At this time, Nanzhong.

After Baifeng led people to the Ugo Kingdom, the entire Nanzhong was handed over to Li Cunxiao and others.

However, matters big and small are naturally handled by Meng Huo.

After all, Meng Huo is the king of the entire Nanzhong.

But in most cases, Li Cunxiao, Li Yuanba and others made decisions together after understanding the situation.

After all, Nanzhong is still in a dangerous period today.

No one can say whether there will be a sneak attack from wizards from Ugo country during this period of time.

The most dangerous point is that there is a certain chance that Bai Feng and others will not be able to come back.

After all, no one knows how dangerous this Ugo country is.

"I don't know when my brother will come back."

"It's strange to say that there seems to be no movement at all in Ugo Country recently."

"Could it be that sir succeeded?"

At this time, in Menghuo's camp in Nanzhong.

Qin Liangyu was pacing continuously, biting his fingers while pacing.

To be honest, no one else has ever seen Qin Liangyu, who has always been cold and quiet, like this.

It has been so long in the past few days, but there is still no news from the Ugo Kingdom. As a result, Qin Liangyu became so anxious.

"Sir, nothing will happen to you."

"The previous war with the Huns and the Qiang war, we have survived such difficult situations."

"This time, the number of barbarians in the Ugo Kingdom is less than 10% of that of the Qiang people. Sir, nothing will happen to you."

At this time, Li Cunxiao shrugged and comforted.

Qin Liangyu kept shaking his head:


"If it were normal times, I would definitely not be so worried."

"However, this time, sir, he did not bring a single soldier, but some guys with magical abilities."

"They are not ordinary people. They seem to be warlocks. This shows that the situation is definitely not as simple as we imagined."

"Is there danger in this Ugo country that we are not even aware of?"

Immediately, Qin Liangyu turned to look at Meng Huo.

Obviously, Meng Huo should have known about it.

At this moment, Meng Huo on the side couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Originally he wanted to remain silent.

But until now, I haven't said anything about it.

Therefore, Meng Huo said:

"It should be fine. The Ugo soldiers are indeed a bit difficult to deal with, but aren't their soldiers silent now?"

"In this case, we might as well just wait and see what happens."

"We all believe so much, sir. Could it be that General Qin doesn't believe it?"

Qin Liangyu raised his eyebrows slightly and whispered:

"King Meng, the Ugo Kingdom has been fighting with Nanzhong for so many years, how could you not know the situation in the Ugo Kingdom?"

"You might as well tell us."

"If your husband is really in trouble, we might as well go and give him a helping hand."

"Just waiting, of course, is not an option."

Meng Huo suddenly felt miserable.

What is all this about?

Meng Huo has always been worried about this.

Although he doesn't know much, he definitely knows more than Qin Liangyu and others.

Before Bai Feng left, he specifically told Qin Liangyu and others not to inform Qin Liangyu and others about the situation in Ugo or other people's affairs.

It's not that Bai Feng doesn't believe them, he just doesn't want them to get involved in areas that he doesn't understand at all.

Although Bai Feng has now almost completely set foot in the supernatural field, he knows that there are many things in it that the world does not know.

However, none of them would interfere in the world of ordinary people, and Bai Feng was no exception.

This is what Zuo Ci told Bai Feng, never interfere in the world of ordinary people.

Even if Qin Liangyu and others summoned military commanders who did not belong to this era through the system.

However, they will also be identified as ordinary people.

Otherwise, someone will definitely come to trouble you.

To put it bluntly, this is called maintaining order.

The world of supernatural beings has their laws.

The world of ordinary people also has their laws.

This is the reason why many supernatural beings live in seclusion somewhere and are unwilling to communicate with the world.

Meng Huo naturally knew this.

Although he has not set foot in any supernatural fields, he is so close to the Ugo Kingdom, and his friend is the King Mulu who knows some magic.

In addition, he was a barbarian and didn't care much about this matter, so he left it at that.

But he dared not reveal anything about these people that Bai Feng had warned.

"Ahem, actually, I don't know much either."

"However, when we fought with Ugo soldiers, they were no different from ordinary soldiers."

"It's just that the environment of Ugo Country is quite special. If ordinary soldiers go there, they will feel discomfort to varying degrees."

"The deeper you go, the stronger the discomfort becomes."

"Perhaps this is what Mr. Wang said, where the soil and water support the people."

"Ugo Country is a rather special place."

Meng Huo quickly compiled a reason and continued:

"Sir, these people are not actually sorcerers."

"Sir, he said that it's just because of their special physiques that they are more adaptable to the conditions in Ugo, and their skills are also quite good."

"That's probably why Sir just led them."

However, Meng Huo's words obviously did not convince Qin Liangyu.

Although Li Cunxiao, Li Yuanba and others on the side were relatively calm.

But they will also have some curiosity about such unknown things.

Moreover, it was related to Bai Feng's safety, and Li Cunxiao also wanted to hear the specific situation.

This was the first time that Bai Feng didn't bring his own when he had a plan.

Therefore, Li Cunxiao did not stop him, but listened quietly.

Seeing Meng Huo being so embarrassed, Zhu Rong coughed lightly and said:

"Generals, please don't embarrass my husband."

"He really doesn't know Mr.'s plan."

"Perhaps, after sir comes back, he will naturally inform the generals."

Meng Huo nodded quickly.

And just when Qin Liangyu was about to ask something else.

Li Cunxiao saw this and whispered:

"Liangyu, don't continue to ask questions like this."

"Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing."

"Since sir didn't tell us, he certainly has his reasons."

Although Qin Liangyu was a little reluctant, he had no choice but to give up.

Just when the situation was a little awkward.

Suddenly, an urgent voice came from outside the door:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Meng Huo was slightly startled:

"Are you busy with your teeth?"

"What happened?"

Busy Ya Chang quickly opened the door curtain and whispered:

"Your Majesty, there are two sneaky Central Plains people outside the door."

"They were clamoring to see Mr. Bai Feng as soon as they arrived!"

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