022 Humanoid Excavator

Before building a house

Yun Yi first looked at the various rocks in his backpack.

Not much, a total of twenty grids

The other grids contain logs, coal blocks, iron blocks, and various props.

Even if you put 64 rocks in the top grid,

There are only 1280 rocks.

It’s not enough to pave the two thousand square meters of ground.

He did dig a lot of rocks in the mines under Taihang Mountain.

But in order to put more coal and iron

Most of the rocks were thrown away, leaving only this small part.

But Yun Yi is not worried at all

Not enough rocks?

Then go dig in the mines!

How could such a big earth be without stones?

But before going down to the mine, he planned to level the ground first.

The ground in Zhaojiazhuang is basically paved with mud.

Of course, drought is not a big deal now.

But once it rains, the muddy ground becomes slippery and sticky, making it uncomfortable to walk on.

So the best thing to do is to lay a layer of rocks

It can prevent rain and mud and is convenient for walking.

But now Yun Yi has two choices.

One is to pave the steps directly with rocks.

The second is to shovel away the mud layer first, and then pave it with standard rock blocks.

The former saves more materials. Whether using a stone cutter or a workbench, a rock can be decomposed into two stone steps.

The same area can save half the material

The latter is more solid

Not only is there no stone steps, but there will be no mud or water seeping out on rainy days.

The requirement for the number of rocks is a bit high.

However, Yun Yi chose the second option without even thinking about it.

Nothing but leisure

Especially after becoming Steve, he doesn’t need to sleep, and he has eight more hours of disposable time than ordinary people.

But this time I can’t dig with my bare hands like before.

In the past, less soil was dug.

It doesn’t matter if you use tools or not

But now we have to dig at least 2,000 square meters of soil.

There may be more than one layer.

If you still don’t use tools, then you are definitely a purebred complainer.

And you can’t use a pickaxe.

Iron pickaxe digging soil has no speed bonus and also reduces durability

The cost is not worth the gain

A shovel is best

Different shovels have different efficiency in digging soil in MC

Wooden shovels are twice as efficient as bare hands, stone shovels are three times as efficient, iron shovels are four times as efficient, gold and diamond shovels are even more efficient

Of course, Yun Yi has not yet obtained the latter two materials.

But even if you get it

He is not so extravagant as to use a gold or diamond shovel to dig the soil.

For now

A shovel is enough.

High efficiency and durability

If the durability drops too much, you can use iron ingots and experience to repair it, or just synthesize a new one.

There is no way, the iron ore is so arrogant

In later times, Jizhou ranked second in the world in steel production.

The first is the flower-growing family, the second is Jizhou of the flower-growing family, and the third is Tang Sanshi of Jizhou of the flower-growing family.

After confirming the plan, Yunyi opens the workbench

Throw a bunch of iron ingots and sticks into it, and synthesize twenty shovels in one go.

It should be enough for a short time.

The durability of the shovel is 251

Twenty shovels have a combined durability of over 5,000.

Can dig more than 5,000 pieces of soil

Although so many shovel backpacks can be put in, they take up too many slots.

Yun Yi simply threw them all on the ground

Pick it up when you need it.

It is convenient to take it with you.

Yun Yi then picked up two shovels from the ground, holding one in each hand.

Double the efficiency with two shovels in hand

Plus the shovel’s built-in four-fold efficiency bonus

One is better than eight

Eight times faster than digging with bare hands

“Let’s get to work!”

Yun Yi held a shovel in both hands and enthusiastically devoted himself to the project of shaving the earth.

If shoveling dirt was a job

This is going to be very boring.

But if you think of it as a VR version of Minecraft

That would be so interesting.

Wherever the shovel goes

Standard cubic sized pieces of soil suddenly disappeared

Of course, most people can’t see the MC cube that has shrunk to the size of a fist.

Only Yun Yi can see it

Yun Yi only shoveled for a short while, and the 43-slot backpack space was already full.

“The backpack is not big enough, I need to synthesize some storage boxes”

He trotted over to the workbench and threw in a pile of planks.

Fortunately, I had collected a lot of logs in Taihang Mountain.

No need to worry about log reserves for now

But he made it this way

It is estimated that it will not be long before we are in a situation of log shortage again.

“Looks like I’ll have to chop some trees sometime.” Yun Yi thought.

MC is like this

Either I am picking trees, or I am on my way to pick trees.

One log can be decomposed into four planks, and eight planks can be combined into a box, so two logs can be combined into a box.

Yun Yi combined ten boxes in one go

Twenty logs were used

Of course, the storage capacity of ten boxes is also very impressive.

A box has 27 grids of space, and each grid can hold up to 64 blocks. Ten boxes can hold a total of 17,280 blocks.

This storage capacity

Even in modern times, it is outrageous!

Ten small boxes are like a huge warehouse

But fortunately, the ability is in the hands of civilized people like me.

Yun Yi smiled


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