The 100,000-strong army joined forces to strike a blow, and immediately beat the hundred Dao ancestors into a situation of equal strength, the Dao ancestors were collectively sluggish, but Li Cunxiao laughed strangely, and immediately led everyone to attack again.

"With this bit of strength, you dare to invade my Zhuxia, and with this bit of people, you also dare to be an enemy of me Li Cunxiao?"

With a wave of his long gun, he immediately struck head-on, defeating a sluggish Dao Ancestor at the head and immediately spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The army behind immediately rushed in, and the 100,000 combined blows immediately gathered the monstrous power, and the sea around the pressure sank to a cut!

Those Dao Ancestors immediately changed their faces and resisted one after another!

Some Dao ancestors sacrificed big banners and protected themselves, and some people inspired mysterious battle suits and stood undefeated!

All kinds of power continued to show, and the hundred Dao ancestors used their rich heritage to show their powerful defenses one by one, and immediately blocked the strong attack of the army of the opposite summers.

However, when Li Cunxiao saw them like this, he immediately laughed: "The district defense also wants to block the attack of my army of the summers?" Die! "

He immediately took the lead in holding the Yuwang Hammer to break through, and a Dao ancestor on the front saw him coming, and immediately raised a shield in his hand above the top, and the shield was immediately carved and flickered, and the mountains and rivers above immediately emitted a clear qi, condensing an invisible momentum in front of him, preventing Li Cunxiao from advancing.


Li Cunxiao walked two steps and felt extremely sluggish, and immediately his heart was bright, and he immediately stabbed forward with Yu Wang Qiao, and the invisible defensive momentum was immediately pierced by his fierce blow, and the momentum disappeared in an instant!

"Hmph, something that is a false head, dare to take it out and fight with me!"

Li Cunxiao sneered, continued to carry Yu Wang Gong forward, and saw a flash of brilliance on the shield, jumped down and kept the colorful big tiger, a hundred feet tall, bloody eyes and long tongue, sharp teeth, strong four hooves, and rushed over with a long roar!

When this fierce tiger rushed, its four hooves were like the wind, bringing up terrifying wind blades towards Li Cunxiao, Li Cunxiao stood unable to advance, lifting the Yuwang Hammer to block those wind blades, but the wind blades stepped on under the feet of this fierce tiger seemed to be endless, and they flew out continuously, making Li Cunxiao really tired of coping, so after resisting for a while, Li Cunxiao was immediately furious, fighting for injuries, and immediately stabbed towards the tiger with Yu Wang Qiao.

The fierce tiger immediately roared again, raised its claw and slapped towards Li Cunxiao's Yuwang Hammer, and hit the hammer with one claw, unexpectedly knocking him away with a powerful blow, making Li Cunxiao knock out of the air.

But the wind blade of the fierce tiger was still constantly rushing towards Li Cunxiao, and immediately there was a clanging crisp sound, and countless wind blades crashed into Li Cunxiao's body, which immediately caused a bunch of dense wounds on his body, and even the corners of his mouth and eyelids were pierced by endless wind blades!

What's even more terrifying is that these wind blades continue to fly intensively, making Li Cunxiao defenseless!

"It's disgusting!" Although these wind blades can't kill him immediately, but the frequent appearance is also a fire and a suffocating heart, but if he keeps covering these wind blades, then he can't further threaten those Dao ancestors, but if he doesn't care about these wind blades, as the wound deepens, his own body, I'm afraid he will have to account for it here sooner or later!

The key is that this fierce tiger is brave, and he will not be able to take it for a while!

"What a strong beast!"

Li Cunxiao sighed in admiration!

"Not long ago, I fought with Dou Sheng Buddha, and I summoned the Doppelganger Technique with my little hammer divine technique, but today it will come in handy!"

He suddenly looked happy, his body shook, and two Li Cunxiao appeared.

Although his cultivation time of this technique was too short, resulting in another Li Cunxiao aura that was much different from his essence, and could not be compared with Sun Wukong, it was the best way to solve the current situation!

With the appearance of his doppelganger, the Dao Ancestor behind him immediately exclaimed: "Not good! This person can be such a mysterious immortal art, the old man's divine tiger shield is afraid that he can't stop it! Guys, help me! "

As soon as this person's words fell, a group of Dao Ancestors around him immediately made a move!

In the past, the Dao ancestors were all big people with heads and faces, all of them were giants who suppressed one side, and they didn't want to be helped at all, because it was a manifestation of their own incompetence, but now, when life and death are at stake, they are also the reason to report to the group for warmth!

While protecting the Lord himself, many Dao Ancestors immediately showed their skills and immediately greeted Li Cunxiao.

"Haha! No matter what, you tiger will be beaten to death today! "

He laughed viciously, and his doppelganger swept the wind blade all the way, but his real body was entangled with the tiger!

Yu Wang Gong wielded like the wind, the fierce tiger was not to be outdone, four hooves together, faster than the martial monks, frequently parrying Li Cunxiao's stormy attacks, the thick tail behind is also terrifying, like a divine whip twitching from time to time, when Meimei Li Cunxiao attacks, it will be drawn from behind!

Although Li Cunxiao is fierce, he is difficult to fight with two fists and four hands, not to mention that tiger's giant tail is constantly sweeping!

Although the doppelganger over there can also help, at this time, it is deeply trapped in a wind blade, and he can't free his hand to help himself!

"Abominable!" Li Cunxiao was furious, and suddenly a wave of battle intent erupted from his heart, all over his body, and he actually formed a black Xuan armor on his whole body!

The fighting spirit on this Xuan armor is awe-inspiring, the flames are beating, and inside each flame shines a warrior, all of them are warlike and bloodthirsty, and they are terrifying!

"Come on, accept the sanctions of my Li Cunxiao!"

He roared again, and immediately rushed up again with the Yu King Hammer, this time, he rushed to grab the tiger's tail, but he concentrated on swinging the Yu Wang Gun and attacked towards the tiger!

The tiger without the help of its tail, although its four hooves kept fighting, but it itself had been taken by Li Cunxiao's terrifying battle intent, and it could not hold Li Cunxiao's huge strength, and was immediately defeated!

The tiger retreated all the way, and finally retreated to the edge of the shield, and was about to return to the inside to seize it, but unexpectedly, Li Cunxiao stabbed through time and space, immediately pierced its body, pierced its back and then caught it high, stirred, the power poured in, and immediately exploded the body of the tiger!

As soon as the fierce tiger died, the shield of that Dao Ancestor immediately dimmed, and in the vast void, it quickly corrupted into a decaying wood in one place, and finally disappeared completely.

The shield shattered, and that Daozu immediately looked sluggish!

From Li Cunxiao fighting with the tiger to him calling for support, it was only a split second!

However, in this instant, Li Cunxiao had already broken his strongest defense!

Many Dao ancestors around came together, and Li Cunxiao saw that the situation was not good, and immediately retreated to the side!

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