023 Gravel, flint

I thought that with my speed comparable to that of a human excavator, I could definitely finish leveling the ground in a short time.

But reality gave Yun Yi a slap in the face

Even if he holds two shovels

One dirt block per second

My hands are smoking

But it took more than half an hour to dig out the superficial layer of soil.

Only Steve’s body doesn’t have a fatigue setting.

Otherwise, the amount of work that would break the excavator bucket would probably make Yun Yi so tired that he would vomit blood.

Fortunately, laying stones is much faster.

Moreover, placing blocks in reality is easier and more convenient than in the game.

In the game, you need to use the mouse or finger to click to place blocks.

But in reality, Yunyi only needs to switch the rock block to the use column

Then the thought moves

The rock in your hand will automatically fall out of your hand and land where it should go.

Almost in an instant

And the farthest distance Steve can place a block in the game is only 7 squares

In reality, it is 7 meters

But in reality

Yun Yi found that after upgrading, he could increase the distance of block placement.

The placement distance of blocks will increase by one meter for each upgrade.

He is now level 7, and can place blocks up to 14 meters away.

That’s why

Yun Yi just ran around the open space and spread most of the rocks in his backpack on the ground.

However, it was not enough, and only a very small area was paved.

Mainly a question of aesthetics

The rocks in the backpack are of different types

Granite, diorite, basalt, andesite……

Each style is different

If you don’t distinguish between varieties and spread them all on the ground

It feels like a clean piece of cloth covered with patches

Although it does not affect the use

But it affects the appearance

Yun Yi is not the president of the Appearance Association, but he is also a person who pursues beauty

It’s not that I don’t have the ability

So he consciously chose the same kind of rock when paving the ground granite

First, there is a lot of granite in the backpack.

Secondly, the most mined items in the mines before were cobblestone and granite.

This shows that the granite reserves around Taihang Mountain are very rich.

No need to worry about not having enough granite

Granite is also very hard.

With the technological level at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, as long as he did not take action, the ground paved with granite should be difficult to destroy.

“There is no granite left in my backpack. It is time to go dig some more and collect the materials needed to build a house.”

Yunyi opens the workbench again

Crafted 20 iron pickaxes using iron ingots and logs

The props, logs, coal and iron blocks that were originally placed in the backpack space had already been moved into the box.

Except for nuclear torches

There is no light in the mine, and without a nuclear torch you can only feel the darkness.


He started a new round of mining with twenty pickaxes, a dozen shovels and three sets of torches.

Use a shovel when you encounter mud

Use a pickaxe when you encounter rocks

With a shovel in one hand and a pickaxe in the other, it feels like a red revolution.

Of course, it would be more appropriate if it was replaced with a sickle and a hammer.

This time, the mining cloud is easy to use. The real man mining method is straight up and down.

After all, we don’t need to dig too deep this time, as long as we dig to the rock layer, it will be fine.

Perhaps due to the influence of the Taihang Mountains, the soil layer under Zhaojiazhuang is not thick.

Only fifty meters

Beyond 50 meters, it is not a rock layer, but a gravel layer formed by the friction of tiny pieces of stone.

It’s a pity that it’s not sand. Sand can be made into glass through a furnace.

With glass, you can synthesize glass bottles, and potions will not be far away.

Of course gravel is good too

There is a certain chance of finding flint during the digging process.

Flint can be crafted into flint and arrows

Arrows don’t matter, the main thing is flint

If I could get some more obsidian

Yun Yi can try to build a portal to the netherworld.

He is still very curious about what the hell in the MC world would look like if it were put into reality. certainly

The most important thing is that many items in MC can only be obtained in hell

For example, the hell warts required to make magic potions, etc.

Gravel and sand are the few rock minerals in MC that fall under the influence of gravity.

So for your own safety

Yun Yi did not hollow out the gravel layer and dig all the way down. Instead, he placed a few rock blocks around each section to reinforce the surroundings to prevent the gravel from sliding down.

“Another Flintstone!”

Yun Yi happily picked up the flint that had exploded and put it into his backpack.

The drop rate of flint is not high

It takes about a dozen pieces of gravel to reveal a flint.

But that’s enough.

After all, Yun Yi traveled through the late Eastern Han Dynasty, not the primitive society.

No lack of fire

So the flint is not only useful for lighting the nether portal

There is almost no other use

So just go with the flow

If flint pops up, collect it happily. If not, keep digging.

The gravel layer is much thicker than the soil layer

About a hundred meters

Although Yun Yi was digging straight up and down, he did not dig blindly one square at a time, but dug four squares each time he went down a level.

Maybe a little slower

But it wins in safety

We dug into groundwater several times.

However, due to the long-term drought, the groundwater has become a trickle.

Yun Yi didn’t care about groundwater

They just put a few stones to block the water flow and continued to dig deeper.


Finally, there was a crisp sound of the pickaxe hitting the rock.

Yun Yi dug into the rock layer

The light red rock is connected to the surrounding area as a whole finally found you granite!

Yun Yi rubbed his hands excitedly, picked up the pickaxe and started to knock

Ding ding ding……

The sound of the pickaxe hitting the granite was crisp and pleasant, and it was particularly clear in the space of only two meters in front, behind, left and right.

After finding the granite, Yun Yi stopped going down.

Instead, we expanded our excavation nearby.

There is enough granite here.

After a while of digging, the backpack was filled with blocks, and a huge cavity was formed around it.

Yun Yi quickly plugged in the nuclear torch

Take a look around

Only to find that he had only dug a tiny part of a huge granite body.

Or maybe it’s a corner of the Taihang Mountains buried deep underground


PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!!!

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