Two sneaky Central Plains people?

Or are you looking for Mr.

"Didn't Sir say that people from the Central Plains dare not come to Nanzhong?"

Qin Liangyu couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Meng Huo also frowned slightly and whispered:

"Indeed, no one from the Central Plains would dare to come to our Nanzhong."

"Even the soldiers in Shu would not dare to do this."

"Could it be that they are two thieves?"

"That's all, just drive him out."

In the past, Meng Huo would definitely not have spared these two people.

Nanzhong's name must not be looked down upon like this.

Even two petty thieves dare to go to Nanzhong. Doesn't this mean that they don't take the Nanzhong barbarians seriously?

But now the situation is special. After all, there are still many Central Plains people here.

In addition, Meng Huo now wants to integrate into the Central Plains.

Therefore, these two people really cannot move.

No matter what their status is, just send them away.

"Wait a minute."

At this moment, Li Cunxiao suddenly stood up and said.

Meng Huo couldn't help but be slightly startled:

"I wonder what's wrong with General Li?"

Li Cunxiao whispered:

"The soldier just said that those two people came here to find Mr.

The Nanzhong soldier immediately nodded and said:

"Exactly. These two were sneaky at first. We thought they were spies sent by the Ugo Kingdom."

"I never thought that although these two people are wearing the clothes of my barbarians, their conversation is completely the habits of the Central Plains people."

"Moreover, after seeing Mr. Bai's soldiers, they recognized them at a glance and clamored to see Mr. Bai."

At this time, Li Cunxiao finally understood what happened.

At this time, Meng Huo whispered:

"General Li, no matter who these two people are, since you haven't left Ugo Country yet, we might as well find a reason to blast them out."

"I heard that there are some people in the Central Plains who are enemies of Sir."

"It would naturally be disadvantageous if such a person knew about your current situation, as well as the current situation of our Nanjing Middle School."

"This matter still needs to be carefully considered. It is better to believe that it is true than to believe that it is not true."

What Meng Huo said does make some sense.

Although Bai Feng has many supporters in the Central Plains, there are also many hostile ones.

Especially now that we are still in the process of seizing the direct descendants, we should be careful.

"But what if someone from Hanzhong comes here to tell you something important?"

At this moment, Li Yuanba, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Li Cunxiao nodded and said:

"Yuanba is right. No matter what their identities are, if they come to see you sir, we still can't ignore them."

Meng Huo immediately shook his head and said:

"Even so, it's better to try not to reveal your identity."

"Sir's current situation must not be exposed."

"With all due respect, many people in the Central Plains have evil intentions and many ideas."

"If you are really not your husband, wouldn't we have exposed your current situation?"

"At that time, these two people will have to be killed."

At this moment, Qin Liangyu slowly stood up and said:

"Let me do it."

"When I put on my disguise, they won't be able to recognize me."

"However, I have to ask Mrs. Zhu Rong to go with me."

"Otherwise, he would be too unlike a barbarian from South China."

Zhu Rong nodded slightly.

She can still help with this little favor.

"I still feel that under such circumstances, someone who dares to come to Nanzhong so boldly must not be a good person."

"Mr. Sir, you have already spoken before going to Nanzhong. No one should come to Nanzhong easily."

"Even Miss Cao Jie, if she has something important to do with her husband, she must think carefully before sending two sneaky people."

Li Cunxiao whispered domineeringly to Li Yuan.

Although Li Yuanba didn't understand the meaning, he also knew that in this situation, the person who came to see his husband might not be one of his own.

Soon after, with Zhu Rong's help, Qin Liangyu put on the clothes of the Nanzhong barbarians, and the weapon in his hand was replaced by the standard sword of the Nanzhong barbarians.

At first glance, they look like barbarians from the south.

In addition, Zhu Rong was standing next to her. Although they were women, they still gave people a sense of oppression.

"Remember, if these two people are our own, it will be easy to talk to them."

"But if he is not one of our own, no matter who sends these two people, we cannot harm his life."

"Just tell him that you won't see anyone during your expedition. If you have anything to say, I'll wait and pass it on."

Li Cunxiao urged again and again.

Li Cunxiao said these words more to Mrs. Zhu Rong.

The meaning is very simple, that is, let Zhu Rong be optimistic about Qin Liangyu and not let Qin Liangyu do anything excessive.

Although Li Cunxiao still trusted Qin Liangyu very much.

However, she has always been calm, but once she encounters something that is related to Bai Feng, it will be difficult to talk about it.

He might lose his temper at any time and chop these two people to the ground.

If they were not one of their own, these two people would most likely be spies sent by others.

Once contact is lost, they will become suspicious.

Although Li Cunxiao also believed that Bai Feng would solve the troubles in Ugo Country and return safely.

But after all, things still have to be done more thoughtfully.

"I know, I know."

"Mrs. Zhu Rong, you just need to stand next to me."

"Our purpose is to expel them, not to harm them, right."

Qin Liangyu waved his hand gently, and immediately left the camp with Zhu Rong and the others.

For some reason, Li Cunxiao always felt that something was wrong.

"Yuanba, just stay here and guard."

"I'd better take a look."

Li Cunxiao thought about it again and again, and finally decided to go out and take a look.

I happened to take a look and see if the two people caught looked familiar.

After all, Li Cunxiao followed Bai Feng to the most places and met many people.

In addition, Li Cunxiao has an amazing memory, and almost everyone he meets can remember it firmly.

It's also a good idea to tell who sent these two people.

If it were Cao Cao's people, that would be okay.

But if it's Cao Pi or Cao Zhi's people, or even Cao Chong's people, then be careful.

At this time, it is not appropriate to tell them too much about the situation in Nanzhong.

When Li Yuanba saw this, he could only sigh helplessly.

He was born to like to join in the fun, and he originally planned to go back to these two people with a sledgehammer.

But Li Cunxiao would definitely not let him go.

Therefore, he could only be obedient and guard the camp with Meng Huo here.

"If sir doesn't come back, I'm afraid we won't be able to bear it anymore."

"King Meng, tell me, what exactly is there in the Ugo Kingdom?"

Meng Huo was immediately miserable:

"I really don't know."

"If you knew it, how could you not tell it to the generals?"

Li Yuanba glared:

"Really? I don't believe it!"

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