Li Cunxiao was forced to retreat by the joint efforts of a hundred Dao ancestors, but he did not leave directly, but immediately roared: "The whole army is attacking!" "

So the 100,000-strong army behind surged again, sending out a terrifying joint attack towards those Dao ancestors.

With his guidance, the strength of these soldiers will be used to attack the Dao Ancestor, and all the strength will be concentrated and combined by him!

These 100,000 troops are all creatures bred in the time and space of his God of War, all of them are similar in cultivation, the breath is the same, they are truly in the same vein, all of them are disciples of the God of War, and all the origins are pure battle intent, after everyone sends out their power, they will be held by Li Cunxiao in their hands, perfectly fused, forming a terrifying power!

He frequently blasted this power towards the hundred Dao Ancestors on the opposite side, making them suffer every time.

However, these soldiers are Dao Zun realm after all, their own origin savings are limited, and the time to fight is longer, I am afraid that they will be unsustainable, and they will not be able to continue fighting, but the Dao ancestors on the opposite side have a rich background, and they are not afraid of fighting a war of attrition, once the time is delayed for a long time, the final victory must be those hundred Dao ancestors!

"Hmph! Zhuxia? A newly rising power, even if you have a good treasure, it also needs a process of digestion, how can it be compared with these ancient forces that have existed for hundreds of millions of years? "

"If you don't get rich with us, then we will kill you all today, take away your treasures, and occupy your islands!"

As soon as these people saw that they had the advantage, they immediately snickered, immediately became arrogant, and all of them were about to show off their might!

"Hmph! Raiding homes and robbing houses is so high-sounding! If I don't leave you here today, Laozi will not be Li Cunxiao! "

Li Cunxiao roared angrily, immediately got up, his own battle intent immediately fused with the 100,000 army, the strength was even more vast and powerful, condensed countless battle intent at his fingertips, some of them were hovering in the void, and some were more than an inch in size wrapped around their fingertips!

"Green Dragon Zhan Tian! Destroy everything! "

With his roar, these green dragons immediately poured out, charging in the void, although those Dao ancestors had all kinds of treasures to defend themselves, they couldn't help the fierce collision of those green dragons!

With the sound of a terrifying impact, these green dragons quickly smashed those Dao Ancestor's defensive treasures one after another, uprooting them!

"Not good! This person is terrifying! Our defensive treasures didn't even work! "

"Can't beat it, first withdraw to the treasure ship, wait and see for a while before making plans!"

The hundred Dao ancestors were frightened by Li Cunxiao's terrifying offensive and changed their faces one after another, and immediately wanted to retreat, but unexpectedly, the countless small dragons on Li Cunxiao's fingertips immediately flew out, turned into a wall of green dragons, and spewed dragon breath one after another, and immediately laid a formation around to block these people from leaving.

Li Cunxiao immediately led everyone to quickly approach, the green dragon was in the sky, the army was on the ground, and they were all pressed at once!

"Not good! Quickly break through this formation! "

Everyone exclaimed one after another, seeing Li Cunxiao killing, they were immediately frightened and joined forces to attack, and bombarded the formation fiercely!

A Dao Ancestor pulled out a jade ruler, and the brilliance on it flashed, immediately revealing an ancient heavenly court, and an incomparably vast momentum pressed down, and it immediately crushed the green dragons rushing around!

A Dao ancestor sacrificed a big drum, violently struck it with a mallet, and immediately the sound of the drums that collapsed the sky was heard, and the green dragons that attacked nearby were immediately shocked to death, that is, Li Cunxiao and his subordinates were stunned in place for a moment!

"Quick, quick!"

Many Dao Ancestors showed their might, emptied the surrounding summer killing moves, and quickly shot again to attack the formation together!

One after another sword qi flew out and rushed straight into the formation!

One by one, the fist wind punched out, and it collapsed on the formation!

A sweeping leg flew and hit the formation fiercely!

Cut down a big axe and hit the formation!

Various Dao Ancestor killing moves were frequent, and soon killed the little dragon on that formation.

However, these Dao Ancestors did not have time to rejoice, and their faces were once again desperate!

Those beheaded little dragons actually turned into one battle intent after another, integrated into the big array, and that formation was still unbreakable, and it was impossible to rush out!

"Where else do you want to escape?" Li Cunxiao laughed viciously, and Yu Wang Qiao immediately killed, and severely injured a Dao ancestor with one blow!

Some of the other Dao Ancestors immediately resisted him on the periphery, and the rest continued to attack the formation, trying to escape!

"Haha! Can't escape! The formation of the 100,000-strong army subordinates, you also want to escape? "

Li Cunxiao was extremely happy, one by one, the incomparably vast power, the incomparably terrifying battle intent immediately flew out, and those Dao ancestors continued to force back inside, and the surrounding 100,000 troops also pressed with him, and those Dao ancestors were immediately miserable, almost suffocating!

"Hurry up, we can't break this formation anymore, we're really going to die!"

The hundred Dao Ancestors were terrified and terrified!

The 100,000-strong army behind once again concentrated a blow, immediately killing a Dao ancestor in front, his body was shattered, and his divine soul was immediately shattered by Tao Tao's battle intent!

When a Dao ancestor died, the strength of the hundred people union immediately weakened by one point, and the people behind it were even more difficult to resist!

"Come again!"

Li Cunxiao fell again, and a Dao ancestor directly opposite did not have time to dodge, and could only fight for his life head-on, but unexpectedly, Li Cunxiao was angry at this time, and his strength was invisibly improved, and under a slash, there was actually the momentum of the collapse of heaven and earth, and immediately beat this person into a pool of blood!

"Haha! Who else, who else! "

He was so excited, he was literally murderous, his armor was shaking, and his hair was fluttering!

When those Dao Ancestors saw him so fierce and vicious, they were immediately scared into a cold sweat, and even a few Dao Ancestors couldn't help the intimidation of his invincible battle intent, and they were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy!

"God will spare your life! I am willing to leave here and never step into the summers for eternity! "

"Spare my life, I am willing to be a slave of Zhuxia from now on!"

One by one, the Dao ancestors who are high above, but at this time, many are wagging their tails and begging for mercy, asking for forgiveness!

"It's useless!" Li Cunxiao laughed maniacally, "Offended the Son of Heaven and still want to live? Die! "

King Yu's hammer swung rapidly again, and immediately cut off the heads of several Dao ancestors!

When the remaining Dao ancestors saw this scene, after seeing that it was useless to beg for mercy, they were immediately frightened and almost scattered!

"Join forces! Break out! "

A Dao Ancestor roared innocently, and then brought several Dao Ancestors to really work together to smash Li Cunxiao with a blow, and wanted to escape from the side, but unexpectedly, the 100,000 army immediately locked them and killed them in one move!

"This time, it's your turn!" Li Cunxiao laughed viciously, and began to surround and suppress the remaining Dao ancestors with the army!

More than ten Dao ancestors died, and the remaining people were even worse in strength, and they couldn't stop Li Cunxiao at all!

The power of a hundred thousand troops poured into the whole body, and soon Li Cunxiao slaughtered this group of people!

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