Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 366 Bow Yao Ji, Sun Shangxiang!

That's right, it's Sun Shangxiang!

Sun Jian's daughter, Sun Ce and Sun Quan's younger sister, Sun Shangxiang, who was called "Xiao Ji" by the people of the Celestial Dynasty in later generations, and "Bow Yao Ji" by the Fusang people!

The so-called "Bow Yao Ji" means that Sun Shangxiang loved martial arts since childhood, and the maids who accompanied him always wore military uniforms and carried swords, and he always hung bows and arrows around his waist.

Although Liu Zhao has changed history, Sun Shangxiang is not the eldest princess of Soochow anymore.

However, its dignity is even higher than that in history.

Her father, Sun Jian, was originally the governor of the Protectorate of the Western Regions. After the Thirty-Six Kingdoms were attached, Sun Jian served as Minister of War for four years and Prime Minister for four years. Today, Sun Jian has been appointed as the Prime Minister of the Empire, under one person and more than ten thousand people!

Her eldest brother, Sun Ce, was the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Navy.

Her second brother, Sun Quan, is now the prefect of Jiaozhou, pioneering Lingnan, well-governed, and a rising star in the imperial officialdom!

Sun Shangxiang's father and brother are so arrogant, Sun Shangxiang is pampered, and of course he has developed a Tsundere character like in history.

She is 17 years old in Xiang's age. She has a distinguished status and a beautiful appearance. People who come to propose marriage can go out on two streets, but Sun Shangxiang's eyes are higher than the top, and no one looks down on her, waiting for the word in her boudoir.

Not only that, after hearing the Han emperor's recruitment order, Sun Shangxiang brought a hundred or so maids who were dancing with knives and guns, and came to the Ministry of War to sign up and asked to join the army.

The military personnel were dumbfounded on the spot.

Our big men are not dead, how can there be a reason for women to join the army?

But, having said that, Sun Shangxiang is Sun Jian's beloved daughter. If she insists on joining the army, if she doesn't (ceei), she will make a big noise in the military department and compete with everyone. What should I do? Everyone really can't beat her!

The people from the Ministry of War had no choice but to send someone to the Shangshu Province to find Prime Minister Sun Jian.

Sun Jian was so angry that not only did Sun Shangxiang take him back with a sullen face, but he also issued a foot restraint order: Sun Shangxiang was not allowed to leave the house for half a step for three months.

But, is Sun Shangxiang a good girl who obeys her father's orders?

Three days later, Sun Shangxiang slipped out of Sun's mansion, relying on her ability, and the goal: the imperial palace!

The little girl thought well.

His father did not allow himself to join the army, and the only one who could overwhelm his father was the emperor.

If you show your skills and make the emperor recognize your martial arts, then you can join the army smoothly? At that time, let your father look at you with admiration!

The palace is divided into the South Palace and the North Palace. The North Palace is the place where the empress lived, and it was heavily guarded, so of course he couldn't get in.

However, the Nangong was different. It was the place where the emperor handled political affairs. The emperor summoned the civil and military officials there in the previous dynasty, and the minister of ministers, where the prime ministers worked, was far less secure than the North Palace.

I have a token I stole from my father's room, and it's unimpeded!

As long as he disguised himself as a bodyguard and sneaked into the emperor's side, showed off his martial arts, and then revealed the fact that he was a woman disguised as a man, you would be done. If the emperor praised himself a few more words of generals, tiger girls, heroines, etc., it would be perfect.

However, the ideal is very plump, and the reality is very skinny.

How easy is it?

Nangong is the center of the empire, where emperors, prime ministers, and court officials all work. If anyone can sneak in by stealing a token, what secrets does the empire have? How can the safety of the emperor and officials be guaranteed?

In fact, the entire Nangong is only loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

Besides, Sun Shangxiang was so beautiful that even if he disguised himself as a woman, he would still stand out from the crowd.

Unless the guards are blind, they will not find this person's abnormality!

Soon, Sun Shangxiang was plotted by the guards and tied up with five flowers.

It was only after the first interrogation that the leader of the big inner circle, Wang Yue, found out that this unbelievably beautiful girl was Sun Shangxiang, the daughter of the Prime Minister of the Empire, Sun Jian.

The daughter of the Prime Minister of the Empire, who is highly skilled in martial arts, took the token obtained from the Prime Minister of the Empire, disguised herself as a man, dressed as a bodyguard, and infiltrated the palace. It is said that he came to the emperor to recommend himself to join the army. Who knows if it's real or fake?

Really not intending to assassinate Your Majesty?

In a big way, this matter can be relied on to rebel.

It's a small thing that can be laughed off at a young age.

What to do, Wang Yue didn't dare to call the shots, and hurried to see Liu Zhao, the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Different from the later dynasties, the Han Dynasty implemented the system of five days and one dynasty. That is to say, the emperor will meet with the civil and military officials in five days. Under normal circumstances, it is the official document contact, or the emperor alone summons the courtier, or the courtier asks for an audience with the courtier.

Today, Liu Zhao, wearing only casual clothes, is reviewing memorials in a small hall called Hanzhangdian.

"Sun Jian's daughter, Sun Shangxiang... Interesting." After Liu Zhao heard Wang Yue's report, his heart moved, and he said, "Bring her in! By the way, by the way, send someone to Shangshu Province to inform Sun Xiang and let him He came to see me.


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