Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 365 Young General Qu A, willing to serve the Emperor of Han!

"Little General Qu A" is not easy!

In historical records, Sun Ce, the little overlord of Jiangdong, was just out of the limelight, and he led his troops to confront Liu Yao, the governor of Yangzhou, at Shentingling.

Sun Ceyi was a daring man and led twelve generals, including Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, and Song Qian, to approach Liu Yao's camp to investigate.

When Liu Yao's general Taishi Ci saw this, he wanted to capture Sun Ce, but he did not wait for Liu Yao's general's order, so he hung up and left the camp. At that time, other generals under Liu Yao were afraid of Sun Ce's bravery and did not dare to fight. Only one "Little General Qu A" said: "Tai Shi Ci is really a fierce general! I can help him!" and went with him.

Taishi Ci and Sun Ce fought for fifty rounds, no winner or loser. Afraid that the generals would beat him up, Taishi Ci drove away, and Sun Ce was in hot pursuit.

The young general Qu A stopped Sun Ce's twelve generals by himself.

The results of it?

After Sun Ce was lured to a secluded place by Taishi Ci, he fought for another fifty rounds, and accidentally rolled off his horse.

At this time, more than a thousand Liu Youqian troops arrived, and Cheng Pu and other twelve cavalry also arrived. After a melee, Sun Ce and Taishi Ci returned to the camp.

Rough calculation, this young general Qu Ah was alone, and he stopped Sun Ce's twelve generals for at least half an hour!

What is this concept?

Zhou Tai, one of the five tiger generals of Soochow (Taishi Ci, Gan Ning, Zhou Tai, Ding Feng and Xu Sheng), is definitely a first-class general!

The other eleven people, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Jiang Qin, Song Qian, etc., are also well-known and second-rate generals!

Twelve people gathered together, and when any first-class generals met, the only way to retreat was to retreat, and perhaps only the super-first-class Lu Bu could try to resist the first resistance.

And this young general Qu A, forcibly endured the twelve war generals for at least half an hour!

Thinking a little deeper, how did the Twelve Generals and Liu Yao's reinforcements come so coincidentally? Was it a coincidence, or did General Qu A deliberately do it?

Therefore, even with the lowest estimates of force, Qu A's young general's bravery was not under Lu Bu's.

If you overestimate it a little more, it is very likely that the martial arts of "Qu'A Xiao~" will surpass that of Lv Bu!

In fact, "Little General Qu A", surnamed Lin Mingfeng, has unstoppable courage. He is arrogant and arrogant, and his nature is noble and pure.

Lin Feng coincided with the turbulent times of the Three Kingdoms, and he believed that he could not stand on his own as a king to pacify the world and bring peace to the people. He also despised all the princes from all walks of life, and was unwilling to sincerely serve them.

As a result, Lin Feng was hidden in the army and became a little-known teenager.

During the battle at Shentingling, Lin Feng saw Taishi Ci's arrogance, and he couldn't bear the loneliness for a while.

However, in this era when Liu Zhao has changed history, Lin Feng is not unwilling to serve the court, but a hero who is useless!

When Lin Feng was an adult, Liu Zhao had already proclaimed the emperor, and the great Han was invincible in the world. Whenever the Emperor of the Han went on an expedition, he did not need to recruit troops, his advisors would be like clouds and fierce generals like rain.

Where is the opportunity for Lin Feng to show his talents?

Since then, Lin Feng has been wasted.

The more wasted, the more rapid the development of the big man, the stronger the big man, and the more Lin Feng wants to serve the country!

The more wasted, the more advanced the weapons of the big man, the less the role of the generals, and the more anxious Lin Feng was.

By now, the big man even came out with bronze cannons and grenades, and Lin Feng's anxiety had reached its peak!

If you don't leave the mountain again, your own skills will be really wasted!

If the king has no way, it doesn't matter if he wastes his own skills. However, in such a prosperous world, the big Han is about to unify the world, but he does not go out to serve the country. He is simply sorry for his ancestors, he is sorry for his children and grandchildren, and he is sorry for himself in the middle.

Finally, Liu Zhao, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, issued an order to recruit talents. At this time, if he does not serve the country, when will he wait?

Lin Feng hurriedly went to the Luoyang government to sign up for the army, requesting to go west from the Han emperor!

In fact, it is not only "" ~ Qu A young general" Lin Feng.

Countless heroes in the world, some of them officials, some in the army, some of them old, and those who have just grown up, have used various channels to ask for the Western expedition from the Han emperor.

For example, Ma Zhongma kept his word, and in history he was a general in Eastern Wu, who captured Guan Yu and shot Huang Zhong to death. He was an absolutely underestimated general!

For another example, Xiang Chong Xiang Juwei is the only military general mentioned in Zhuge Liang's "Apprenticeship" in history. Liu Bei's Yiling was defeated, and all the ministries collapsed, but Xiang Chong kept the establishment intact. If Xiang Chong didn't die early, and he would inherit Zhuge Liang's mantle, it would not be Jiang Wei and Jiang Boyue. , but against the pet and the giant!

Also, Lu Xun, Lu Boyan!

According to historical records, in the Battle of Yiling, Lu Xun was the governor of Eastern Wu, and he defeated Liu Bei by burning the company. In the battle of Shiting, Lu Xun defeated Cao Wei's army of 100,000! He is thoughtful and loyal. He was praised as "the minister of the society",

Also, Lu Meng Lu Ziming!

According to historical records, Lü Meng ascended the throne from Emperor Huangzu, and was designated as General of Hengye Zhonglang by Sun Quan. From encircling Cao Ren in Nanjun, breaking Zhuguang in Wancheng, and paying tribute to the prefect of Lujiang. Later, he occupied the three counties of Jingnan, planned to capture Hao Pu, and covered Sun Quan's escape in the battle of Xiaoyaojin. There is also the biggest achievement, designed to attack Jingzhou, defeated Guan Yu, a famous general of Shu Han, and greatly increased the land area of ​​Soochow! Moreover, his people are a model of hard work and study, such as "three days apart from Shi", "respected people", "Wu Xia Amon", etc. Idioms, everything is related to him!

There is even a heroine... Xiaoji Sun Shangxiang!

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