At the same time, Nanzhong Menghuo was in a tent guarded by prisoners of war.

The two captured Central Plains people are being held in a simple prison, waiting to be punished.

These two people were none other than Wu Zhi and Hua Xin.

Wu Zhi and Hua Xin were so fast that Cao Pi's guards didn't find them, and they had already set off for Nanzhong.

The land in Nanzhong is extremely dangerous, and the two of them naturally know it.

Moreover, although Bai Feng has now marched into Nanzhong, no one can say whether these barbarians will still be on the front line.

After all, according to their understanding, Bai Feng always likes to fight deep behind enemy lines.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the two of them specially prepared barbarian clothes and planned to sneak in quietly to see the situation.

It would definitely be good to meet Bai Fengjun directly.

But if they encounter Nanzhong barbarians, they can take advantage of the troubled waters and sneak away.

After all, life is the most important thing, and it's good to see how Bai Feng's progress is now.

However, they never expected it.

Today's South China Army is very tight in defense to prevent Ugo country spies.

Due to their guilty conscience, the two people couldn't help but be sneaky when doing things, which immediately attracted their attention.

As a result, he was caught in a daze.

The Nanzhong barbarians communicated with them in barbarian language, how could the two of them know about it.

Therefore, he was taken directly into the camp.

Who would have thought that the two of them would actually encounter cavalry wearing heavy armor.

They could tell at a glance that this was Bai Feng's own military armor, and they quickly revealed that they wanted to come to Bai Feng.

But the Nanzhong barbarians didn't care what they said and imprisoned the two of them directly.

"Heaven will kill us two!"

"Unexpectedly, even though the two of us were so carefully prepared, we were still discovered by these cunning barbarians."

"Brother Ziyu, I never expected that the two of us would end up like this!"

At this time, Wu Zhi couldn't help but sigh quietly.

They have no idea what is going on now.

Now, he is still locked up, and his life or death is uncertain.

But Hua Xin, on the other hand, was a little calmer than Wu Zhi. He kept frowning and didn't even respond to Wu Zhi's words.

This made Wu Zhi become a little curious:

"Brother Ziyu, what are you thinking about?"

"We are both in prison now! Why are you so calm?"

Hua Xin slowly said:

"I was just wondering why Bai Feng's army and Nanzhong's army were mixed together?"

"And it doesn't look like there's a hostile relationship."

"Could it be that Bai Feng has reached some agreement with Nanzhong?"

"This matter is quite confidential. The two of us must give it to the young master."

Wu Zhi suddenly smiled bitterly and said:

"Brother Ziyu, our lives may not be saved now."

"Why are you still thinking about this?"

Hua Xin shook his head and said:

"No, the two of us will definitely make it out alive."

"It's just a matter of time."

"If we hadn't seen Bai Fengjun, the two of us would have almost certainly died. This Nanzhong man kills without blinking an eye, and is said to have the habit of cannibalism."

Wu Zhi's face almost turned green when he heard this.


Why are the barbarians in Nanzhong so terrifying?

He originally thought that only the crazy Xiongnu would cook and eat people.

Who would have thought that these native barbarians in the Central Plains also have this habit?

Hua Xin waved his hand and said:

"Don't rush!"

"However, now that we have met Bai Fengjun, things will be difficult to explain."

"The most certain thing is that the Bai Maple Army should have signed some kind of friendly agreement with the barbarians in Nanzhong, but it is not clear what the conditions are."

"This shows that Bai Feng is most likely what we imagined, just to hide in Nanzhong."

"The two of us will definitely inform the young master of this news after we go out."

"It would be great if we could convince Bai Feng."

Wu Zhi shook his head helplessly and said:

"Easier said than done?"

"Now it's difficult for both of us to meet Bai Feng, let alone convince him."

"If you ask me, it's better to pray and see if we can get out safely."

Although Wu Zhi is very talented, he has a problem.

That's cowardice.

However, this kind of timidity is only aimed at the battlefield and these barbarians.

He was not timid at all in the court where he was full of verbal and written criticism.

But there was no way, now it just touched the place where he was most afraid, so Wu Zhi was a little confused.

"No need to panic, the two of us are waiting here quietly."

"Even if it's not Bai Feng who comes to see us, it's fine if it's one of his subordinates."

"We will explain our purpose of coming. Even if Bai Feng doesn't want to see us, he will definitely not harm our lives."

"No matter what, the prince is behind us."

"Bai Feng is a prince after all. No matter what, you have to give him some face."

Hua Xin said happily.

However, what Hua Xin couldn't figure out was.

Now the two of them have been detained here for a long time, and they have been informed that they came specifically to see Bai Feng.

Regardless of whether Bai Feng saw him or not, he would probably do something.

Either send the two of them away as soon as possible, or show up and have a chat with them.

Why is there no movement now?

Although Hua Xin has plenty of time to wait.

But the longer it takes, the more dangerous the situation becomes.

What's more, since the two of them arrived in Nanzhong, they didn't bring much food in order to hide.

After all, Bashu is nearby, so I can just go buy some.

But who would have thought that he would be discovered by the barbarians at this moment.

Now I'm so hungry that I can't even drink any water.

If it continues like this and Bai Feng doesn't show up again, the two of them will starve to death.

Also, why didn't Bai Feng show up?

What does he have to hide from?

Hua Xin also specifically didn't say who sent the two of them in order to draw out Bai Feng.

"Why is this Bai Feng so calm?"

Hua Xin said with a puzzled look.

However, Wu Zhi, who was almost losing his mind, did not think about it with him, but was thinking about how to get out of here quickly.

At this moment, the curtain of the camp was slowly opened.

Wisps of dazzling sunlight came in instantly, making Hua Xin unable to open his eyes.


Hua Xin immediately narrowed his eyes, carefully trying to see who it was.

But what he didn't expect was.

Although it was soldiers from Nanzhong who opened the tent, two women came in!

Moreover, looking at their clothes, they are obviously Southern Barbarian women!

"Absurd, ridiculous!"

"What...what do these barbarians want to do?"

Wu Zhi's eyes suddenly widened and he stepped back unconsciously, looking at the two women in front of him in horror.

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