Qin Mu had already found the person who persuaded all spirits, and on the other side, Zuo Xiang Li Si was also leading a group of ministers out of Chang'an, soaring up, beyond the heavens, and approaching the Bloody World.

After everyone approached this half of the world infinitely, they found that in this half of the sky dome, there was a dense river, countless gurgling blood flowed in it, and in some places the blood flowed extremely fast, rushing to the river channel and immediately stirring up thousands of blood waves, but not a drop would fall outside, and after circling, it still fell back into the original river channel.

This boundless stream of blood flowed out from an unknown place, entered the Blood Light World from the void, and after a thousand turns inside, it was injected into the void and flowed to an unknown place, which was extremely mysterious.

Yuan Tiangang cast a bright light on the stargazing platform, reflecting on the blood rivers, and everyone immediately saw that there were countless star marks scattered in those countless river channels.

These stars are scattered "nine six zero", implying some mysterious rules, but they are motionless and exude a dull aura.

Everyone immediately surrendered their hands to Liu Bowen: "It's still Berwyn's brilliant vision, and he actually calculated that our chance is here! "

Liu Bowen stroked his beard and smiled, humble: "It's just a general direction, there is nothing worth boasting, now that this picture is inside, then everyone must start together and take it away!"

After Li Si raised his hand and emitted a divine light, he immediately went straight to the bloody light world, turning into thousands of wisps, and was about to pluck off those stars attached to the riverbed, but those originally silent stars suddenly emitted a strong force, and suddenly pushed Li Si's force away.

"These stars cannot be taken lightly!" Li Si's brows frowned slightly, "Once forcibly taken, these star marks will even explode on their own!

Everyone immediately took off the seal silk, each holding the jade seal, triggering the Qi Luck Golden Dragon Protector, and each of them emitted a thick coercion, as if it was substantively pressed on the bloody world.

The river of blood, which was originally rushing, suddenly slowed down significantly!

"Suppress!" Li Si held Wang Zuo's Great Seal, roaring vigorously, and the mighty power of the heavens was quickly withdrawn, covering the Bloody Light World, and the countless blood streams immediately stopped flowing and stood still in the distance.

Soon, Li Si stepped into the Bloody Light World, held his own photo seal, and began to walk on it, with each step, the mountains and rivers below lost the original imprint of the Bloody Light World, and were beaten into the imprint of the Heavenly World, reduced to the territory of the Summers!

Although it is half a world, the scope is still extremely vast, Li Si was cautious at first, and then walked like a fly, and even began to recite some obscure ancient sayings about the heavens!

His momentum is getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of refining the Blood Light Great World is getting faster and faster, and when he reaches the back, even wherever his voice goes, he can refine it completely, and his power is incomparable.

In the refining river, those stars came to life in a dead air, one by one fell off the river, each floating in the low air, blooming a soft shimmer.

These stars are extremely small, even tens of feet long, and they are obviously refining things, not innate stars.

A few stars lined up together, still not famous, as Li Si refined more and more places, more and more stars flew up, gradually, this revealed some abnormalities.

Suddenly, Liu Bowen stretched out his finger and stopped at a place: Look, that star exudes the same breath as our heavenly world, but the star next to it exudes bursts of blood qi, which is connected with the breath of the light world!"

Everyone looked at it, sensed it, and found that this was indeed the case.

"These stars, it should be a long time ago, someone collected the soil of various worlds, condensed things, and arranged such a huge star map, I don't want to cheapen us today!" Liu Bowen smiled slightly, revealing joy.

"How can someone traverse so many worlds!

Now there are many stars arranged around the heavens, guarding the ten thousand races below, anyone who dares to enter the heavens will be destroyed, it is hard to imagine that anyone can pass through countless worlds like the heavens, can smoothly take out so much soil, and finally condense a great star map, that kind of existence, maybe even more powerful than the emperor of the Qingshan Imperial Court!

"Does this star that senses with our heavens represent the position of our heavenly worlds in this space-time?"

"It must be so," Liu Bowen nodded, "The star next to it that has the same breath as the Bloodlight Great World, at this time, with the suppression of Zuo Xiang, the breath is constantly changing, the breath belonging to the Bloodlight Great World is weakening, and now more, it is already the breath of our heavens!"

After everyone sensed it, their faces showed an incredible look, and they all admired the wonderfulness of this star map........

In addition to being able to clearly perceive that these two stars echo the two worlds of heavens and blood light, everyone also perceives the power of different strengths and weaknesses on countless other stars!

Obviously, these different forces represent the strength of each world!

"With this treasure map, in the future, we will have a clear route for sending troops in various summers! We can divide our troops to pick soft persimmons and pinch, we can concentrate superior forces to suppress the powerful world in one fell swoop! and even suppress strong enemies vertically and horizontally according to the strength of the enemy!" Li Si said in a circle, turned back, and said with joy.

Everyone found this time that the bloody world had been completely suppressed, and now the breath was the same as that of the heavens!


The star map, which was originally floating in mid-air, suddenly began to operate on its own, secretly in line with the operation laws of all worlds, and it was very strange.

Di Renjie suddenly frowned: "Zuo Xiang, this star map looks luxurious, but such a large star map, it is inconvenient to use, can't it be exposed here, right?

Li Si smiled slightly, did not answer, but stretched out his hand to volley, the vast star map, suddenly shrunk sharply, the most 4.4 changed like the size of a palm hanging in front of Li Si, constantly running, constantly refracting the five-color divine light.

"Admiration, admiration!" Everyone couldn't help but bow down to Zuo Xiang's unfathomable ability.

"Okay everyone, the treasure map is complete, and this is dedicated to Your Majesty, Your Majesty will definitely be happy!" Li Si finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he had finally done something for the emperor again.

Qin Mu had long been waiting in the Weiyang Palace, he already knew about this matter, after getting the treasure map, he looked carefully and found that there were many worlds inside that could not be counted, and he even felt an aura hostile to himself from a place that was extremely far away from the heavens.

Qin Mu frowned, immediately sensed this breath, and soon, found the corresponding star.

"Bluestone condensed stars?" Qin Mu suddenly smiled!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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