickered, and there was an atmosphere in his chest, great ambition, and he was already confident about the appointment of Yasheng Mengke!

"System, view the Yasheng attribute!

The system immediately revealed Meng Ke's attributes!

Name: Meng Ke

Cultivation: Saint

Divine Soldier: "Mencius"

Class: 800 Confucian disciples

Talent: persuade the good (with Confucian doctrine, persuade all spirits to submit) open the spirit (when lecturing, it can lead the way of heaven and earth to the most benevolent and benevolent, and has the power to open up spiritual wisdom for all souls) Sage Zhenshi (the power of Mencius, people's hearts are good, Guotai Min) See Sage Siqi (where the saint is located, there is a chance to attract other forces to belong)

Deeds: Mencius was born in a declining aristocratic family in the Kingdom of Lu, and Confucius, who was known as the "most holy of Dacheng", was still a fellow countryman, but he was born a hundred years longer than Confucius!

Mencius studied under famous teachers, and after middle age, he began to travel around the world to promote his Confucian teachings.

Mencius first came to the state of Qi during the reign of King Wei of Qi. At that time, Kuang Zhang carried the bad reputation of "unfilial piety", but Mencius "swam with him and thus politely treated him." When he arrived in the State of Qi, Mencius preached his claim of "invincibility of benevolence and government", and he was very unwilling in the State of Qi, and he did not even accept the "Golden Hundred" as a gift from King Wei, so he left the State of Qi.

After that, he successively went to the Song, Teng, Wei and other countries, although he had been preaching his Confucian ideas, but unfortunately all countries were warlike at that time, and Mencius's teachings could not be applied in practice.

Throughout his life, Mencius lived a long life of private lecturing, and after middle age, with political ambitions, he took his students around the world. At its peak, the students of the entourage were "dozens of riders in the rear and hundreds of followers"

······ Ask for flowers...

He was also treated everywhere by the authorities and no matter which country he went to, he did not hesitate to criticize the monarch, and even reproached the monarch for "taking care of him left and right", while his political ideas were not accepted. Mencius returned to his hometown in the evening to engage in education and writing. He said, "Educating the best of the world" is the happiest thing.

"Good, good, powerful!" Qin Mu looked at it with a burst of joy, "It is worthy of being a saint, worthy of being a great Confucian comparable to Confucius!

Soon, Mencius entered the dynasty dressed in simple cloth, humble and courteous, abided by the etiquette of Confucius and Meng, and after seeing Qin Mu, he called "Your Majesty", and then performed the three bows and nine prayers to the Son of Heaven in a dignified manner.

............... 0

"Meng Ke, please get up quickly, you are the future pillar of my summers, there is no need for formality!"

In front of the saint, Qin Mu really wanted to show his courtesy to the corporal, but Mencius, who was originally calm-faced, suddenly turned pale, and immediately began to advise Qin Mu: "Your Majesty, etiquette must not be abolished! The sovereign is a king, a courtier is a courtier! The monarch should be high, and the courtiers should be respectful and courteous! Therefore, Your Majesty must have the majesty of Your Majesty, and the ministers should also abide by the courtiers' etiquette, and His Majesty's words that 'no need for formality' are actually the fundamental words that shake the country!"

Qin Mu froze for a moment, and a look of displeasure flashed on his face: "In this way, Corporal Xu Lixian has done something wrong! "

When Mencius heard this, a ray of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he actually saluted again and bowed out of the hall!

Qin Mu immediately remembered Mencius's famous saying - the incorruptible are not subject to food from incorruptibility!

Although Mencius is very polite, Mencius also knows shame!

The words just now may make Mencius put away his thoughts of offering peace to the people!

Thinking of this, Qin Mu immediately stepped down from the dragon chair, first let Mencius sit down, and then said with a straight face: "Meng Ke, just now I just wanted to test your courage, and now it seems that you are indeed a rare wise man!

Mencius immediately got up and gave another great salute: "Minister, you will live up to your expectations!"

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